Re: Rubber stamps & Transfers
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Posted by NaturGirl on April 16, 2000 at 19:18:36:
In Reply to: Re: Rubber stamps posted by Theadora on April 16, 2000 at 15:34:53:
Thank You so much! This is EXSACTLY what I was talking about. As for the ink, I figure just plain ink pad like you would find in the craft store, where they have all kinds of different stamps and different color inkpads, even brown/henna colors! They appeared water based and non toxic. I don't think they would impede the henna from staining or anything. I thought that if we figured out a way to make stamps, (that flexible foam stuff You mentioned sounded promising, Theadora, foam and an Xacto knife and one could make any design they wanted!) I also found the metal tipped bottles that I've been looking for, as I mentioned in another post this morning, I have pretty much given up on the bags for now. I had too many problems working them and was having more cramps and tiring than I had with the bottle. I also found something that I had heard mentioned by someone on the Forum here but dont remember who it was, called a Pressure-fax transfer pen, and I am going to try it out for one of the celtic knot designs that I wanted to do but couldnt quite manage freehand. I will let you guys know if it works out! menawhile, I have taken a couple of digital pics of my present hand doodle and posted them on my homepage, please go see them at the link below!
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