Archive 19 : August 2000
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
some pics finally!! - Christina Sahinoglu 19:50:22 8/31/00
Morocco, Morocco, Morocco....one track mind I have! - Kenzi 18:49:31 8/31/00
i think i'm doing something wrong. - Brandi 16:54:42 8/31/00
It's 80 degrees today...To wrap, or not to wrap? - Nick 15:26:06 8/31/00
Symbols - Sophie Wilson 07:06:07 8/31/00
To the attention of Kenzi - DEEKAY 01:08:33 8/31/00
Attention Online Henna Venders (1/2 off topic) - Matthew 20:18:45 8/30/00
Is there a henna removal process? - Nickie 15:56:20 8/30/00
A sub-subject lost down the way... - ~*Kitty*~ 14:15:09 8/30/00
Al Henna Program - jardins d'aromatique 10:47:28 8/30/00
Al Henna Program - jardins d'aromatique 10:46:57 8/30/00
Chinese symbol - Tina 10:25:49 8/30/00
black henna-need advice - Sharon 08:16:13 8/30/00
cider or mead in henna - Kat 05:25:20 8/30/00
cider or mead in henna - Kat 05:22:46 8/30/00
¡¡¡ Thank u Anne !!! - Carlos 03:00:50 8/30/00
after care sheet - Christine 22:23:08 8/29/00
symbol for peace - Robbie 20:31:51 8/29/00
related - zbicea 19:08:42 8/29/00
colored hair, then henna? - Kay 16:52:11 8/29/00
What resources do you use?? - Anne 15:33:50 8/29/00
So how old did y'all think I was (OT, I know...) - Nick 15:02:29 8/29/00
Am I *gulp* offending Tibetan Buddhists by incorporating... - Nick 15:00:01 8/29/00
Aaaahhhhhh! The silence is deafaning! - Nick 14:52:48 8/29/00
tired of orange hair! - Kristin 11:12:07 8/29/00
Diary of a Palestinian Henna Party - Kenzi 18:36:23 8/28/00
Re KarenBird Herts Beds posted 31/7/00 - Val 11:49:16 8/28/00
Publicizing your services - Rachael 08:09:17 8/28/00
about henna - earle 07:30:26 8/28/00
Nothing special - DEEKAY 00:58:05 8/28/00
hold my hand - amy1143 22:38:13 8/27/00
Reply mehndi oil etc - Val 10:27:16 8/27/00
beginner henna practice hint - Candi* 08:13:06 8/27/00
Kenzi, Thanks for the tip on Leg bands, It worked wonderful and it was faster...........Michelle - Michelle 07:42:40 8/27/00
quick hints and info. - razia mahfooz 03:38:41 8/27/00
quick hints and info. - razia mahfooz 03:33:58 8/27/00
Blurry Designs? - Natalie 22:59:15 8/26/00
polynesian designs - _JOan_ 21:40:25 8/26/00
Where do I get a henna tatoo where I live? - Dana 13:50:23 8/26/00
Signficance of Mehndi - Mary Clay 09:45:00 8/26/00
HOW DO I MADE HENNA TATTOO - Sefi Gev 07:11:06 8/26/00
HOW DO I MADE HENNA TATTOO - Sefi Gev 07:10:41 8/26/00
Instead of oil can I use vaseline? - Ismene 03:55:33 8/26/00
Thanks Kalila !!! - Carlos 01:22:51 8/26/00
¡¡¡ Coloured Henna !!! - Carlos 01:12:44 8/26/00
Palestinian henna wedding song - Kenzi 22:45:12 8/25/00
Henna as a BLEACHING agent????? - Nick 18:23:11 8/25/00
Team Kenzi Henna event - a diary - Nick 11:19:18 8/25/00
Henna Hair Color - Kim 10:44:26 8/25/00
henna on denim? - Rosie 10:19:35 8/25/00
Chinese Symbols - Beverley 08:26:33 8/25/00
Q about Henna - Lalitha 08:01:47 8/25/00
Anyone from Holland? - DEEKAY 06:22:15 8/25/00
Help me Kalila - Carlos 03:33:10 8/25/00
Just a question - Carlos 03:26:12 8/25/00
- No. - Nick 12:28:16 8/26/00
