Archive 9 : June - July
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- A very specific example of heat affecting
henna color - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:07:00 8/01/99
- Precision Henna Sifter. Future possibility.
- W. Raven 07:49:30 7/31/99 (6)
- Does anyone know of an adult message
board - Dusky 01:30:20 7/31/99 (0)
- Niece in heaven... - 2000
18:16:07 7/30/99 (1)
- Sirius Gratitude, and the Silence of
the Clams - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 18:09:28 7/30/99
- Newspaper picture of hennaed hands
- leela 14:41:25 7/30/99 (0)
- Full body henna coming up. Need some
hints. ;-) - W. Raven 23:45:33 7/28/99 (2)
- henna and pregnancy - chris paleczny
19:23:38 7/28/99 (5)
- Re: F_____CK NO some Black henna NOT
safe? Response to this - Hadie 18:50:01 7/28/99 (4)
- Online stores - JC 07:36:38
7/28/99 (6)
- Mineral Oil - ??? 07:26:52
7/28/99 (3)
- "sensitive" body part
- Carrie 03:51:23 7/28/99 (13)
- Liquid Latex - Hadie 02:31:20
7/28/99 (2)
- HELP!!!! Where can I find... - Kris
01:56:31 7/28/99 (1)
- henna mixing - g 22:33:59
7/27/99 (2)
- How To Look More Erotic - Bill
06:39:08 7/27/99 (5)
- cant get henna off - LP 22:52:37
7/26/99 (3)
- Thanks and more question - Caroline
17:17:24 7/26/99 (10)
- designs for fashion garment - evelange
13:21:22 7/26/99 (4)
- mehndi artist - raabia 07:15:50
7/26/99 (1)
- Henna from Mecca ... - Jewel
20:10:38 7/25/99 (3)
- S Kubric - matthieu 16:11:59
7/25/99 (1)
- Mr. Yucko Says... - W. Raven
23:41:40 7/24/99 (1)
- some Black henna safe? - Carson
19:56:03 7/24/99 (3)
- a tip about wrapping your design
- christine shaw 16:47:58 7/24/99 (2)
- Artists near northwest Indiana -
Michelle 05:08:48 7/24/99 (0)
- henna in India? - Natasha Papousek
16:48:24 7/23/99 (2)
- First Festival - Carrie
06:02:08 7/23/99 (6)
- please help - Maninder Kaur
00:57:16 7/23/99 (1)
- Why not? - W.Raven 23:12:58
7/22/99 (4)
- Idear - Carson 20:31:23
7/22/99 (2)
- Re: Idear - Anna Beltestaad
19:29:38 7/23/99 (0)
- Re: Idear - Michelle
20:51:51 7/22/99 (0)
- Some survey questions - John
K. 16:29:57 7/22/99 (5)
- missing the connection - W. Raven
14:42:58 7/22/99 (2)
- Black walnut hull powder - Dione
22:14:37 7/21/99 (7)
- Siriusly wonderful! - Zimra
20:14:18 7/21/99 (12)
- Great news for Henna lovers in Boston
area! - Henna Warda 15:30:13 7/21/99 (0)
- Encryption - Pete 11:59:33
7/21/99 (0)
- More basic Questions - Help!!!
