Archive 6 : December
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- Forum down time - Jeremy Rowntree
13:49:22 1/24/99 (0)
- Henna Staining Clothing - Antonina
16:41:28 1/23/99 (1)
- Recipe? - Anne Beltestaad
18:30:50 1/22/99 (4)
- NEW Products-Bridal Bindis and discounted....
- Body Art Supply 18:07:30 1/22/99 (0)
- Personal report of a hennaed bridegroom
- David 17:29:06 1/22/99 (5)
- Re: Baking Soda Experiment - Diane
Thompson 13:13:47 1/22/99 (1)
- reading again... - Natasha Papousek
15:03:09 1/21/99 (0)
- symmetry - sonia 14:09:08
1/21/99 (2)
- Confessions of a sorority leader
- Crystal 13:58:25 1/21/99 (2)
- what is saumer? - Luis 11:50:22
1/21/99 (5)
- Henna - carol 04:49:25
1/21/99 (0)
- 'Moroccan' designs? - Jenn
03:17:41 1/21/99 (6)
- This and That and there ought to be a
law - Brenda Casey 02:54:23 1/21/99 (0)
- newbie in henna : powder or liquid ?
- Rocky00 01:54:53 1/21/99 (3)
- henna - millenium 22:34:25
1/20/99 (1)
- STENCILS - Lauren 19:31:16
1/20/99 (3)
- Natasha..... - Anoise 17:59:32
1/20/99 (2)
- Moroccan henna recipe? - Natasha
Papousek 14:35:46 1/20/99 (3)
- A couple things - sonia 11:24:51
1/20/99 (4)
- Warning - Henna Allergy - Andreia
Pillai 09:00:35 1/20/99 (2)
- St patricks day Cake decorating -
krystyna harrison 00:21:34 1/20/99 (0)
- henna experiments with amonia. Turned
my hand GREEN!! - jazibe 15:49:10 1/19/99 (14)
- Please let me henna him! - Janet
13:43:37 1/19/99 (17)
- Please let me henna him! - Janet
13:43:07 1/19/99 (0)
- Tatoos... - Michelle 03:20:16
1/19/99 (0)
- Is there companies online that sells
syringes? - Jason 02:04:14 1/19/99 (0)
- Mehndi and Ocean Swimming-It'll fade
faster - Lorena 00:59:39 1/19/99 (2)
- Passion In the Desert - Kree
18:45:59 1/18/99 (1)
- Problem- henna didn't take - Melissa
Stewart 13:58:47 1/18/99 (1)
- where can i get henna in northern VA
- angie 20:16:45 1/17/99 (1)
- Henna Artist Listings - Rupal
19:02:33 1/17/99 (0)
- henna in a tube!!! - kookiii
13:38:40 1/17/99 (6)
- Phoenix, Phoenix...Where forart thou
Phoenix? - Kristen 19:16:00 1/16/99 (3)
- results of my experiments - karen
14:34:18 1/16/99 (4)
- Where in Philadelphia area? - Amy
Atlas 02:57:38 1/16/99 (2)
- Throwing a "foot" in the ring...
- Diane Van Parijs 19:00:59 1/15/99 (4)
- See me fire questions at all you poor
souls... - Ani 15:39:21 1/15/99 (4)
- A tourists description of Pakistani wedding
- Shanon 06:39:58 1/15/99 (0)
- henna in germany? - Kat 22:00:46
1/14/99 (3)
- Does henna really protect against toenail
fungus? - Maryann 15:57:56 1/14/99 (2)
- baking soda wrap - Natasha Papousek
14:30:42 1/14/99 (0)
- henna - Fatima 13:03:18
1/14/99 (6)
- Hennaed bride, 1st century BCE Rome?
"The Aldobrandini Marriage" Roman Fresco - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:56:52 1/14/99 (0)
- Bad Henna Experience - Hooper
01:34:51 1/14/99 (2)
- Bad Henna Experience - Hooper
01:34:35 1/14/99 (0)
- Henna and Pregnancy....also.... -
Karlyn 19:53:28 1/13/99 (1)
- Back! and my first henna just now fading
out... - Emac 06:40:00 1/13/99 (0)
- Rupal's Site - Lauri 05:52:29
1/13/99 (5)
- I saw a mehndi artist applying her henna....
- Jason 01:36:29 1/13/99 (0)
- I saw a mehndi artist applying her henna....
