henna pricing, sealing and wrapping products, wedding pricingPosted by Nancy Mc on May 31, 2001 at 03:56:40: Just a couple of questions.....I am about to enter my third summer of henna art. When I first started, I was charging alot more money than I am now. I can't seem to settle on comfortable prices. I've been doing alot of fairs and have divided designs into price categories......$5 designs, $6 designs, up to 25-30 for a hand. I think I need some better guidelines to work with on my pricing. My five dollar designs take about 15 minutes, then I move them down the assembly line to be blow- dried. I'm about to do some work out of a tattoo shop and she wants to do a 50/50 cut. Does anyone have feedback about a percentage they have worked out with a shop or salon? I also am about to do a wedding party for the first time...The bride wants me to do both her hands and both feet........and her sister-in- laws hands. I'm not sure what to charge her? I typically get 25-30 for just the tops of the hands. So, that would be close to $200. Does that sound exorbitant? I do have to travel about an hour to get there. Help. Feedback.... I'm just kindof ranting.....now we come to my constant source of discomfort in this business. The finishing off of the design. I always blow-dry my clients, use nu-skin, and paper tape. The tape leaves alot of residue. Even the nu skin sometimes is left on the skin and has to be peeled off. I definitely can't let people walk away without wrapping. I've seen kids smudge their designs in about a second. I guess I want to have some ideas for an easier removal of the tape & nu-skin or an alternative. Feedback about liquid latex too.......I don't mind doing alot of peeling, but my customers may find it to be a pain in the butt. That's the other thing that frustrates me. I don't get to hear back from alot of people about their designs. For awhile I handed out self-addressed postcards for them to send back to me......with some questions like...how long did the stain last.....was it dark enough..blah blah blah......hardly anyone ever sent it back to me. Sorry this is so lengthy. I know some people apply henna, tell people to leave on til dry and flake off but I want as dark a stain as possible so I can't do that. Is there another type of tape that doesn't leave so much residue? One more thing, is the spray nu-skin better than the liquid.....easier? does it remove easier? Do most people tape over the sealant? One comment.....Fairs or craft festivals are definitely the way to go.....for me. I have been very successful at them. Non-stop workkk all day and even having to turn people away at the end. It makes doing one person seem like such small peanuts. Thanks for reading this and for the future feedback.
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