Re: Its a Plaid Bottle, Powder was sifted 4 times, no luck
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Posted by Kenzi on February 01, 2000 at 04:39:46:
In Reply to: Its a Plaid Bottle, Powder was sifted 4 times, no luck posted by Natalie on January 29, 2000 at 20:14:45:
What has worked best for me is to use a mortar and pestle (preferably marble or metal) to mix the paste. You don't really grind the paste with it, you just use the weight of the pestle to flatten out the lumps which then get mixed into the paste. This has solved all my clogging problems when using the jacquard bottle and the smallest tip. Also, with those metal tips, don't let the bottle sit around while not using it because the henna paste can dry inside the metal tip. You can pop the metal tip off and drop it in a bowl of water if you have to get up and answer the door or make a phone call.