07:26:10 7/21/99 (4)
- Interesting color results. - Amy
C 06:31:46 7/21/99 (9)
- where in jmyrtle beach, sc can i get
henna or mendhi? - mary 02:06:34 7/21/99 (0)
- Neat nifty clog fixer - Kara
01:18:06 7/21/99 (4)
- Hand, where to start? - W. Raven
22:38:15 7/20/99 (4)
- going over same spots - Carson
21:16:44 7/20/99 (3)
- Artists in Seattle? - Anna Beltestaad
17:20:39 7/20/99 (2)
- Frozen Henna - Robb/Natural Expressions
16:32:14 7/20/99 (1)
- Great news for Henna lovers in Boston
area! - HENNA WARDA 15:00:50 7/20/99 (0)
- orange county, CA henna artist! -
jennifer walker 10:45:16 7/20/99 (0)
- problems - JC 07:21:42
7/20/99 (4)
- henna training classes - bahiyah
graham 01:41:45 7/20/99 (0)
- Another National Geographic mehndi sighting
- Rupal 00:44:36 7/20/99 (4)
- Locations - Jen 18:44:52
7/19/99 (1)
- Mass henna designs at a wedding -
Melissa Stewart 16:37:11 7/19/99 (3)
- Liquid latex - Brenda Casey
16:21:02 7/19/99 (1)
- Falling hair - MUHAMMAD FARHAN
GHAURI 16:12:45 7/19/99 (2)
- Questions from Begginer - New
MAN 06:59:17 7/19/99 (5)
- Wouldn't stain? - JC 04:33:55
7/19/99 (2)
- Missing supplies - Caroline
22:35:19 7/18/99 (2)
- thickness - Carson 18:28:24
7/18/99 (1)
- Right combo (Finally) - W.raven
16:34:11 7/18/99 (3)
- Question on safeness - JC
20:33:01 7/17/99 (4)
- disclaimer ,'bad' henna and hello
- Adri 10:39:15 7/17/99 (0)
- price - JC 06:33:41 7/17/99
- Henna Powder in Melbourne, Australia
- Mrs Flax 04:51:56 7/17/99 (1)
- where can i get free henna. - sarah
03:51:16 7/17/99 (1)
- Light color - W. Raven 23:10:02
7/16/99 (2)
- Henna - Carly 22:55:53
7/16/99 (1)
- Help, CAnnot get Henna Dark Enough
- Casper 00:55:56 7/16/99 (11)
- wonky patterns - Dione 23:47:30
7/15/99 (4)
- Mehndi in Columbus, Ohio? - Stefanie
20:14:35 7/15/99 (2)
- Hennaed toenails in the summer -
Janet 18:19:27 7/15/99 (4)
- Henna sticks like glue - Jewel
14:49:27 7/15/99 (5)
- Henna powder - Kathleen 14:11:16
7/15/99 (4)
- Henna powder - Kathleen 14:10:08
7/15/99 (1)
- Darker areas of the body - stephanie
franklin 13:07:14 7/15/99 (0)
- Substitute for lemon sugar - Nyki
05:18:24 7/15/99 (3)
- Padmini Tubes - Michelle 20:28:13
7/12/99 (5)
- Finally there! - Anna Beltestaad
20:13:11 7/12/99 (2)
- Need some henna advise - Edna
15:31:03 7/12/99 (12)
- help with henna seeds! - Erin
Avery 15:21:36 7/12/99 (3)
- Chinese Characters - Natasha Papousek
14:56:57 7/12/99 (6)
- Kit comparisons - Natasha Papousek
14:52:42 7/12/99 (12)
- Heating Henna - Nyki 04:49:52
7/12/99 (6)
- Mehndi artist in the Boston Area
- Elaine Valerio 22:34:26 7/11/99 (2)
- fenugreek seed and tamarind - Brenda
20:19:21 7/11/99 (2)
- Mehndi Mud and 1 hour stains??? -
Dione 00:41:20 7/11/99 (1)
- henna stores - JH 19:47:02
7/10/99 (0)
- Ugaritic mythology and henna - Anne
17:35:34 7/10/99 (3)
- Need adresses !!! - U. Trommer
13:55:16 7/10/99 (1)
- This month's National Geographic FAB
HANDS ! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:08:44 7/09/99
- Adding to henna - Carson 04:44:09
7/09/99 (1)
- purchasing black henna - ronda
13:19:17 7/08/99 (0)
- Health benefits of hennaed nails
- leela 20:40:49 7/07/99 (0)
- Health benefits of hennaed nails
- leela 20:40:42 7/07/99 (1)
- Natural ways of darkening.... - tammy
18:12:09 7/07/99 (1)
- Healing Henna Designs?? - 2000
16:33:29 7/07/99 (6)
- natural Henna on brown skin - Andhi
01:44:41 7/07/99 (3)
- Hennaed horses! - Natasha Papousek
22:11:59 7/06/99 (0)
- henna - Sonky 21:17:31
7/06/99 (2)
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 19:47:03 7/07/99 (0)
- Re: henna - SeeSee 18:41:36
7/07/99 (0)
- Where can i buy HENNA - Carson
19:41:01 7/06/99 (5)
- an experiment with cooking oil -
Janet 16:29:22 7/06/99 (1)
- "Nail polish henna" - Melissa
Stewart 14:14:06 7/06/99 (3)