- Jason 01:36:06 1/13/99 (1)
- patterned henna on Elamite queen from
Babylon, 1250 BCE - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:03:20
1/13/99 (0)
14:30:51 1/12/99 (2)
- Top ten signs that you are addicted to
henna - Melissa Stewart 13:38:42 1/12/99 (1)
- Henna outlawed by the Spanish Inquisition
1566 ( offenders subject to imprisonment and torture) - Catherine
Cartwright JOnes 03:33:13 1/12/99 (4)
- Ammonia - Sonia 21:36:07
1/11/99 (8)
- surgery and henna - Janet
16:53:47 1/11/99 (0)
- you know you're henna=addicted...
- Natasha Papousek 15:55:38 1/11/99 (2)
- Black henna - Marta Mello
14:29:10 1/11/99 (3)
- If you don't have these books already,
get them - Shanon Lavender 10:56:47 1/11/99 (1)
- henna project for stitchers, or for the
snowbound and cabin fever-prone - Catherine Cartwright JOnes
18:38:09 1/10/99 (5)
- Henna and nail polish in modern India
- leela 12:20:38 1/10/99 (3)
- Henna in a tuve Vs. Traditional made
henna.... - Mrs Flax 11:46:06 1/10/99 (1)
- Where can you get a henna plant??
- Jason 04:35:03 1/10/99 (3)
- Indigo?? - Jason 04:30:55
1/10/99 (1)
- Re: Indigo?? - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 05:18:32 1/10/99 (0)
- Been away...but here I am in San Fran
:) - Carla 03:55:16 1/10/99 (0)
- patterned henna, Egypt, 300BCE -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:49:08 1/10/99 (2)
- Where to find good henna powder in MN
??? - Lauri 20:15:03 1/09/99 (3)
- Henna in the Apocrypha? - Roy
16:11:57 1/09/99 (0)
- Do henna and nail enamel go together?
- karen 00:45:09 1/08/99 (20)
- Watching a hair get hennaed under the
microscope....almost as much fun as HBO - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 18:59:21 1/07/99 (1)
- Atlanta artist wanted - J. S.
Smith 15:36:38 1/07/99 (2)
- More About Boys and Henna - leela
13:58:28 1/07/99 (2)
- pix back from the ammonia soak...shazaam
the color changes! - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 22:40:29
1/06/99 (5)
- Boys and Henna - Leela 10:48:15
1/06/99 (2)
- Henna for the hair in Orlando - Simone
08:36:56 1/06/99 (0)
- Henna, head colds, pregnancy - Shanon
Lavender 00:15:38 1/06/99 (1)
- henna in school - sushmita
19:17:30 1/05/99 (6)
- Trying to find Egyptian Henna - Gail
18:32:08 1/05/99 (0)
- henna - Rachel Smith 18:11:17
1/05/99 (2)
- spiking the mordant... - Natasha
Papousek 17:21:56 1/05/99 (4)
- for those of you who like to use lemon/sugar
afterwards... - Lauren 15:14:24 1/05/99 (2)
- still needing opinions please, 3 weeks
to go!! - SWETA 12:39:36 1/05/99 (0)
- Deploma for Mehndi and Henna - Shingo
09:39:20 1/05/99 (1)
- Where and what - Stephanie
05:19:52 1/05/99 (4)
- The evil greenie thingie, close up and
personal - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:40:57 1/04/99
- Happy Henna Holidays - Natasha
Papousek 19:55:19 1/04/99 (7)
- another new mehndi website - Lauren
04:00:36 1/04/99 (1)
- How to answer coloured henna queries
- Nancy 18:08:48 1/03/99 (0)
- henna newling! - lawrence hall
14:09:28 1/03/99 (3)
- Long Beach, CA henna gig!! - Miss
Monica 05:22:49 1/03/99 (0)
- Has anyone ever used henna markers, henna
stamps, henna press on tattoos, henna pencils?? - Jason 02:49:33
1/03/99 (2)
- Has henna been proven to be safe?
- Jason 02:43:30 1/03/99 (0)
- "Ask Dr. Weil" article
- Rupal 15:19:23 1/02/99 (0)
- very close-up...and a request for a swap...
- Catherine Cartwright JOnes 17:05:31 1/01/99 (5)
- The New Year Starts the Clock to the
Greatest event! - 21stcenturyman.com 07:16:08 1/01/99
- Happy New Year Jeremy and all! -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:33:38 1/01/99 (1)
- An article in the paper that said what's
hot and what's not....mehndi was hot!! - Jason 22:15:14
12/31/98 (0)
- henna list (email!) - Bailey
19:08:15 12/31/98 (1)
- Eucalyptus oil....mehlabayia oil??
