A drunken mullet staggers towards our booth, carrying fishbowls brimming with beer, intent on setting them down on our display table. All of us yell and dive forward before he soaks our pattern books with beer and vomit. Some drunk mullets are amusing, in a Fellini sort of way ... like the girl swaying in a heavy petting session with her boyfriend, langorously checking to make sure people are watching. I think she's having a porn fantasy about public sex at a heavy metal concert. The heavily tatted mullets disdain henna, and take every opportunity to insult us. One staggers up and says "I ain't gonna pay $20 for something that only lasts 2 weeks!" That would account for his refusal to go to a dentist. He has only 3 green shreds of teeth left in his head, and I think they'll fall out by next Wednesday. Someone should tell guyz that their pierced nipples no longer look cool when the nipple stretches, droops, and dangles. |