Archive 13 : December
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
P.J. 20:03:32 1/09/00 (2)
- Any saloon in Fairfax , Virginia
- manbir 05:48:24 1/09/00 (0)
- Bedouin henna designs - Kenzi
04:01:54 1/08/00 (0)
- Black henna is low class?! - Kenzi
03:59:19 1/08/00 (2)
- Bubble gum mehndi - Kenzi
03:16:31 1/08/00 (0)
- Bubble gum mehndi - Kenzi
03:16:08 1/08/00 (3)
- I don't mean to be caddy......but really!
- MyST 03:09:57 1/08/00 (3)
- Hey Guys I'm Back ......and a henna
party preparation begins - MyST 02:59:30 1/08/00 (6)
- Okay guys, some particulars about growing
henna. . . - P.J. 01:18:59 1/08/00 (16)
- Whats a tika? - Cyane 00:51:49
1/08/00 (8)
- hoping to initiate a discussion about
touch - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:35:24 1/07/00
- About Navneet productions..... -
Eve 20:16:30 1/07/00 (5)
- Henna in New Zealand and/or Australia
- Phill 16:45:34 1/07/00 (0)
- Bindi - wendu 01:55:00
1/07/00 (5)
- Re: Bindi - jocelyne
08:13:58 1/10/00 (0)
- Re: Bindi - Christine
00:01:06 1/08/00 (2)
- Re: Bindi - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 02:16:22 1/07/00 (0)
- When should I harvest henna leaves?
- P.J. 01:30:53 1/07/00 (1)
- Eid Mubarek - Kenzi 23:14:22
1/06/00 (11)
- Eid Mubarek ! - Jewel
00:38:56 1/07/00 (8)
- link? - Catherine Cartwright
jOnes 00:21:31 1/07/00 (1)
- Naveet Publications - Christine
23:01:16 1/06/00 (1)
- I have a question on patterns -
Eve 14:24:58 1/06/00 (14)
- Madonna causes a scandal? Can it be?!
- Kenzi 23:57:01 1/05/00 (2)
- freshness - Michelle 23:32:17
1/05/00 (1)
- A new year's resolution - Janet
15:09:14 1/05/00 (1)
- Bold and beautiful - leela
14:13:13 1/05/00 (1)
- The American Museum of Natural History
exhibit - Rupal 23:24:00 1/04/00 (0)
- help - andie brunner 19:24:37
1/04/00 (0)
- henna & ink - shelly ely
17:59:52 1/04/00 (3)
- the song of the Wrap. - emmie!
16:46:28 1/04/00 (2)
- Beautiful Nat. Geographic Pic...
- Lori 07:36:20 1/04/00 (1)
- Ammonia makes designs black? -
P.J. 05:25:08 1/04/00 (1)
- More on Ammonia replacment - CJ
04:44:57 1/04/00 (2)
- Mehndi Artist Needed - Rebecca
04:41:44 1/04/00 (0)
- Red Henna - kate 03:38:15
1/04/00 (3)
- okay...safe dyes to add to henna and
the skin it's going to go on...? - emmie 21:36:53 1/03/00
- Henna Purchase - Keith Hickman
18:10:26 1/03/00 (1)
- Happy New Year's/glad to be home
- Natasha Papousek 17:20:41 1/03/00 (1)
- extremely salty - Michelle
06:55:48 1/02/100 (1)
- henna on soft skin - Mark
04:33:52 1/02/100 (3)
- Chicago - Christopher 02:54:27
1/02/100 (1)
- Light Mountain hair dye -- opinions?
- Henna diva 23:18:53 1/01/100 (1)
- On Its Last Legs... - Amy L.
22:49:34 1/01/100 (6)
- Happy Hennaing in the New Year!
- Catherine Nielsen 17:46:14 1/01/100 (0)
- HELP ! Removal ?? - Kay 15:51:22
1/01/100 (2)
- Peace Patterns? - kate 15:23:51
1/01/100 (1)
- Happy New Year!! - Jeremy Rowntree
14:26:47 1/01/100 (3)
- i need thies info. for school -
jermaine 15:38:35 12/31/99 (1)
- Venice Beach Nightmare~! - MyST
05:22:31 12/31/99 (10)
- Is henna only for women? - Hatem
20:53:52 12/29/99 (6)
- Mehndi - Pamela Smith 18:47:09
12/29/99 (0)
- transferring designs - how? - Eliz.
R. 18:44:05 12/29/99 (4)
- Cool purchase related to Henna!