- Jason 04:12:19 12/31/98 (9)
- henna the color of aubergine (eggplant
black) with the ammonia soak, second trial - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 03:27:06 12/31/98 (3)
- A question.... - Diane Van Parijs
20:59:17 12/30/98 (4)
- henna in a tube - jessica
11:09:32 12/30/98 (2)
- henna for hair - Patsy O'Dell
02:21:54 12/30/98 (2)
- Henna Spotted in People Magazine
- Di Van Parijs 17:59:27 12/29/98 (5)
- henna in Pittsburgh? - Laura
00:38:18 12/29/98 (4)
- some questions... - Jazibe
20:24:49 12/28/98 (1)
- Mehndi Henna Kit by Jacquard - Susan
Doll 01:28:49 12/28/98 (3)
- Ways to apply mehndi - Jason
23:01:26 12/27/98 (8)
- mommy patterns - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 05:23:27 12/27/98 (2)
- Frozen/Refridgerated Henna results......Castle
Art & Imports..... - Tamar 12:24:56 12/24/98 (2)
- Chocolate-mehndi cookies at our mehndi
party! - Anita 05:43:17 12/24/98 (1)
- Mehndi chat room - Ladyimage
15:26:38 12/23/98 (4)
- Mother to be designs..... - Tamar
13:16:30 12/23/98 (7)
- Henna on prime time... - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 04:58:52 12/23/98 (0)
- 19th century wedding in NW India continued:
the bride, the groom, and his horse are hennaed - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 01:46:39 12/23/98 (5)
- Again with the oils!! - Jzibe
19:08:29 12/21/98 (2)
- Henna of a different stripe - WxGal
15:45:09 12/21/98 (1)
- cloves, clove oil, ground cloves????
what??? - Phranjeliko 04:19:48 12/21/98 (3)
- dried limes recipe??? anyone? - Phranjeliko
04:06:30 12/21/98 (1)
- for all of you professionals out there...
- Lauren 04:03:14 12/21/98 (8)
- Traditional way to apply mehndi?
- Jason 01:37:01 12/21/98 (1)
- Henna/Mhendi questions - Adam
Polock 07:40:32 12/20/98 (2)
- Julie, Little Henna Girl in Miami 16:31:44 12/19/98
- Where the heck can I find henna tattoo
artists?! - HennaHead 06:35:10 12/18/98 (1)
- Why doessn't the henna stain anymore?
- sisqa 17:02:22 12/17/98 (5)
- i want to know how to make Henna Ink
from scratch - Jason 05:22:41 12/17/98 (0)
- How to get henna bright red/orange
- Jason 02:32:17 12/17/98 (2)
- henna painting - Natasha Papousek
17:51:30 12/16/98 (2)
- Henna in Austin or San Antonio? -
Kree 14:38:54 12/16/98 (1)
- Henna Removal - Jenny45 21:53:24
12/15/98 (0)
- My henna in Gambia? A dilemma....
- Lise Anderson 15:11:34 12/15/98 (3)
- Sauna and Henna? - Nay Nay
06:24:16 12/15/98 (0)
- New powder to old paste... how much?
- Jennifer 05:42:02 12/15/98 (1)
- 1 to 3+ - Catherine Cartwright
jOnes 15:15:05 12/15/98 (0)
- preparing the skin with oil before hand
- Lauren 23:56:40 12/14/98 (3)
- What's New - Jeremy Rowntree
20:16:31 12/14/98 (1)
- Henna Artist required in Hants/Surrey,
UK - Jane 14:35:45 12/14/98 (0)
- household ammonia and henna (steeeeeenky!)
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:33:03 12/13/98 (23)
- How do you know your a professional mehndi
artist? - Jason 18:03:16 12/12/98 (1)
- Why does it do that? - Jason
18:01:38 12/12/98 (2)
- Help - why does my syringe clog?
