Archive 20: September
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
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Asked Questions section
The Spirit of Chinese Characters -- valuable - Tamu 10:11:22 10/19/00
study - katherine 08:59:05 10/19/00
search results. - Nick 16:09:00 10/18/00
wholesale - Brenna 15:58:06 10/18/00
Special pattern - Mahalia 11:55:14 10/18/00
last call for carrot bags by the 200 pack - Catherine Cartwright Jones 06:01:39 10/18/00
help for henna babies - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:31:21 10/17/00
Egyptian Gods - Herma 22:15:28 10/17/00
The Artist's Position - Darlahood 22:07:09 10/17/00
info - [PS]Red_Blaze 20:03:51 10/17/00
Andalucian costume and henna - Kenzi 19:52:51 10/17/00
The Henna Fairie hates me! - Monica 18:26:33 10/17/00
waiting for u all? - hennascience 12:03:55 10/17/00
Nail polish ingredients - Autumn parke 11:47:28 10/17/00
For CCJ - Erfan 11:31:47 10/17/00
For CCJ - Erfan 11:31:11 10/17/00
seeking artist...urgent.... - hennalady 11:16:10 10/17/00
finding the freebies - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:54:43 10/17/00
uk suppliers - kaz 08:42:47 10/17/00
Just curious....Misshapps with henna or client - Eve 08:28:24 10/16/00
hennascience (secondtime) ??????????????????????? - hennascience (secondtime) 05:49:04 10/16/00
Maybe OT - Chinese body art - Anne in CT 18:21:35 10/14/00
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Carwright Jones 12:29:43 10/14/00
Special offering* Jamila Henna Sale or Trade! - Theadora 11:38:48 10/14/00
Where is everybody? - Candi* 08:57:35 10/14/00
pictures - Songul 03:45:43 10/14/00
Syringe discovery - Gaby 09:03:16 10/13/00
anyone know? - hennascience 22:47:41 10/12/00
Get yourself some henna work! - Kenzi 21:06:55 10/12/00
need help with a festival - Starlight Mehndi Studios.... um, that's me, Darlahood :) 19:44:12 10/12/00
For those interested- Iching is online - Shanon Lavender 06:59:10 10/12/00
A question for Catherine - Anne in CT 10:35:16 10/11/00
Yippeee!!! - Candi* 10:23:51 10/11/00
- cat? - ~*Kalila*~ 11:22:49 10/11/00
bobyart - j'luiyikup uyoiuy 09:54:03 10/11/00
Xduafe - Mark Power 07:37:46 10/11/00
- Dua Afe? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:57:46 10/11/00
Technical question for CCJ - Linda in NJ 06:35:46 10/11/00
Cool pic ... - Jewel 05:12:07 10/11/00
PPD Oil in a bottle at my local health food store. I asked the sales person what its used for she said.... - michelle 18:43:36 10/10/00
egyption clothing - keshamoesha 17:50:31 10/10/00
Question about the ppd stuff - Misti 15:31:38 10/10/00
Do-it-Yourself-ers? - *~Kalila~* 12:18:15 10/10/00
getting stagnant? - Jocelyne Khan 02:57:11 10/10/00
i am back - hennascience 02:14:55 10/10/00
More Information for Zimbabwean Children? - Jake 20:55:43 10/09/00
advice for a bad festival with conflicts? - jessica 14:25:34 10/09/00
This Message is for Darlahood - Rachael 07:47:18 10/09/00
Threading... - J 22:57:57 10/08/00
A lesson learned - Theadora 20:30:58 10/08/00
chinese symbol for "brother" - amy 13:22:18 10/08/00
Did you guys know that cloves and eucalyptus are related so are - Michelle 17:37:25 10/07/00
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:44:19 10/07/00
Does anyone know the names of the henna cermonies that used in other countries? - Michelle 18:25:39 10/06/00
my unsubstantiated henna theory - Kenzi 18:18:56 10/06/00
Inspiration's of a henna-mad housewife! - Jenn 11:28:10 10/06/00
Belly Belly!! - Ismene 00:21:54 10/06/00
My web site (an update) - Rupal 20:28:48 10/05/00
In consideration.... - Doodlebug 19:26:15 10/05/00
henna party again - Noah 19:19:59 10/05/00
henna party again - Noah 19:19:53 10/05/00
teaching in high school - jessica 16:05:19 10/05/00
Question...... - Erfan 15:43:11 10/05/00
how to use ppd instead of henna ?? - frank 13:11:18 10/05/00
Light Mountain Henna - Gary Greengrass 11:44:19 10/05/00
Almost every black henna contains PPD which could give a reaction , blistering or even cancer if you continue to use it. Just a thought- How many people on and off this website adds ingrendients that can be harmful or that can give their clients a reaction. Like...( I would love some feedback ) - JUST ATHOUGHT 10:56:53 10/05/00
Henna supply in USA? - Archana kulkarni 10:47:50 10/05/00
Natural beauty products - Gaby 08:14:09 10/05/00
Kali Mehandi 'Black Rose' from India - Jasbir 03:49:48 10/05/00
BLACK Henna Paste claimed as 100% SAFE on SKIN !! - Navaid 01:53:21 10/05/00
Learn Mehendi - Renee 20:23:29 10/04/00
p-Phenylenediamine and (n-Hydroxy-Ethyl-p-Phenylenediamine) are the ingredients in Loreal hair colorant..........Is this the same PPD that is used in Black Henna and Black Hair Dye? - Michelle 18:36:31 10/04/00
The Carrot Bag wholesale source - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 14:27:39 10/04/00
www.blackhenna.net=?%43§"3$%&/()9/ - Erfan 13:00:48 10/04/00