The holy grail was here all along...
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on February 08, 2000 at 15:01:16:

Did a couple designs on the backs of my hands -- one on Sunday night and one last night. Both results are the same -- beautiful dark orange when the wrap was removed. And the backs of my hands don't usually take very well b/c of my thin Irish skin. So what made the difference? Probably 2 things which I haven't normally done: preheating the hands with a flaxseed beanbag and then keeping the hand on top of the warmth during the painting AND sealing the bandage with some plastic wrap. I've been shy about plastic wrap- -worried about excessive sweating, but it's been cold here at night recently. (For full instructions on the wrap, see CCJ's page: I did sweat, but not too much to mess up the design -- and having the henna rehydrated most of the night probably made the difference between the OK take I usually get and the fantastic take I got. ANd how long has Catherine been telling us this? And then Carrie succinctly summed it up with the M*A*T*H acronym (moisture, acid, time, heat) OK, I'm a slow learner sometimes...