Re: Question about Black Henna and PPD
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Posted by jenn on June 27, 2000 at 10:19:15:
In Reply to: Re: Question about Black Henna and PPD posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on June 26, 2000 at 22:45:54:
Unfortunately, I had this done in Daytona Beach over spring break. I can't get in touch with them to tell them. My doctor told me not to worry about any other effects of the chemical because he did not see any problems in my future with it. I have not had any problems with it. My question is if PPD is bad, and people use it and do not have any reactions. I have a friend who got one who had no problems at all, does that mean they are at risk too, or just me because i had a reaction. I did not ooze, have cracking or anything. it was just like an allergic reaction two weeks later. Thanks for showing me the dangers. I just wish everyone would be straightforward about the possibility of harm with this product.
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