Archive 11 : September
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- 12 hours and 18 ounces of paste The
Tigers are born - Matthew 22:35:29 9/30/99 (1)
- Wicked! - SeeSee 21:26:57
10/02/99 (0)
- difficult skin? - Catherine Nielsen
21:12:44 9/30/99 (4)
- Oil, yes or no? - Autumn
21:10:21 9/30/99 (2)
- BLACK HENNA is fine to use - Canadian
Boy 07:13:54 9/30/99 (17)
- Clove oil... - Lauri 04:38:13
9/30/99 (4)
- Armenian henna wedding traditions
- Catheirne Cartwright Jones 02:49:05 9/30/99 (6)
- non-permanent tattoos - Lynn
22:30:46 9/28/99 (4)
- I'm back.....and about henna....
- Tamar in Kutztown,PA. 20:53:58 9/28/99 (9)
- Henna Baby Shower - Sonia
15:28:37 9/28/99 (8)
- liability insurance - Anne
14:22:01 9/28/99 (2)
- Henna in Connecticut - Amanda
02:30:15 9/28/99 (3)
- Henna-- where could i buy it? -
Suzzy Q 02:00:28 9/28/99 (7)
- Fairs and Festivals - Dilly
19:30:51 9/27/99 (5)
- Hierogliphics - Sue H 18:13:27
9/27/99 (2)
- What do I do with my left over henna
paste?? - Emilina 23:58:51 9/26/99 (6)
- Bleach - Cyane 21:08:03
9/26/99 (12)
- Freezing - Rox 18:24:23
9/26/99 (3)
- To CCJ ... - Jewel 14:04:35
9/26/99 (1)
- I'm so glad that I stumbled across this
site.. - Sarah Lynn Luna 05:34:45 9/26/99 (4)
- Charcoal for braziers - Eve
02:19:13 9/26/99 (9)
- Using books for patterns - MyST
23:27:08 9/25/99 (6)
- Using books for patterns - MyST
23:25:23 9/25/99 (2)
- Medical question: a thought - anita
05:51:37 9/25/99 (8)
- Sifting - Lauri 15:55:23
9/24/99 (5)
- New Skin - Roxanne 06:48:16
9/24/99 (20)
- henna - mark 02:56:12
9/24/99 (0)
- Sirius Rising pictures?? - NayNay
00:59:14 9/24/99 (1)
- Blessingway - kind of OT - Becky
Michelsen 18:40:45 9/23/99 (2)
- Thanks again Catherine :) - MyST
19:01:00 9/22/99 (1)
- girls and henna - Michelle McD
15:05:53 9/22/99 (3)
- Hennaed Dancing Girls, 18th - 19th century
Egypt (one for bellydance enthusiasts on the forum) (Long, but worthwhile)
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:32:06 9/22/99 (2)
- Sudanese Wedding Traditions - Karen
03:55:49 9/22/99 (1)
- Pictures coming soon!!! - Matthew
23:39:59 9/21/99 (0)
- Site for henna patterns - anita
17:46:44 9/21/99 (0)
- Hey Jeremy, State of the HP? - Natasha
Papousek 15:52:13 9/21/99 (2)
- south of chicago..looking for an tattoo
artist - Carol 15:05:25 9/21/99 (0)
- Blanket hennaeing - Hennaed
06:25:53 9/21/99 (2)
- Make Money No BS!!! - todd
04:16:36 9/21/99 (0)
- The hennaed hands of Priscilla, Queen
of the Desert - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:04:43 9/20/99
- Problem with allergic reaction -
Agirl 13:36:33 9/20/99 (2)
- Temptu - HELP 09:13:35
9/20/99 (6)
- Re: Temptu - anita 18:55:06
9/20/99 (4)
- Kewhl! - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 19:24:09 9/20/99 (3)
- Re: Temptu - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 14:08:27 9/20/99 (0)
- Will this Henna Recipe work? - Ron
Jaffe 04:48:23 9/20/99 (2)
- found some henna fragrances!!! -
Pearla 01:06:31 9/20/99 (4)
- I saw a beautiful henna gallery and
wanted to recommentd it. - Shanon Lavender 22:16:18 9/19/99
- Liquid Henna - Shazia 18:03:58
9/19/99 (0)
- Do you mehndi backs, arms, legs?
