Archive 8 : March - May
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- Wanted colored Henna paste in Bulk.
- Sanali Naturals 19:02:52 6/09/99 (0)
- pH testing?? - 2000 07:29:46
6/09/99 (3)
- Time to Archive? etc. - Michael
06:47:31 6/09/99 (0)
- Celtic knotwork avalible - Lin
choinski 01:57:57 6/09/99 (5)
- New Skin Shoppers Beware! - 2000
22:55:20 6/08/99 (3)
- Big Compliment for a Newbie - Michelle
20:29:39 6/08/99 (1)
- Artist needed Minneapolis/St. Paul
- Robb/Nat-X 00:26:07 6/08/99 (1)
- Padmini paste???? - 2000 20:47:02
6/07/99 (2)
- Allergic reaction? - Cyane
19:49:31 6/07/99 (3)
- artists in the San Francisco area
- Che Hashim 18:52:35 6/07/99 (3)
- Weird paste - Natasha Papousek
17:00:55 6/07/99 (3)
- I search for the tattoo graphic of the
film BLADE - Cornelia Dicker 16:11:19 6/07/99 (0)
- Get it now! - Karla 10:14:52
6/07/99 (0)
- Mehndi business deals???? - Susan
07:16:11 6/07/99 (2)
- Project Question - Kat 04:23:09
6/07/99 (5)
- henna designs - john 01:57:10
6/07/99 (0)
- 3 new desings catalogues for henna
- tarawa 10:49:36 6/06/99 (0)
- clove oil - Helena 09:11:33
6/06/99 (3)
- Travel with henna? - Amy C
05:05:10 6/06/99 (2)
- Henna Powder Storage - Jaycee
03:24:38 6/06/99 (1)
- PADMINI ??? - 2000 20:24:09
6/05/99 (0)
- Henna designs - Lee Markle
18:08:47 6/05/99 (1)
- Thanks!! - Sugar 15:08:51
6/05/99 (0)
- Mange Takk to all! - Anna Beltestaad
20:18:48 6/04/99 (0)
- The Sifter! - Ntasha Papousek
19:44:22 6/04/99 (0)
- Business advice needed - Natasha
Papousek 15:12:21 6/04/99 (6)
- How to decipher a good henna artist from
a bad one - Susan 06:25:13 6/04/99 (3)
- Shaker berry dyes - Rattan
05:41:57 6/04/99 (0)
- dark skin, african americans - Brent
Ajayen 01:37:06 6/04/99 (2)
- Minneapolis/St. Paul Artists Needed
- Robb/Nat-X 23:12:19 6/03/99 (0)
- Thank You! - Michelle 21:52:41
6/03/99 (3)
- kids designs - Helena 17:14:51
6/03/99 (4)
- Mehndi Books - Susan 03:04:12
6/03/99 (1)
- supplies - Alexis 01:00:54
6/03/99 (4)
- Pregnancy designs and chicago question
- mehndi mommy 23:04:31 6/02/99 (2)
- Henna artists and Henna in hair -
N. Tribue 21:34:54 6/02/99 (1)
- An odd henna experience - Zimra
17:52:36 6/02/99 (1)
- Sanskrit - Cindy 17:32:55
6/02/99 (3)
- For Keepers of the Tradition....