need sanskrit writing styles - JAMES 02:40:47 8/25/00
More on the PPD rant - Graham 00:08:18 8/25/00
New Skin and Wraps - Natalie 21:21:08 8/24/00
Ahh! The biggest mess I've ever made! - ~*Kalila*~ 18:06:44 8/24/00
Advice - Copyright of henna designs, and festivals - MyST 13:35:28 8/24/00
Mehndi Oil - Val 13:10:27 8/24/00
The black glopper troll war update - Theadora 12:59:20 8/24/00
Off to the Faire I go! - Linda in NJ 08:30:43 8/24/00
NAMASTE - Sita Arshavidya 20:17:34 8/23/00
Watery Henna Paste - Linda in NJ 15:38:24 8/23/00
Why did my tattoo fade after 3 days? And how do i take it off? - Rachel 09:42:03 8/23/00
Stirring and mixing. Mixing and stirring - Candi* 07:59:31 8/23/00
Chinese words - Ismene 02:54:55 8/23/00
Talk to the Media - Spini 21:59:57 8/22/00
Kenzi, can I reuse those whole cloves? - ~*Kalila*~ 21:41:50 8/22/00
For those creative geniuses... - *~Kalial~* 15:51:15 8/22/00
surching! - Mariska 11:27:35 8/22/00
PPD "black henna" rant in the works - Catherine Cartwright Jones 09:47:52 8/22/00
Where is Nick? (no text) - Robert 09:15:50 8/22/00
where can i get powder in houston? & other general comments - Julie 23:34:29 8/21/00
my first fair - Nancy M. 22:14:52 8/21/00
Nasty Festival Trolls - Carrie 20:22:59 8/21/00
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:03:32 8/21/00
empty bindi cards and tins - GINGER 13:09:23 8/21/00
use of Henna as self- tanner - liz 12:49:57 8/21/00
use of Henna as self- tanner - liz 12:47:31 8/21/00
temporary body art =henna, but not really, in SE CT - Anne 12:38:34 8/21/00
Henna in rock art? (Algerian and Libyan Tassili) - P.Renate Haupt 10:11:56 8/21/00
on designs - gisela barjak 01:35:10 8/21/00
Black Henna question - Robin 23:24:43 8/20/00
Another Hair Color Question - Michelle Bollinger 18:05:03 8/20/00
what is the ding i do wrong? - |Tjana| 11:39:19 8/20/00
Mini- funnel!! - Candi* 17:03:13 8/19/00
about henna powder - dange bertoldo 16:45:02 8/19/00
where to get lawsonia plants or seeds? How process when? - Lynn 13:14:34 8/19/00
chinese symbol for friends - Charla 01:20:35 8/19/00
Black Henna in Paramount's Great Amercia - Mr SayAO 01:20:24 8/19/00
Henna in Detroit or Ann Arbor - Charity 20:33:09 8/18/00
1st time - Leah 17:37:58 8/18/00
Question regarding cloves... - *~Kalila~* 11:40:04 8/18/00
henna, suratiyah,mahlabiyah, henna and any other henna products - Hera-Sesheta Maati-Re Neferkare Amenhotep 09:45:58 8/18/00
Henna suppliers in UK - Val 08:10:43 8/18/00
Moroccan Henna Designs - Candi* 07:41:19 8/18/00
To Michelle, sorry but... - Ismene 23:58:20 8/17/00
removal of henna tatoo - mayanprincess 22:10:57 8/17/00
Peacock designs for any to use - ~*Kalila*~ 19:28:59 8/17/00
how can i make my own henna paste - dange bertoldo 15:46:33 8/17/00
PPD Black Henna and endangering or assault charges (a wake up call for black henna!) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:09:45 8/17/00
Dangers of...ink? - *~Kalila~* 12:52:21 8/17/00
Traditional Mehndi Designs: A Treasury of Henna Body Art - Candi* 12:13:45 8/17/00
CCJ- requesting info on mehndi and harems - Candi* 12:01:41 8/17/00