- Dione 21:32:15 9/18/99 (4)
- making transfers with face mask stuff
- anita 16:32:53 9/18/99 (0)
- I found a Mehndi School website.
- Carrie 06:31:31 9/18/99 (2)
- Good paste/color/design: based on recent
experiences - Kenzi 03:15:46 9/18/99 (0)
- Hennaed toenails - Cyane
03:05:29 9/18/99 (3)
- results of a silly study - Janet
19:44:56 9/17/99 (1)
- Where have there been hennaed hands
and when? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:26:04 9/17/99
- BCE? - Becky M. 16:24:04
9/25/99 (2)
- Re: BCE? - Catherine
Cartwright JOnes 02:39:02 9/26/99 (0)
- Re: BCE? - Maria
01:58:34 9/26/99 (0)
- Black henna burns - Flavia
17:12:57 9/17/99 (0)
- Gala book - Jessica 17:02:10
9/17/99 (0)
- Henna in northern New Jersey - mellina
16:06:23 9/17/99 (1)
- i find a new website for black henna
- mark 11:14:55 9/17/99 (13)
- thermafax - Amy :-) 01:56:58
9/17/99 (2)
- out of town - Amy @ Castle Art
01:30:53 9/17/99 (1)
- Henna Discussion Group - MyST
19:30:17 9/16/99 (0)
- Henna Discussion Group - MyST
19:30:11 9/16/99 (0)
- Traditional Arabic Designs - MyST
19:12:51 9/16/99 (0)
- Reputable Black Henna ?? - Atomic
Bombshell 17:04:12 9/16/99 (4)
- Balsamic vinegar - W. Raven
15:33:36 9/16/99 (1)
- Henna on my carpet!! - wendy
05:06:20 9/16/99 (1)
- I have some tat designs, and I need
help with something... - Precious Puppet 02:22:58 9/16/99
- Gloppy Face Mask - Kara 00:51:07
9/16/99 (2)
- Asthma - John Eddington 18:01:37
9/15/99 (4)
- Re: Asthma - Shanon Lavender
07:09:18 9/16/99 (0)
- Re: Asthma - Zimra 05:51:32
9/16/99 (0)
- Re: Asthma - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 18:19:05 9/15/99 (1)
- Re: Asthma - Natasha
Papousek 22:13:14 9/15/99 (0)
- Thanks Catherine! - Carrie
06:52:32 9/15/99 (1)
- thank you! - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 07:52:29 9/15/99 (0)
- Henna on black skin - Marty n
Carrie Sue 02:55:46 9/15/99 (1)
- anyone know where to get menhdi done
in ST. LOUIS?? - majyq henry 20:20:04 9/14/99 (1)
- Tunisian Henna - Reggie 17:53:18
9/14/99 (0)
- 8 foot dragon henna photos - Matthew
05:16:09 9/14/99 (10)
- The endless search for patterns
- Amy C 03:52:09 9/14/99 (10)
- wholesale henna - Anne 22:28:44
9/13/99 (14)
- anyone know any places to get mehndi
done in toronto!? - mehndilover 20:31:19 9/13/99 (0)
- toenail henna party - Karen
16:27:59 9/13/99 (0)
15:40:15 9/13/99 (0)
- Thanks to Carrie - Natasha Papousek
15:21:43 9/13/99 (3)
- Black Henna Burn? - KTroy
21:55:27 9/12/99 (4)
- Rezepte für Henna - Gundlach
Christiane 18:54:09 9/12/99 (1)
- Bad henna? - Fran Kois 08:51:47
9/12/99 (5)
- insta-henna attack! help! - rosie
22:42:18 9/11/99 (1)
- The pregnancy party....Athawansa
- Catherine Cartwright JOnes 18:21:44 9/11/99 (5)