- Giselle 02:52:10 12/29/99 (4)
- Sifting - Zoe 23:10:05
12/28/99 (4)
- Brief Interruption over New Year
- Jeremy Rowntree 22:45:55 12/28/99 (4)
- help needed with paste consistency
- Debbie 19:51:04 12/28/99 (2)
- henna on face - asl 17:31:25
12/28/99 (5)
- Prices, usual cost? - Zoe
04:24:49 12/28/99 (2)
- Lisa? - Alex 04:22:18
12/28/99 (2)
- Henna and tough skin - Catherine
Nielsen 02:01:33 12/28/99 (1)
- Sirius Rising...For those of you who
have been asking... - Roy 22:08:29 12/27/99 (0)
- Egyptian patterns,love, poetry, tattoos
and henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:50:36 12/27/99
- where can i buy Lawsonia Inermis?
- claire j 01:35:05 12/26/99 (2)
- YELLOW?!?!?!? - Zoe 22:20:13
12/25/99 (3)
- HELP ME! - Jaycee 21:43:51
12/25/99 (3)
- Re: HELP ME! - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 00:43:21 12/26/99 (2)
- Black lights - Cyane 16:17:23
12/25/99 (2)
- Fine-lining it - Amy L. 01:19:29
12/25/99 (8)
- Old faces, New faces - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 17:17:32 12/24/99 (2)
- The Esoteric History of Henna -
Tufani 15:13:25 12/24/99 (1)
- A time to rejoice ... - Jewel
07:48:25 12/24/99 (0)
- The Results Are In... woohoo!! -
Amy L. 09:32:37 12/23/99 (5)
- Berbers/Amazon and henna - Kenzi
01:01:24 12/23/99 (1)
- Obriens Oil of Eucalyptus - mike
19:46:48 12/22/99 (0)
- looking for stencils - DM
05:31:57 12/22/99 (3)
- Henna Supplier in the UK?? - Fiona
23:18:44 12/21/99 (2)
- help, please - Paul Greener
21:55:48 12/21/99 (3)
- Arghh! Help! Bad Black Henna rash I
think - Ben Hulme 16:18:45 12/21/99 (2)
- Let's just call this Catherine's page
:( - ex-henna post-er 16:16:09 12/21/99 (18)
- Hmm... hoping I'm doing this right,
plus a worry.. - Amy L. 07:49:23 12/21/99 (6)
- Questions - MyST 19:11:13
12/20/99 (8)
- Sun God? - MyST 19:08:33
12/20/99 (6)
- Party hostess? Must henna!: from Medieval
Moorish Spain - CAtherine Cartwright Jones 17:42:33 12/20/99
- Henna: what Heaven smells like -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:34:38 12/20/99 (1)
- Matty Jankowski and the Body Art exhibition
at the AMNH - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:19:46 12/20/99
- I finally got the guts Henna this area...
- Giselle 08:19:47 12/19/99 (5)
- Ammonia replacment - CJ 06:36:35
12/19/99 (6)
- Eucalyptus and Camphor oil QUESTION
- Cedric 06:27:50 12/19/99 (2)
- Mix - Muscari 11:20:42
12/18/99 (3)
- walnut "crystals" worked
- Cedric 07:48:22 12/17/99 (4)
- Speaking of Festivals... - Carrie
05:45:53 12/17/99 (0)
- Harquus questions - Carrie
05:27:31 12/17/99 (5)
- allergy to henna - Junko Yoshizaki
05:23:30 12/17/99 (0)
- Henna through history - CCJ's Timeline
- Kenzi 02:20:46 12/17/99 (0)
- cookie dough - kate 20:13:55
12/16/99 (8)
- making a basic harquus - CAtherine
Cartwright Jones 19:57:25 12/16/99 (14)
- Henna/Mehndi Natural Remedies -
G.Premji 14:46:31 12/16/99 (0)
- Henna supplies, history, artist now
in San Antonio - Gulzar 14:34:36 12/16/99 (0)
- Siriusly seeking a travel buddy
- Kym 06:02:48 12/16/99 (15)
- Sirius-ly thinking about henna get-togethers
- Kenzi 00:19:04 12/16/99 (2)
- Castle Art - John 22:11:55
12/15/99 (1)
- tamrid? - Sara S. 22:04:17
12/15/99 (3)
- How to henna paper - Natasha
Papousek 17:08:19 12/15/99 (6)
- Harquus - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 15:28:20 12/15/99 (9)
- Suppliers in Europe? - Natasha
Papousek 14:25:27 12/15/99 (2)
- While I'm on a roll- thanks CCJ!!
- Dave 23:58:50 12/14/99 (1)
- GOOD FRESH henna supplies in Australia?