- Tamu/Tamar 13:03:49 6/02/99 (0)
- Celtic Design Page - Michael
03:15:28 6/02/99 (1)
- for midsummer night's dancing - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 20:56:08 6/01/99 (12)
- Application Methods - Cyane
19:43:42 6/01/99 (4)
- keeping henna - Lorenzo 17:42:41
6/01/99 (5)
- Chinese Symbols - Nicola 12:17:47
6/01/99 (9)
- applicator squeeze bottles - Mirjam
10:38:58 6/01/99 (4)
- Designs for Men . . . . Please -
Michael 07:58:49 6/01/99 (5)
- new to this - Lin Choinski
04:33:51 6/01/99 (1)
- Henna perfume - pearla-m@rocketmail.com
14:43:40 5/31/99 (4)
- great new products, updated directory
& more! - Jocelyne 11:51:27 5/31/99 (0)
- How do you make transfers? - Susan
06:41:40 5/31/99 (9)
- interesting experience - Natasha
Papousek 02:02:09 5/31/99 (1)
- I need some advice... - Wendy
01:36:50 5/31/99 (6)
- oops, thats Products...:-) - Body
Art Supply 18:07:08 5/30/99 (0)
- And even more new pructs for May
- Body Art Supply 18:04:47 5/30/99 (0)
- Henna Morals - Sonia 13:01:02
5/30/99 (7)
- henna - sticker - Zorana Durkovic
03:30:22 5/30/99 (4)
- Leg Designs - Cyane 20:11:19
5/29/99 (13)
- 3 catalogues desings henna - tarawa
09:17:06 5/29/99 (0)
- To Nay Nay - Michelle 21:52:51
5/28/99 (2)
- Re: Pen - Frankie 20:09:41
5/31/99 (1)
- Re: Pen - Becky M.
23:58:54 5/31/99 (0)
- Pinky fingernail hennaed- can't get it
off! - Peter 21:26:56 5/28/99 (1)
- Is there a symbol for this? - Jay
19:53:12 5/28/99 (2)
- A Great Essay - SeeSee 18:25:40
5/28/99 (0)
- The Art of Mehndi - Michelle
16:02:08 5/28/99 (1)
- Extraction Of Henna - Sandeep
C Mulay 12:40:58 5/28/99 (0)
- henna on cotton/textile - Mirjam
11:49:09 5/28/99 (3)
- First time - laurianne 04:00:01
5/28/99 (2)
- Henna for Hair and Henna Tattoo artists
& locations - Nyree Tribue 22:49:26 5/27/99 (2)
- Burgendy results in 20 minutes -
Robb/Nat-X 21:06:53 5/27/99 (2)
- how do you apply henna to hair? -
amber 19:40:54 5/27/99 (1)
- Fading henna - Cyane 19:36:14
5/27/99 (5)
- Henna - Sara Williamson 15:52:05
5/27/99 (1)
- Water after henna - Michelle
18:00:06 5/26/99 (1)
- henna lotion - rakhsi 17:00:59
5/26/99 (0)
- program on tv - Rymke 14:17:00
5/26/99 (2)
- program on tv - Rymke 14:16:55
5/26/99 (0)
- Incense? - Mike 07:38:28
5/26/99 (0)
- The Fastest Route Overseas - SeeSee
00:13:39 5/26/99 (0)
- Where's a fairy godperson!!! - Frankie
19:41:12 5/25/99 (6)
- Henna Paste Tubes that ACTUALLY WORK!
- Kelly 18:47:13 5/25/99 (5)
- More on dance and henna party video.
- Shanna 08:25:11 5/25/99 (1)
- Can I henna my hair? - Susan
07:37:01 5/25/99 (1)
- A novice's (partial) success...and some
questions. - Anna Beltestaad 23:11:31 5/24/99 (1)
- Pls excuse my impudence - Amy
C 19:32:17 5/24/99 (1)
- Sifters? - Michelle 18:36:34
5/24/99 (9)
- Re: Sifters? - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 18:50:11 5/24/99 (8)
- A Turkish Bridal henna wrap - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 18:35:49 5/24/99 (0)
- Is Icy-Hot the new Holy Grail? -
Natasha Papousek 17:18:59 5/24/99 (1)
- Making it last - Cri 12:56:46
5/24/99 (1)
- Can't DIY! - Tony 10:29:07
5/24/99 (0)
- Black Henna - Is mine safe?? - Wendy
03:09:53 5/24/99 (1)
- Black Henna - Is mine safe?? - Wendy
03:06:18 5/24/99 (0)
- Old henna paste - Cyane 20:42:16
5/23/99 (3)
- Mixing natural and colored henna..