Home made hotpacks - Linda in NJ 11:37:48 8/17/00
henna designs - Tom Ackerman 11:10:50 8/17/00
Malasia - Erfan 09:56:07 8/17/00
Another Corporate Gig - A Diary - MyST 09:30:06 8/17/00
Harquus/Harcous Berber tattoos - Christine 05:45:06 8/17/00
All quite on the Forum - Kenzi 22:32:02 8/16/00
celtic symbol - Garrett C 20:57:35 8/16/00
American Indian Temp Tattoos/Henna in Houston - Dara,Cherokee Artist 17:59:52 8/16/00
Help Me Please Chinese Symbol for SUNSHINE - Marco Müller 16:27:33 8/16/00
Help Me Please Chinese Symbol for SUNSHINE - Marco Müller 16:27:30 8/16/00
One more photo of last night... - MyST 12:51:28 8/16/00
Henna on and off - a photo - MyST 12:39:31 8/16/00
henna as hair dye -- where can i get info? - Sara 11:03:41 8/16/00
CCJ, what does this design mean? - Cyane 17:33:57 8/15/00
HELP!!!!!! - Candi* 17:09:55 8/15/00
Tribal Designs - Shaon 15:34:49 8/15/00
Henna on TV - MyST 15:07:48 8/15/00
can some one tell me the symbols for these words in Chinese? - fred 13:47:10 8/15/00
A Chinese Phrase - Ismene 01:31:44 8/15/00
need different peacock desidns - Christine 21:02:30 8/14/00
- Peacocks - ~*Kalila*~ 14:21:42 8/17/00
time - Kimi 15:39:58 8/14/00
Does anyone know were I can a Dragon design? - Michelle 15:22:16 8/14/00
New York City Henna Event - Aug. 19 - Kenzi 12:26:51 8/14/00
Spiritual Sky henna - Amber 09:45:47 8/14/00
chinese symbols - keith 08:50:36 8/14/00
Lotus symbolism - Candi* 06:31:23 8/14/00
SWEDEN - Erfan 04:10:25 8/14/00
paraffin wax and exfoliation - Anne 20:14:57 8/13/00
Finding a henna supplier - Sian Thomas 19:36:14 8/13/00
Henna Out? - Gosia 19:10:21 8/13/00
henna and stamps? - Maureen Branconnier 13:41:02 8/13/00
What does this sign mean? - Amelia McAlister 13:40:51 8/13/00
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:00:13 8/13/00
Other names for PPD ? - Theadora 23:59:48 8/12/00
HELP-There goes the neighbothood! - Theadora 21:14:40 8/12/00
Designs for Frogs/Dolphins/Fairies - Myst 16:10:36 8/12/00
acacia catechu katha cutch freeze dried rajasthani 100%pure henna - atharv chadha 04:35:25 8/12/00
pricing (I hate doing it)..where's my marketing agent? - Nancy M. 23:17:26 8/11/00
girls w/hairy arms-off topicc-but - Larry 23:10:33 8/11/00
News about Jacquard Tips - Kenzi 22:38:32 8/11/00
Henna pattern..on a drum? - Kenzi 21:24:12 8/11/00
Sweden - Erfan 14:50:14 8/11/00
Mehndi artists in Maui - Olga Finnegan 09:09:48 8/11/00
?Mixing powder - Carol Cain (t/a Tansy Aromatics 06:49:33 8/11/00
?Mixing powder - Carol Cain (t/a Tansy Aromatics 06:49:31 8/11/00
Website update and new redirect url - Liisa 03:22:18 8/11/00
At last - info on Mauritanian henna and new technique - Kenzi 22:00:55 8/10/00
Getting color towards the orange side - Karoline 19:10:49 8/10/00
Halawa Henna Update - Baron 12:55:22 8/10/00
A possible color boost - Opinions? - NaturGirl 12:20:19 8/10/00
My First Client - NaturGirl 11:06:42 8/10/00
Navaid Henna!!!!!!!!! - Erfan 10:37:32 8/10/00
PPD vs. Henna design - free for all Henna Artists to use! - Liisa 09:37:42 8/10/00
Egyption Hyrogliphic writing - kate 06:56:07 8/10/00