- Dave 23:44:42 12/14/99 (2)
- CCJ's Henna Timeline (by henna artifacts)
- kenzi 23:40:49 12/14/99 (6)
17:44:48 12/14/99 (1)
- Thinking ahead: Siriusly - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 20:25:52 12/13/99 (9)
- Al Muhajabat - Amy L. 04:09:55
12/13/99 (6)
- 850 desings for henna - ANDERSON
17:09:15 12/12/99 (3)
- Two tips - Eliz. R. 15:23:54
12/12/99 (0)
- Alternatives to henna - what have I
been offered? - Phill 22:58:51 12/11/99 (5)
- henna in Pune - India - Megam
22:28:14 12/11/99 (0)
- Seeking henna tatoo in MA or NH
- Tomyris 18:48:37 12/11/99 (2)
- bindi - jocelyne 16:55:07
12/11/99 (2)
- Re: bindi - Kenzi 01:11:24
12/14/99 (0)
- Re: bindi - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 18:58:20 12/11/99 (0)
- pure and dark henna - Sondarya
03:07:40 12/11/99 (0)
- superstition about Henna plant -
sondarya 02:54:41 12/11/99 (0)
- Henna Plants - Adam 00:45:53
12/11/99 (1)
- saftey of henna on a pregnant person
- prego on bed rest 23:29:16 12/10/99 (2)
- New Domain! - Natasha Papousek
19:30:14 12/10/99 (11)
- Henna Party - Finally! - MyST
18:23:51 12/10/99 (2)
- ingredients? - jenna 17:27:09
12/10/99 (0)
- ingredients? - jenna 17:26:50
12/10/99 (1)
- please help - rit 15:41:16
12/10/99 (0)
- Holiday patterns, peace patterns
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:02:19 12/10/99 (0)
- Yet Another henna site-this one has
henna lamps! - Carrie 07:07:35 12/10/99 (1)
- Another odd site w/henna-this one concerns
import bans. - Carrie 06:38:38 12/10/99 (4)
- Interesting site w/ medical info on
henna - Carrie 06:24:50 12/10/99 (2)
- 2 for 1 HENNA DEALS - Robb/Natural
Expressions 02:23:12 12/10/99 (0)
- Henna on CD and henna music - Kenzi
00:13:14 12/10/99 (0)
- Whoa! Dark, dark, dark - Pilgrim
06:44:55 12/09/99 (1)
- Ramadan starts tomorrow! - Kenzi
03:17:57 12/09/99 (8)
- Henna Hair for Balding Men - elliott
20:10:59 12/08/99 (3)
- henna for red hair - Missy
21:33:20 12/07/99 (4)
- A hand I never expected to see hennaed
(and other hennaed superstars) - Catherine Cartwright Jones
19:30:33 12/07/99 (7)
- Bindhi - Hollie 18:31:45
12/07/99 (2)
- Indian miniatures featuring henna hands
and feet (on eBay) - Kenzi 02:18:21 12/07/99 (0)
- A Free Offer: CCJ's Henna Timeline
- Kenzi 00:03:42 12/07/99 (2)
- Kids are henna happy! - ~mimi~
23:32:38 12/06/99 (0)
- Don't try this, not even at home!
- Natasha Papousek 20:23:39 12/06/99 (7)
- Need some advice... - Shel
07:25:24 12/06/99 (7)
- a henna riddle from c. 1200, Persia,
Sa'di - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:32:42 12/06/99
- Happy Holidays To All - Matthew
00:57:42 12/06/99 (0)
- Easy designs are too easy, hard designs
are too hard - Cyane 00:22:48 12/06/99 (7)
- How Much Henna? - Amy L.
22:34:43 12/05/99 (1)
- Henna and traditions in new Indian film
- Henna diva 20:32:11 12/05/99 (3)
- were's the information - Brian
Lee Lester 17:39:40 12/05/99 (3)
- lecture - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 14:47:30 12/05/99 (12)
- Forum problem - Jeremy Rowntree
12:17:23 12/05/99 (2)
- About Mehndi Oil - Jenna
20:54:37 12/02/99 (30)
- Trying to organize a slumber party
- Bill 15:38:04 12/02/99 (8)
- 3 year henna?????????? - Zoe
czuba 11:59:04 12/02/99 (3)
- Mordant: does green tea work? -
Amy L. 06:34:27 12/02/99 (3)
- henna video - Christine 04:38:07
12/02/99 (4)
- Camphor - sondarya 22:46:53
12/01/99 (5)
- Chinese Characters - Kenzi
04:21:03 12/01/99 (0)
- Chinese Characters - Kenzi
04:20:43 12/01/99 (0)
- New ideas getting lost in the flow
- Kenzi 02:00:47 12/01/99 (2)
- ammonia? - jocelyne 11:09:09
12/06/99 (1)
- Re: ammonia? - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 12:21:22 12/06/99 (0)
- "hennalady" on Amazon.com
- Amy L. 01:58:03 12/01/99 (4)