- Pixie 20:03:26 5/23/99 (0)
- New Henna Products for May - Body
Art Supply 04:20:41 5/23/99 (0)
- transfer supply update - Becky
Michelsen 16:23:28 5/22/99 (4)
- Hennaeing the fingernails and toenails
after childbirth - leela 18:22:15 5/21/99 (1)
- Hennaeing the fingenails and toenails
after childbirth - leela 18:22:02 5/21/99 (0)
- egypt - kimberley 10:34:24
5/21/99 (0)
- Pls see my note re: Palestinian video
- Shanna 02:40:07 5/21/99 (1)
- Buy: Henna - Qinwan Co. 22:33:53
5/20/99 (0)
- New Pics - Jeremy Rowntree
19:35:54 5/20/99 (1)
- why do we oil/lemon sugar? - Frankie
19:04:05 5/20/99 (3)
- Feeling New Skin Leary - Sonia
16:00:57 5/20/99 (4)
- Henna artists in NE Florida - Cindy
22:46:55 5/19/99 (4)
- Still having problems - Anna Beltestaad
18:51:19 5/19/99 (8)
- Menhadi Rang Raci, crucial henna, post#5,
(growth and cultivation) - Catherine Cartwright jOnes 15:32:10
5/19/99 (1)
- Henna Plant - Susan 05:07:28
5/19/99 (1)
- Menhadi Rang Rachi; crucial henna, post#4
(using fresh leaves) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:25:46
5/19/99 (1)
- bad reaction - Vic 12:57:54
5/18/99 (2)
Ziogas 10:49:08 5/18/99 (2)
- Has any one tried.... - Amy W
08:40:32 5/18/99 (4)
- Ok, another question.... :) - Cindy
03:18:37 5/18/99 (0)
- deep red stain - Cindy 02:12:35
5/18/99 (1)
- Henna Tattoo Product Supplies from the
Manufacturer. - HENNA GOLD CORPORATION 22:12:24 5/17/99
- Egyptian Fashion - Claire Mowbray
21:39:51 5/17/99 (1)
- Fine lines - Cyane:Priestess of
Tataka 20:02:34 5/17/99 (4)
- Henna Problems - A Request - David
Grossman 04:13:01 5/17/99 (1)
- black walnut hulls - Cindy
02:56:45 5/17/99 (7)
- Celtic Symbol for mother - Beth
23:27:07 5/16/99 (1)
- Starting Mehndi Business - Business
Bound? 23:11:17 5/16/99 (14)
- How to sieve henna - Anna
21:20:54 5/16/99 (6)
- I'm looking for cool stencils - Chris
19:26:42 5/16/99 (3)
- Ineed a cool pattern - Wendy
04:24:12 5/16/99 (1)
- Home video of traditional Palestinian
Henna party! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:01:41 5/15/99
- "Menhadi Rang Rachi" - crucial
henna #3 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:42:40 5/15/99
- Henna workshops in the Netherlands
- Caroline 19:07:38 5/15/99 (0)
- besides eucalyptus oil - Cassandra
18:19:52 5/15/99 (4)
- "Menhadi Rang Rachi" post #2,
crucial henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:59:43 5/15/99
- "Menhadi Rang Rachi", crucial
henna!...#1 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:04:59 5/15/99
- seattle locations - brook
22:02:54 5/14/99 (0)
- I am going to be in Minniapolis June
3-6 - Di Van Parijs 16:17:01 5/14/99 (3)
- In need of a design! - Franziska
16:06:40 5/14/99 (3)
- Anyone with information? - Franziska
Windover 18:50:18 5/13/99 (0)
- Idea Book Etiquette - Amy Cosentino
18:22:02 5/13/99 (5)
- black henna - noelle sheeran
16:58:41 5/13/99 (13)
- black henna - noelle sheeran
16:50:20 5/13/99 (0)
- black henna - noelle sheeran
16:49:46 5/13/99 (0)
- RE: Bulk henna for sale - Renu
McAfee 16:41:57 5/13/99 (0)
- Henna - MJ 12:45:00 5/13/99
- sex - Brian Kenny 02:24:01
5/13/99 (0)
- Hennad hair - Rymke 18:32:34
5/12/99 (1)
- Catherine C-J, a querry for you -
Wendy 18:21:42 5/12/99 (2)
- henna on african-americans and also the
safety of blackhenna - theresa 08:31:04 5/12/99 (1)
- TARUN NAYAR - 2000 07:03:03
5/12/99 (2)
- More Bad Luck - Robb/Nat-X
01:27:42 5/12/99 (4)
- I'm henna-fied - Franziska Windover
20:58:23 5/11/99 (1)
- mixed henna - courious 19:53:46
5/11/99 (2)
- I'm henna-fied - Franziska Windover
19:52:13 5/11/99 (0)
- Lots of questions! - jazibe
18:45:06 5/11/99 (2)
- Henna also for italians!! - Valeria
Toledo 18:06:22 5/11/99 (1)
- Henna also for italians!! - Valeria
Toledo 18:05:54 5/11/99 (0)
- HELP! I'm stained!! - Matt
14:41:28 5/11/99 (6)
- Latex - Shanon Lavender 09:14:28
5/11/99 (7)
- Re: Latex - Nay Nay 21:22:08
5/11/99 (3)
- Re: Latex - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 15:15:37 5/11/99 (2)
- Re: Latex - Andrea D.
