Re: Anyway, Why Doesn't Anyone Woad Themselves?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 16, 2000 at 03:36:01:
In Reply to: Anyway, Why Doesn't Anyone Woad Themselves? posted by SeeSee on February 16, 2000 at 03:20:39:
Woad reaks .... that's the main bummer. And it's really difficult to make work right. Woad and indigo (very similar) have to be fermented or rotted to get dye release .... and it works in an alkaline environment rather than acid . The only people I know of who have gotten it to work are guys at Pennsic who worked for days on a suitable layer of ammonia on their bods by carefully drinking lots and bathing little .... and then woading in very hot sweatty weather. (They may as well have gone into battle, cause you wouldn't attract babes in that state......) There must be a better way, or the ancient Brits tolerated a righteous funk. Remember the time you had really new blue jeans or import indigo cotton, and you got really, really sweatty, and ended up with blue thighs for 2 days? That's how it works ..... indigo will stain skin, though it doesn't last as well as henna. I've heard that woad gives one a mild buzz, but that could just be Pennsic, beer, and testosterone talking.