Is that what is in the movie Brave Heart? Woad?
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Posted by Giselle on February 16, 2000 at 17:01:55:
In Reply to: Re: Anyway, Why Doesn't Anyone Woad Themselves? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 16, 2000 at 03:36:01:
Is that what they have on their faces in the movie Brave Heart? (Just saw that most marvelous movie again last night) I was wondering where all the Scots got the blue stuff from... What is woad? : Woad reaks .... that's the main bummer. And it's really difficult : to make work right. Woad and indigo (very similar) have to be : fermented or rotted to get dye release .... and it works in an : alkaline environment rather than acid . The only people I know of who : have gotten it to work are guys at Pennsic who worked for days on a : suitable layer of ammonia on their bods by carefully drinking lots and : bathing little .... and then woading in very hot sweatty weather. : (They may as well have gone into battle, cause you wouldn't attract : babes in that state......) There must be a better way, or the ancient : Brits tolerated a righteous funk. Remember the time you had really new : blue jeans or import indigo cotton, and you got really, really : sweatty, and ended up with blue thighs for 2 days? That's how it works : ..... indigo will stain skin, though it doesn't last as well as henna. : I've heard that woad gives one a mild buzz, but that could just be : Pennsic, beer, and testosterone talking.