- Greetings - W.Raven 07:13:51
7/06/99 (5)
- Color - Geo Lang 04:16:12
7/06/99 (1)
- henna suppliers - Brianna
20:47:48 7/04/99 (2)
- Yahoo! - nell 17:55:40
7/04/99 (1)
- help... - Tim 06:16:34
7/04/99 (2)
- armbands - Lauren 16:49:53
7/03/99 (2)
- Mixing Henna - Carson 07:49:18
7/03/99 (2)
- Need help - nell 04:52:44
7/03/99 (2)
- Mehndi MUD - What a great concept
- MyST 04:21:37 7/03/99 (0)
- mughal henna - Natasha Papousek
22:31:36 7/02/99 (1)
- "Art of Rajasthan"...last snip,
#8 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:58:35 7/02/99 (2)
- heated henna paste - Lucida
03:39:26 7/02/99 (4)
- Weird looks - Cyane 00:34:05
7/02/99 (7)
- ~~~~!!!!! BLACK HENNA HAIR DYE ****ON
SKIN****!!!!!!~~~~ - Steve Grimmer 19:44:41 7/01/99
- CCJ-ammonia trick? - Carrie
18:47:49 7/01/99 (1)
- "Things Can Change in a Day"
snip from a different perspective - Catherine Cartwright Jones
17:30:46 7/01/99 (0)
- "ARt of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #7 - CAtherine Cartwright JOnes 13:24:53
7/01/99 (0)
- Question of COLOR - JMR 06:11:31
7/01/99 (2)
- repeated uses of henna.... - joel
03:22:27 7/01/99 (2)
- Bindi- meaning and history - Sonia
18:02:17 6/30/99 (1)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #6 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:52:40
6/30/99 (8)
- hmmmm - Natasha Papousek
19:59:47 6/30/99 (7)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #5 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:01:18
6/30/99 (0)
- Sirius Body Art - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 13:59:12 6/30/99 (5)
- suppliers of Black - Caroline
09:36:29 6/30/99 (2)
- henna - Lydia 08:07:30
6/30/99 (0)
- Question for SeeSee or MD again.....
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:41:54 6/29/99 (3)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #4 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:30:09
6/29/99 (0)
- henna and clothes - laura burke
19:30:07 6/29/99 (0)
- Black Henna - Ha!!! - Claudia
18:37:29 6/29/99 (0)
- Staying power - Caroline weston
13:49:27 6/29/99 (2)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #3 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:52:32
6/29/99 (0)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip # 2 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 05:01:22
6/29/99 (2)
- CCJ - Jason 04:04:08 6/29/99
- Re: CCJ - Catherine Cartwright
jOnes 05:02:58 6/29/99 (3)
- Re: CCJ - Jason 19:44:19
6/29/99 (2)
- Re: CCJ - Catherine
Cartwright jOnes 02:47:25 6/30/99 (1)
- Re: CCJ - Jason
02:54:56 6/30/99 (0)
- "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor
Decorations" snip #1 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:09:26
6/29/99 (0)
- Henna and insects - Carissa
20:19:42 6/28/99 (3)
- CCJ Ammonia trick - 2000 18:59:34
6/28/99 (0)
- first festival - Dione 18:28:30
6/28/99 (4)
- Syringe-mechanical pencil hybird applicator!!!
- Olivia 06:02:41 6/28/99 (2)
- Saffron - Nola 02:48:56
6/28/99 (0)
- NewSkin competitor - Andrea D.
00:55:19 6/28/99 (2)
- Jaqcard tips - Luna Selena
01:39:12 6/27/99 (7)
- using henna on wool - Liz
22:12:19 6/25/99 (3)
- 1500 henna desings - jean-marc
21:58:30 6/25/99 (0)
- Frozen henna - Cyane 18:50:31
6/25/99 (1)
- Irish Designs - ryan 03:49:36
6/25/99 (1)
- Catherine C. Jones - Jason
00:59:28 6/25/99 (4)
- yo.... - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 03:57:55 6/25/99 (3)
- Re: yo.... - Jason
04:00:49 6/25/99 (2)
- Re: yo.... - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 04:43:21 6/25/99 (1)
- forbidden fruit - Brenda 00:24:03
6/25/99 (0)
- liquid latex for sealing henna -
Becky Michelsen 00:07:07 6/25/99 (4)
- Wraps and smearing - Anna Beltestaad
21:22:15 6/24/99 (5)
- Henna sacred?Mockery in the mainstream?