Glitter, beads, and colored paint a magazine claims is mehndi! - Natalie 01:25:37 8/10/00
pattern transfers - Graham 00:31:21 8/10/00
Hair care products - N Peteson 22:35:21 8/09/00
They're fading - Rachelle 20:21:26 8/09/00
More on "neqasha" for the linguistically inclined - Kenzi 18:12:29 8/09/00
Troll question - Kenzi 17:46:15 8/09/00
Nastiness, and this Forum - Anne Beltestad 16:49:45 8/09/00
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:32:35 8/09/00
Please....STOP IT!!!!! - Erfan 15:04:46 8/09/00
Henna Gal - Graham 13:23:58 8/09/00
Farsi,Arabic-NO MATTER!!!!! - Erfan 11:20:39 8/09/00
Wondering - Sondarya 06:00:58 8/09/00
help - gegla 04:31:29 8/09/00
helppppppppppppppp.......? - ge 04:27:45 8/09/00
Henna from Pakistan - furElise 19:55:04 8/08/00
Black Henna - Debra Moline 18:52:44 8/08/00
Speaking of Arabic words for lovely mehndi designs... how about 'love'? - ~*Kalila*~ 17:46:35 8/08/00
I am having trouble with arm bands...Can anyone help? - Michelle 16:58:16 8/08/00
need henna seeds i live i hot desert climate - riksharaj 13:50:57 8/08/00
Pre-mixed Cones Made Fresh - Sunflower 11:25:43 8/08/00
Looking for an artist - Jennee 10:21:28 8/08/00
I'M SO EXCITED!! - NaturGirl 09:30:55 8/08/00
What's fair at a festival - MyST 09:26:08 8/08/00
Uptown Art Fair in Minneapolis, MN - A Diary - MyST 09:22:46 8/08/00
ARABIC,FARSI,..... - Erfan Mahlodji 06:23:43 8/08/00
the beach - eazy-e 03:29:03 8/08/00
Eucalyptus oil - Laura 01:29:46 8/08/00
new to henna - Suzanne 01:01:41 8/08/00
New Mixing Tip - Lotus Flower 23:24:06 8/07/00
Henna on Black skin? - Darrell in Mpls 20:50:48 8/07/00
The Morning Part - a henna diary - Kenzi 20:46:50 8/07/00
El "Henna Mehndi" - Rodolfo 16:48:07 8/07/00
- El? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:02:27 8/08/00
- Re: El? - Linda 07:55:57 8/14/00
- Re: El? - Kenzi 22:22:41 8/08/00
- Re: El? - Graham 11:45:34 8/08/00
- Re: El? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:52:35 8/08/00
- Re: El? - Kenzi 22:26:33 8/08/00
- Re: El? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:05:36 8/09/00
- Re: El? - Kenzi 18:24:35 8/09/00
- Its all Good - Matthew 11:50:48 8/08/00
- Linguistics - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:59:51 8/08/00
Curious onlookers - Kimberly Aisha Hashmi 13:12:23 8/07/00
just a wee thankyou.. - max macandrews 12:03:25 8/07/00
Another sifter method - NaturGirl 11:58:47 8/07/00
A closeup view - NaturGirl 10:24:21 8/07/00
Palm side - NaturGirl 10:20:14 8/07/00
New Henna Pics - NaturGirl 10:14:55 8/07/00
permerant ink, pen,tube bottles - jenny lee 05:08:41 8/07/00
Fine lines and filling in - Monica Tittle 21:02:55 8/06/00
Lemon Usage/Varieties of Henna - Rachelle 20:59:54 8/06/00
Mehendi art in Kuwait - Rachelle 20:25:50 8/06/00
Creating Designs on Myself - Rachelle 20:17:07 8/06/00
custom henna tattoo places in so cal??? - jeremy 17:33:40 8/06/00
(OT) Looking for online stores that sell Tikkas(hair ornaments) - Cyane 15:48:52 8/06/00
What is better...Moroccan or Indian Henna? - andromeda71 10:04:49 8/06/00
Massive collection of bindis, anklets, necklaces, jewellery items - gb 06:14:50 8/06/00
