Re: sad news of hatePosted by Nick on September 18, 2001 at 13:37:50: In reply to: sad news of hate posted by jolynn on September 18, 2001 at 06:50:22: I am deeply saddened today, by both pieces of news. The talibanleaders will meet tomorrow, to make the jihad official. I wanted my life to be happy and normal, but now i realize that it must not be so. I know i am very pesemistic, but what is the use in being optimistic now? It would only be a lie. ~Nick : I don't think this story made it to the national news. Today (monday) a : man in Minnesota, Rochester, I believe, was charged with murder. He : killed a man "in the name of patriotism." The man was from India. The : reason the man gave for why he thought the man was somehow to blame : for tuseday was that he was wearing a turban. I almost cried, but I : was too angry to. : As I write this I am crying. Did this person learn nothing from the : attacks! : And now I just heard that the Taliban has declared a holy war on : America. They want to start a Jahad agianst the christians. Don't you : have to be holy to do that? : Jolynn-wondering where it will all end and feeling scared for my kids :
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