- Sumer 20:18:35 6/24/99 (2)
- Henna Hair Color...Help Please??
- Gina 17:01:06 6/24/99 (2)
- shrinking henna - Dione 06:32:36
6/24/99 (3)
- Jacquard bottles - Jewel 06:07:28
6/23/99 (4)
- cultural henna - Lauren 04:12:27
6/23/99 (1)
- Mind going blank - Cyane 20:18:11
6/22/99 (5)
- seeking Artist in Toronto - Daphna
15:14:04 6/22/99 (1)
- mehndi parties - jenD 04:55:51
6/22/99 (1)
- Chinese dragons - Cindy 02:29:25
6/22/99 (4)
- henna patterns - stargirl
18:30:34 6/21/99 (0)
- looking for a rose pattern - Cassandra
04:34:18 6/21/99 (5)
- Consistent staining - Cindy
02:27:33 6/21/99 (8)
- Sirius Rising Schedule...for those of
you who've been asking. - Roy 01:23:42 6/21/99 (0)
- I am a henna artist - Kali
03:59:46 6/20/99 (1)
- My name - MENDI 20:20:07
6/18/99 (0)
- My name - MENDI 20:19:37
6/18/99 (0)
- Vorlagen - Martina Jäggi 18:25:28
6/18/99 (1)
- Looking For A Mendhi Artist in Las Vegas
Area - Carrie 14:09:08 6/18/99 (0)
- frozen henna - Anita 04:40:02
6/18/99 (0)
- groovy sifter for financially deprived
- Dione 04:21:49 6/18/99 (1)
- Rock on! - Lise Anderson
20:47:23 6/18/99 (0)
- Red henna - Yasmeena 20:06:30
6/17/99 (1)
- 'Jani' Henna - Del Cramer
16:34:36 6/17/99 (4)
- view products before you buy - jocelyne
13:07:38 6/17/99 (0)
- Henna and bleach - Sankhya
06:28:08 6/17/99 (3)
- Colored henna - Stéphanie
04:53:18 6/17/99 (3)
- Henna Painting in the Cleveland/Akron
OH area - Natasha 20:50:41 6/16/99 (3)
- The secret of black khenna? - Yael
18:42:16 6/16/99 (2)
- Does anyone know the botanical name of
the henna plant? - Rattan 18:10:43 6/16/99 (8)
- Mixing Henna - Alice 17:57:17
6/16/99 (1)
- Henna longevity - Louis Beathley
16:58:12 6/16/99 (1)
- I need symbols - pat 13:57:22
6/16/99 (3)
- Henna and self-tanning products -
Sankhya 02:12:48 6/16/99 (1)
- How can I be a henna tatoo artist?
- Akiko S. 20:05:34 6/15/99 (2)
- Henna doesn`t work!!!! - Lars
17:43:23 6/15/99 (2)
- Reccomendations Needed! - Susan
03:15:50 6/15/99 (1)
- Oups! - Stéphanie 02:33:44
6/15/99 (4)
- Re: Oups! - SeeSee 18:36:14
6/15/99 (0)
- Re: Oups! - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 04:17:13 6/15/99 (0)
- Re: Oups! - Susan 03:02:01
6/15/99 (1)
- Schedule a chat ,perhaps???? - Dilly
01:05:54 6/15/99 (4)
- Help - Petra Kammesheidt 19:34:07
6/14/99 (1)
- Locations on Long Island, New York
- Heather 17:29:11 6/14/99 (1)
- national geo article - Lauren
G 17:10:33 6/14/99 (1)
- Mehndi/Mehlabiya Oil - Susan
03:45:04 6/14/99 (2)
- Sucess with transfers! - Kat
03:42:37 6/14/99 (1)
- Hennaeing over Port Wine Stain Birthmarks
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:47:49 6/14/99 (2)
- Hennaeing pregnant bellies: and a Braxton
Hicks rush - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:02:07 6/14/99
- Disposal? - Ani 19:45:20
6/13/99 (6)
- jani cone - michelle johnson parnell
18:18:14 6/13/99 (0)
- jani cone - michelle johnson parnell
18:18:08 6/13/99 (2)
- henna presentation for 4th graders
- Anne 23:03:27 6/11/99 (0)
- Stressing out about results - Rattan
21:43:16 6/11/99 (5)
- Stressing out about results - Rattan
21:42:10 6/11/99 (1)
- tracing - Caroline Weston
19:26:21 6/11/99 (3)
- Chlorine and henna hair - Cyane
17:01:58 6/11/99 (1)
- TTFN ta ta for now! - Rupal
16:51:15 6/11/99 (1)
- Mehndi Books/Kits - Susan
05:36:01 6/11/99 (4)
- Need advice! - Nyki 05:13:01
6/11/99 (3)
- books from India - Natasha Papousek
16:59:39 6/10/99 (2)
- Is there a place in Michigan? - K.