- Henna perfume-- where? - Me
16:11:57 9/11/99 (1)
- BriteStuff stencils - Beth
07:35:43 9/11/99 (0)
- New Full Body Henna Photos - Matthew
01:15:29 9/11/99 (0)
- henna stencils - John M. Eddington
22:42:29 9/10/99 (0)
- Where to get Henna - Amber
18:19:25 9/10/99 (1)
- Star Jones from the view with a black
henna tattoo! - dilly 00:31:10 9/10/99 (3)
- Henna and jews - zak. 20:34:42
9/09/99 (3)
- Henna and jews - zak. 20:34:37
9/09/99 (0)
- Henna and jews - zak. 20:34:10
9/09/99 (0)
- mixing what and when - Nadia
05:46:03 9/09/99 (2)
- Looking for good books. - T.Merlin
01:33:35 9/09/99 (3)
- Black Henna Tattoo Damage - Thomas
Cowell 21:58:21 9/08/99 (20)
- Lovely color, smeared design - Anna
Beltestaad 19:08:12 9/08/99 (1)
- to - Catherine Cartwright Jones
- James 06:03:38 9/08/99 (4)
- yo..... - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 12:22:19 9/08/99 (3)
- henna on furniture - christine
shaw 23:53:23 9/07/99 (3)
- How much henna do I need? - Karen
22:11:00 9/07/99 (1)
- beautiful dark SMEARED color! -
Anna Beltestaad 20:08:39 9/07/99 (16)
- THANKS JEWEL!!!! - Anoise
16:47:53 9/07/99 (2)
- Yogurt as Mordant? - Kenzi
03:36:17 9/07/99 (2)
- Henna chemistry - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 02:08:29 9/07/99 (5)
- Almost Free Henna Design Book ($5)
- Lshemirah 00:22:34 9/07/99 (0)
- New henna page ETA? - Amy C
21:21:38 9/06/99 (0)
- Indian scarves. - Amy C 21:19:18
9/06/99 (10)
- Please help me to buy the black henna
- Maria YIN 07:14:13 9/06/99 (1)
- The "Friends of Henna" patterns
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:06:08 9/05/99 (0)
- New Products for September/Mention The
Henna Page.... - Kris/Body Art Supply 19:22:02 9/05/99
- Suche Rezept für gut färbende Henna-Paste
- Alex 08:51:59 9/04/99 (2)
- Beginner's questions - Maria
05:55:07 9/04/99 (6)
- Alum? - Lotus Flower 21:49:53
9/03/99 (8)
- African cystals - Caroline
16:42:55 9/03/99 (1)
- Ammonia - TJ 00:17:29
9/03/99 (2)
- Re: Ammonia - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 00:27:57 9/03/99 (1)
- My mehndi artist listings - Rupal
22:58:25 9/02/99 (0)
- Walnut stains - TJ 22:08:37
9/02/99 (1)
- Henna Calender 2000 - Robb/Natural
Expressions 20:39:06 9/02/99 (0)
- Moroccan Henna Party ( with an instructive
and amusing soda bottle dance ;) ) - Catherine Cartwright Jones
19:36:00 9/02/99 (4)
- Citric acid question - E.
19:28:52 9/02/99 (6)
- Cheap Henna Patterns/Designs Booklet
(Almost Free!!!) - Lshemirah 18:01:58 9/02/99 (0)
- Wax - Cyane 17:06:59 9/01/99
- Recipe Shmesipe - Rupal 16:57:27
9/01/99 (8)
- Stickie in the Mix? - Dilly
16:26:01 9/01/99 (5)
- Question about chemical ingredients
- mat 11:39:31 9/01/99 (8)