- Zazie 21:48:46 12/11/98 (6)
- a wedding in 19th c.India; the groom
is hennaed and wrapped, and nibbles a few ladies'fingers - Catherine
Cartwright jones 23:39:25 12/10/98 (0)
- an accident: bluish-black henna...but
how did it happen and how to do it again? - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 20:35:52 12/10/98 (2)
- How to get rid of henna?? - Jason
19:50:50 12/10/98 (9)
- museum exhibition of bridal garments
and textiles from India, Kent, Ohio - Catherine Cartwright JOnes
18:59:44 12/09/98 (4)
- Last post: - Sue 06:48:44
12/09/98 (1)
- Sure - Phoenix 08:23:13
12/09/98 (0)
- Sue - True or False? - Phoenix
21:48:55 12/08/98 (6)
- Green-be-gone.... - anoise
21:32:25 12/07/98 (0)
- Molasses in mehndi?? - Jason
19:59:53 12/07/98 (1)
- How did you start? - Nancy
08:10:40 12/07/98 (6)
- MehandiCon 99 (IMPORTANT) - Nancy
05:52:02 12/07/98 (0)
- The hennaed bride in 'Amran, Yemen, with
muzayyina, eggs and automatic weapons - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 04:21:37 12/07/98 (1)
- Arabic speaker, scholar, historian needed.....
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:12:58 12/06/98 (2)
- henna: available in Toronto? - Panther
07:14:33 12/06/98 (1)
- Henna oil is... - James Tierney
02:09:30 12/06/98 (0)
- Ziplocks are much better than saran wrap
- Jason 21:28:55 12/05/98 (1)
- a little TP - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 01:21:37 12/07/98 (0)
- technique - Dorthy 21:26:42
12/05/98 (1)
- Black Henna?? - Daniel Sheryl
07:05:19 12/05/98 (21)
- Indian stores in Ottawa? - Jason
03:11:47 12/05/98 (2)
- Henna Music! - Nancy 20:34:29
12/04/98 (5)
- check out this interesting design book...
- Lauren 19:54:44 12/04/98 (1)
- Finding a supplier of henna for australia
- Cliona Murray 16:06:26 12/04/98 (1)
- Henna Party in NYC (or a convention?)
- Nancy 08:42:52 12/04/98 (9)
- medical - aien 07:29:17
12/04/98 (1)
- Re: medical - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 00:46:56 12/05/98 (0)
- Kurdish bride, her henna and traditions
(and how she was relieved of evil spirits) - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 05:00:49 12/04/98 (6)
- New skin??? - Jazibe 23:07:47
12/03/98 (5)
- Pheonix - california 22:45:19
12/03/98 (14)
- Jacquard bottles for sale....where, how
much?? - GerbieJay 01:43:09 12/02/98 (8)
- The application of henna - Jason
01:36:35 12/02/98 (2)
- Mehandi in London? - Sara Johnston
21:44:05 12/01/98 (0)
- castlearts - Pattie 20:47:01
12/01/98 (2)
- photos after New Skin - Lauren
18:38:38 12/01/98 (2)
- Vitamin C? - Nancy 17:16:36
12/01/98 (1)
- Happy, happy, joy, joy!!! (Very Dark
Red Henna) - Nancy 17:13:20 12/01/98 (2)
14:19:29 12/01/98 (1)
- Help! - Nancy 08:22:19
12/01/98 (4)
- [ CLICK ] - To join the Mehndi
Discussion Mailing list 08:03:39 12/01/98 (0)
- Ethics of Tomb Raiding - Susan
03:43:52 12/01/98 (1)
- More bits from a Turkish henna night
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:42:37 12/01/98 (0)
INSURANCE!!! - Lady Isarma 22:55:02 11/30/98 (4)
- What's the best beginner henna kit?
- Nancy 18:43:04 11/30/98 (2)
- Henna in CT. - Nancy 18:35:28
11/30/98 (0)
- question for the chemists - Natasha
Papousek 14:15:04 11/30/98 (3)
- moisterizers ??? -a survey - Shanon
Lavender 06:22:16 11/30/98 (1)
- Mehandi - Cate Krasner 01:31:58
11/30/98 (3)
- New Products!5 Design Books and Celestial
Stencils - Body Art Supply Team 22:04:26 11/29/98
- henna as perfume and incense - Catherine
Cartwright JOnes 21:28:56 11/29/98 (0)
- Motiv - TJ 14:13:02 11/29/98
- Best place to buy normal henna -
Jason 22:26:32 11/28/98 (2)
- thanks! - jocelyne 08:35:39
11/30/98 (1)
- hennaeing in Qatar (and two unusual techniques)
- Catherine Cartwright JOnes 03:05:09 11/28/98 (2)
- OH SH*T - - what would you have done?
- Shanon Lavender 12:30:00 11/27/98 (4)
- Having problems - Sara 02:55:40
11/27/98 (1)
- Traditional way to get black henna?