Rae 13:51:53 6/10/99 (1)
- Wanted colored Henna paste in Bulk.
- Sanali Naturals 19:02:52 6/09/99 (1)
- pH testing?? - 2000 07:29:46
6/09/99 (4)
- Time to Archive? etc. - Michael
06:47:31 6/09/99 (2)
- Celtic knotwork avalible - Lin
choinski 01:57:57 6/09/99 (14)
- New Skin Shoppers Beware! - 2000
22:55:20 6/08/99 (7)
- Big Compliment for a Newbie - Michelle
20:29:39 6/08/99 (3)
- Artist needed Minneapolis/St. Paul
- Robb/Nat-X 00:26:07 6/08/99 (1)
- Padmini paste???? - 2000 20:47:02
6/07/99 (2)
- Allergic reaction? - Cyane
19:49:31 6/07/99 (4)
- artists in the San Francisco area
- Che Hashim 18:52:35 6/07/99 (7)
- Weird paste - Natasha Papousek
17:00:55 6/07/99 (3)
- I search for the tattoo graphic of the
film BLADE - Cornelia Dicker 16:11:19 6/07/99 (0)
- Get it now! - Karla 10:14:52
6/07/99 (0)
- Mehndi business deals???? - Susan
07:16:11 6/07/99 (2)
- Project Question - Kat 04:23:09
6/07/99 (6)
- henna designs - john 01:57:10
6/07/99 (0)
- 3 new desings catalogues for henna
- tarawa 10:49:36 6/06/99 (0)
- clove oil - Helena 09:11:33
6/06/99 (5)
- Travel with henna? - Amy C
05:05:10 6/06/99 (2)
- Henna Powder Storage - Jaycee
03:24:38 6/06/99 (1)
- PADMINI ??? - 2000 20:24:09
6/05/99 (0)
- Henna designs - Lee Markle
18:08:47 6/05/99 (3)
- Thanks!! - Sugar 15:08:51
6/05/99 (0)
- Mange Takk to all! - Anna Beltestaad
20:18:48 6/04/99 (0)
- The Sifter! - Ntasha Papousek
19:44:22 6/04/99 (0)
- Business advice needed - Natasha
Papousek 15:12:21 6/04/99 (6)
- How to decipher a good henna artist from
a bad one - Susan 06:25:13 6/04/99 (3)
- Shaker berry dyes - Rattan
05:41:57 6/04/99 (0)
- dark skin, african americans - Brent
Ajayen 01:37:06 6/04/99 (2)
- Minneapolis/St. Paul Artists Needed
- Robb/Nat-X 23:12:19 6/03/99 (0)
- Thank You! - Michelle 21:52:41
6/03/99 (3)
- kids designs - Helena 17:14:51
6/03/99 (4)
- Mehndi Books - Susan 03:04:12
6/03/99 (1)
- supplies - Alexis 01:00:54
6/03/99 (4)
- Pregnancy designs and chicago question
- mehndi mommy 23:04:31 6/02/99 (2)
- Henna artists and Henna in hair -
N. Tribue 21:34:54 6/02/99 (1)
- An odd henna experience - Zimra
17:52:36 6/02/99 (1)
- Sanskrit - Cindy 17:32:55
6/02/99 (5)
- For Keepers of the Tradition....
- Tamu/Tamar 13:03:49 6/02/99 (0)
- Celtic Design Page - Michael
03:15:28 6/02/99 (1)
- for midsummer night's dancing - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 20:56:08 6/01/99 (15)
- applicator squeeze bottles - Mirjam
10:38:58 6/01/99 (4)
- Designs for Men . . . . Please -
Michael 07:58:49 6/01/99 (7)
- new to this - Lin Choinski
04:33:51 6/01/99 (1)