herbal hair color - hiroyoshi hayashi 04:41:51 8/06/00
herbal hair color - Hiroyoshi Hayashi 04:31:20 8/06/00
lips (mouth) - abo 23:28:53 8/05/00
Questions on henna tattoo care - Sarah 22:48:26 8/05/00
3000 decorative paterns - Ismene 21:12:07 8/05/00
sounds right - misty 10:51:47 8/05/00
Henna on bald head? - NaturGirl 09:42:11 8/05/00
Air Brushing Henna - Karoline 08:40:37 8/05/00
Glad to be back and other stuff - Candi* 07:07:49 8/05/00
Linearts - Erfan 20:24:57 8/04/00
NOT long lasting hennas - Erfan 19:13:41 8/04/00
Tips for cleaning tips - Kenzi 18:43:18 8/04/00
ATTENTION: anyone in Los Angeles area who has a scar or a chemical burn from the "black henna", willing to be interviewed please read this? - Spini 17:51:19 8/04/00
Has Halawa gone bust? - Baron 15:17:02 8/04/00
My hello's to all :)) - Aisha Hashmi 14:36:55 8/04/00
henna - felecity 14:19:48 8/04/00
Kenzi, could you please tell me how far 30 gms will go? - Kalila 14:06:05 8/04/00
Kree-if you don't mind how was WOMAD? - Shanon Lavender 11:54:52 8/04/00
To shave or not to shave? - Peter Mavrikos 09:37:05 8/04/00
Mehndi & Mandana - Laura 22:01:23 8/03/00
Chinese Writing - Louise 16:43:35 8/03/00
Need you help in getting the word out about the BLACK DEATH! - spini 16:35:23 8/03/00
Questions about readiness of henna paste-What are the signs? - CD 15:00:28 8/03/00
Henna Tattoos - Sarah 14:55:31 8/03/00
A small henna mention in Discovering Archaeology - Anne 14:29:14 8/03/00
Metal Tipped Bottles - FishBellie 13:56:38 8/03/00
Mehndi artists in Edmonton - §and 13:05:52 8/03/00
Thank you Catherin and Kree - Barbara 12:47:31 8/03/00
Nick and Kenzi's NYC Henna Weekend! - Nick and Kenzi 09:30:05 8/03/00
Henna Artists in Manhattan - Henna Maniac 08:50:59 8/03/00
- Thanks! - Kenzi 17:27:00 8/03/00
Linda's face mask idea (NS replacement) - Jeremy 05:09:09 8/03/00
Does anyone know a henna artist in Tampa? - Michelle 23:24:33 8/02/00
Does anyone know a henna artist in Tamps? - Michelle 23:22:46 8/02/00
Friend who is pregent wants me to henna her belly - Barbara 22:36:19 8/02/00
Get your fresh henna here....just arrived today! - Kenzi 21:21:09 8/02/00
prices for powder - §and 18:48:23 8/02/00
Preservatives? - Lisa G 18:11:16 8/02/00
symbols for "brother" - TJ 17:32:35 8/02/00
copyright free patterns for henna artists (can she get this one right without a seeing-eye pugdog?) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:04:31 8/02/00
copyright free patterns for henna artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:54:30 8/02/00
Greenman from Abidco Henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:14:12 8/02/00
Need some help.. - jon k. moon 15:14:09 8/02/00
"a clean slate" and a message for Jeremy & the forum - ex forum participant 13:29:20 8/02/00
tech question for jeremy - cyber tech idiot :) 10:53:09 8/02/00
Henna healing-CCJ? - Jennifer 10:17:52 8/02/00
Newspaper article! - Christina Sahinoglu 07:05:37 8/02/00
Henna and Hash!!!!!!! - Erfan 04:48:55 8/02/00
Serious systems failure - Jeremy Rowntree - Site Owner 04:24:25 8/02/00
test - test 04:18:26 8/02/00