Re: Is that what is in the movie Brave Heart? Woad?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 16, 2000 at 17:22:52:
In Reply to: Is that what is in the movie Brave Heart? Woad? posted by Giselle on February 16, 2000 at 17:01:55:
In Braveheart, they would have used a movie cosmetic that imitates woad ..... Woad is a botannical cousin of indigo. It doesn't make as dark a blue stain as indigo ..... but they are very similar. The Romans reported Brits with blue bod ornamentation. Body ornamentation of all sorts (tattooing, hennaeing, harquus, kohl, perfuming, pigment and plant based body paints) was the norm across the ME and Europe until 500 BCE or so, when Greek rationalism and reason gained predominance ..... and the Greeks and then the Romans had the military and economic whallop to overturn the older belief systems that included bodmod. The ancient Greeks and Romans really had a low opinion of bodmod. Unfortunately (for those of us who like fancying up) their world view of "mankind, made in the image of God(s), is most beautiful in its natural state" still holds. (The ancient Greek and Roman view also included the notion that women were rather weak, silly, and irrational, fundamentally polluted, and that their fondness for paints and perfumes were part of that foolishness. Grrrrrr. Boooo. Hissss.)