Henna and Muslims
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Posted by Aisha Hashmi on February 02, 2000 at 17:52:38:
Assallam Aleikum, to all my Muslim sisters here. I have read and taken in what the sister below had to say, and yes, maybe I was wrong to say that about the sister in my post, but I have a few things to say myself. Yes, in Islam a man is allowed to henna hisself, on Eid's Weddings or his beard/moustache, and the reason for a woman to Henna her hand is Haddith. A women put her hand through a curtain to give the Prophet (SAW) something, to wich he asked, "is this the hand of a man or a woman"? Then, he instructed for the women to apply Henna so that people could distinguish betwwen the two sexes. Therefore, in answer to I think, Jewel, is this, a two part answer. When you ask why do WE, meaning MUSLIMS, try to hold this for ourselves? No, we don't. A Muslim is told, "be different from the unbelievers, in every way, down to the way you dress yourselves, the way you look....." Also, Humankind is told, "the thing most hated by Allah (SWAT) is divorce, the next most hated is a man who looks like a woman or a woman who looks like a man". So, as you can see, this is something we have been instucted by our beloved Prophet (SAW) and we will ask Allah (SWAT) for guidance in this matter. Islamically, a women should not paint her nails with anything BUT henna, and the reason is due to WADU, or abulution, and Muslims here know what that is. WHen a woman does this henna on herself, it is for a lot more reasons than just being pretty. I hope that NO ONE takes offense, as I am not here to cause 500 posts off of my post. I am only trying to give the facts in a way that our Prophet (SAW) has allowed. I hope all of you females here that are Muslim would like to visit my site, and if ANYONE has a question, NOT AN ARGUEMENT, for me about Islamic ways haddiths or any more knowledge to offer on this subject, feel free to email me at CRICKET-WINNER@MSN.COM