- GerbieJay 02:48:45 11/26/98 (3)
- "as wide as she is long" ,
the hennaed Egyptian ideal of beauty - Catherine Cartwright Jones
02:13:54 11/26/98 (2)
- Anonymous 02:49:14 11/25/98 (5)
HAIR DYE?? - Jason 02:47:41 11/25/98 (4)
- Anonymous 01:44:46 11/25/98 (12)
- Neurological side effects of hair dye?
- Mindy 01:42:38 11/25/98 (2)
- Gypsies "dance the nasty" at
a Turkish 18-19th century "Henna Night" - Catherine
Cartwright jOnes 23:12:21 11/24/98 (7)
- face - Cheshire Cat 21:32:21
11/24/98 (2)
- Re: face - Rupal 03:04:16
11/27/98 (0)
- Re: face - Anonymous 01:50:46
11/25/98 (0)
- Dark Spots Developed - PookLaRoux
19:45:46 11/24/98 (10)
- mail order henna kits - Natasha
Papousek 15:41:30 11/24/98 (0)
- Need Advice on Setting up for a Festival
- Melanie of Half Moon Henna 11:31:15 11/24/98 (2)
02:19:08 11/24/98 (6)
HAZARDOUS?? - Ananymous 01:04:23 11/24/98 (4)
- Jason 20:39:42 11/23/98 (2)
- Black henna - Jason 20:07:40
11/23/98 (1)
- inadvisable - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 20:30:19 11/23/98 (0)
- Where did I go wrong? - anoise
18:39:06 11/23/98 (1)
- Avon Calling! Door to door henna sellers
in West Pakistan 1820 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:46:58
11/23/98 (0)
- more new-skin questions... - jocelyne
10:05:11 11/23/98 (5)
- a Tunisian lullaby with henna - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:23:28 11/23/98 (0)
- Recepie for dark brown henna - Jason
01:24:36 11/23/98 (4)
- Classes? - Shanon Lavender
00:54:34 11/23/98 (2)
- What mehndi is Madonna using? - Jason
23:07:05 11/22/98 (0)
- found henna and stencils in a bookstore...
- nay nay 07:12:10 11/22/98 (3)
- Thanks for the help!.........about clove
oil? - Shanon Lavender 23:04:36 11/21/98 (4)
- cloves - Catherine Cartwright
jOnes 23:29:02 11/21/98 (3)
- Stencils - Kree 01:13:36
11/21/98 (1)
- Paste Making - PookLaRoux
14:50:11 11/20/98 (1)
- Wholesale suppliers ?? - Mumtaz
19:06:10 11/19/98 (0)
- Tattoodesign - Mitch Moll
13:17:13 11/19/98 (6)
- hennaeing silk (using leftover paste
to make gorgeous cloth) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:57:51
11/18/98 (4)
- Kind of a disturbing e-mail I received
a s result of a posting here... - Di Van Parijs 17:30:50
11/18/98 (1)
- Quatari hennaed brides...sequined thaubs
and a highly recommended scream - Catherine Cartwright Jones
04:19:51 11/18/98 (4)
- Henna on Delicate Parts - Carol
03:49:39 11/18/98 (9)
- Half Moon Henna Web Page - Melanie
of Half Moon Henna 21:45:43 11/16/98 (3)
- An observation with colored "henna"...
- Di Van Parijs 19:40:12 11/16/98 (3)
- Heat Packs - Melanie 18:33:37
11/16/98 (9)
- chemical reactions - Ellie B
16:29:37 11/16/98 (2)
- The Barber's wife, a traditional henna
artist in 17th century India - Catherine Cartwright Jones
00:43:51 11/16/98 (0)
- Has anyone used Jamila henna? - Jennifer
02:46:17 11/15/98 (1)
- yep - Lise Anderson 14:18:40
11/16/98 (0)
- Henna that lasts a year???!! - Scott
17:10:25 11/14/98 (6)
- West African "Bandage-Resist"
henna technique - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:25:45
11/13/98 (2)
- Blood, sugar, sex magic and henna...a
Tsul wedding tradition - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:03:22
11/13/98 (7)
- woo hoo! success! - natasha papousek
19:33:42 11/13/98 (1)
- drumheads and henna - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:35:29 11/13/98 (8)
- Alcohol anyone? - Michele
05:44:42 11/12/98 (1)
- IRC henna room? - Scott 20:18:37
11/11/98 (4)
- henna in the barnyard - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 16:59:28 11/11/98 (0)
- chicken soup for henna - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 16:46:12 11/11/98 (1)
- FAQ - Nancy 16:14:35 11/11/98
- A really wacky idea! - Nancy
15:58:55 11/11/98 (0)
- Does henna have a shelf-life? - Nicola
Birtwisle 15:39:43 11/11/98 (1)
- Make $$$$$$$$$$ with only $6.00 -
Kevin 07:24:21 11/11/98 (2)
- Designs????? - Sarah 03:28:11
11/11/98 (5)
- Is this Henna or Mehndi? - Phoenix
Arabeth 23:17:15 11/10/98 (3)
- Want to know all about Henna! - Michaela
23:13:18 11/10/98 (1)
- An obscure Yemeni henna technique (and
why it's obscure) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:47:03
11/10/98 (7)
- henna use in Hofriyat rituals, sacred,
but not for the squeemish - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:09:42
11/10/98 (4)
- Is wrapping a design a necessity?
