Re: Cone-a-phobia!
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Posted by Kree Arvanitas on February 15, 2000 at 01:16:39:
In Reply to: Cone-a-phobia! posted by Kenzi on February 15, 2000 at 00:57:15:
: I got stuck using a cone this weekend and it was a disaster! I : usually use the bottle with metal tips, but forgot the bottles at : home when doing a house-call. All I had were a few cones which were : supposed to be back up for the bottles. I have practiced a little : with the cones but, of course, with a client, everything went wrong. : The tips clogged more than ever with my jacquard bottle, the henna : squirted out everywhere, all over my hands, the lines were too thin, : controlling the opening of the cone was inconsistent from one cone to : another, and it was much more difficult to get straight lines. The : end result was the worst henna I have ever done. My client was very : understanding but still....! : Can anyone convince me not to give up on cones entirely? Any : pointers that I may have missed in my detailed perusal of the : archives? Meanwhile I sit here typing with orange hands, thinking : about what to do with that big box of freezer bags I just bought! Are you using the handrolled indian cones? Is that what you mean by cones? If so, why don't you switch to my preferred method - pastry tips! If you are interested in trying my method, I will send you a little kit & instructions. Pastry tubes are great! If they get clogged you simply use a bamboo skewer to push the clog out -- and you have absolute uniformity of lines. I always know what tips to use for a job -- 00L, 0L, 01, double or triple dot or variable bands. Let me know - I can send you instrux when I get back from Estrella Wars! Cheers, Kree