- Sonia 15:55:16 11/10/98 (8)
- Two nice pictures - Roy 13:29:19
11/10/98 (10)
- Learning or ego-stroking? - Lise
Anderson 22:03:06 11/09/98 (6)
- Where to find kattha(betel nut) -
Mike 21:38:39 11/09/98 (11)
- Different brands/suppliers -Is there
a difference? - Scott 20:49:40 11/09/98 (2)
- Can't find NewSkin spray - Scott
06:23:18 11/08/98 (9)
- To charge or not to charge... that is
the question. - Jennifer 16:06:10 11/07/98 (6)
- Survey..finishes soon! - Cindy
01:25:01 11/07/98 (26)
- Help !! - Anastasia 23:06:15
11/06/98 (1)
- Re: Help !! - Phoenix and
Arabeth 05:12:54 11/07/98 (0)
- Mein erstes Henna - Werner Blum
22:06:37 11/06/98 (3)
- Looking for a Henna artist in Denver
- Kharyssa 07:31:01 11/06/98 (2)
- Henna Books/Kits in Melbourne Australia??
- Dannoo 00:26:13 11/06/98 (1)
- Reheating Henna - Sonia 23:06:19
11/05/98 (3)
- Where can I find design books published
by Gala? - Jennifer 14:54:12 11/05/98 (2)
- Where can I find Moroccan henna?
- Mike 02:16:19 11/05/98 (2)
- How to keep your patterns even -
Sally 01:24:47 11/05/98 (4)
- Please participate in survey. We need
your input. - Cindy 01:03:10 11/05/98 (1)
- Blurring Lines - Sally 00:14:41
11/05/98 (5)
- Types of Oil - Sally 00:06:57
11/05/98 (1)
- Opening soon...Henna saloon in Ottawa
Canada - Henna Warda 23:09:51 11/04/98 (2)
- New Mexico Henna Tattoo Artist -
SR GARZA 21:52:14 11/04/98 (1)
- paper transfers, sigh, oh well...
- Natasha Papousek 18:16:30 11/04/98 (7)
- shoes - anoise 01:10:24
11/04/98 (4)
- Re: shoes - Becky M. 04:48:24
11/07/98 (1)
- Re: shoes - Sally 23:57:02
11/04/98 (0)
- Re: shoes - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 02:20:32 11/04/98 (0)
- Looking for mehndi in Manchester...or
Athens,GREECE - Chrisa A. 23:04:35 11/03/98 (2)
- odd! - Bailey-you know who!
20:45:51 11/03/98 (2)
- Re: odd! - hui-lee wong
23:55:23 12/08/98 (1)
- Cool pix - Lise Anderson 20:44:03
11/03/98 (5)
- Indian alta paint - Andrea
01:30:14 11/03/98 (7)
- shops in new york - Barabra Ramirez
17:39:04 11/02/98 (3)
- paper transfers, continuing experiments
- Natasha Papousek 16:33:26 11/02/98 (1)
- Mustard Oil? - Jennifer 14:21:05
11/02/98 (6)
- Really dumb question...sorry - Emac
06:46:47 11/02/98 (3)
- I need some advice, please... - Ron
Jaffe 01:32:19 11/02/98 (5)
- I just came back from the local main
street craft fair and guess what I found there... - Shel
01:26:33 11/02/98 (0)
- Henna Removal - elise 23:16:07
11/01/98 (2)
- Why does the fresh henna turn red and
not brown? - Mike 19:35:04 11/01/98 (1)
- New and needing tips - Scott
17:42:19 11/01/98 (3)
- What I learned today... - Ron
Jaffe 15:27:53 11/01/98 (2)