20:35:08 5/11/99 (1)
- Re: Latex - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 22:12:10 5/11/99 (0)
- can I put henna in my dyed hair?
- vieux bandit 08:27:09 5/11/99 (3)
- Mehndi Mud - 2000 05:44:13
5/11/99 (2)
- any school in India for mehndi,any teacher
in France? - Catherine Le Franc 00:45:21 5/11/99 (1)
- mehndi while pregnant? - Justine
23:27:04 5/10/99 (5)
- henna darkening method - Natasha
Papousek 14:37:11 5/10/99 (5)
- Re:update - Natasha 14:28:31
5/11/99 (4)
- Re:update - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 12:36:46 5/12/99 (3)
- Henna and your nails... - Nay
Nay 06:53:49 5/10/99 (1)
- Henna in Illinois? Help! - Heather
Loresch 18:20:24 5/09/99 (2)
- A few Questions - about ready
to give up 10:47:30 5/09/99 (5)
- Bad Results. Why? - Michaela
01:42:15 5/09/99 (4)
- Bad Results. Why? - Michaela
01:42:13 5/09/99 (0)
- delurking, and a black henna question
- Anne 15:17:04 5/08/99 (2)
- Sunless tanning lotion and henna
- Jenn 23:23:27 5/07/99 (0)
- stage design update - Natasha
Papousek 20:54:20 5/07/99 (3)
- any changes since last summer? -
Becky Michelsen 20:24:16 5/07/99 (2)
- Henna from SUDAN - Qinwan Co.
08:55:42 5/07/99 (0)
- Dipping - Cyane 03:00:14
5/07/99 (1)
- Henna Supplies In UK - Jo Blair
01:40:54 5/07/99 (6)
- Henna and jews - Zak 18:40:41
5/06/99 (0)
- Blue toenail polish - Maryann
18:01:44 5/06/99 (4)
- Mehendi in Wales (Cariff Area) -
kiwi50 09:11:36 5/06/99 (0)
- "Nail polish mehndi" and a
really beautiful web site - Rupal 06:29:24 5/06/99
- henna user gone astray - big K
23:26:40 5/05/99 (2)
- Mehendi & Beauty - Rupal
23:05:39 5/05/99 (2)
- Henna costs - 2000 19:32:47
5/05/99 (0)
- new type of stencil...any interest?
- Amy W. 07:57:51 5/05/99 (2)
- Catherine, Get It Over With - SeeSee
05:24:41 5/05/99 (1)
- Henna and Jews - zak 19:57:00
5/04/99 (7)
- Bulk Henna for Sale - Renu McAfee
19:17:13 5/04/99 (0)
- TARAWA need 15 henna artists - tarawa
17:59:13 5/04/99 (0)
- side-effects of henna - Corry
Page 15:26:02 5/04/99 (6)
- What are you paying for New Skin and
where are you buying it??? - Shanon Lavender 09:43:15
5/04/99 (4)
- Henna plants - JANET PLANET
06:14:08 5/04/99 (1)
- What have I gotten myself into? -
Greg Mills 02:05:31 5/04/99 (2)
- Pre-fab industrial henna wraps -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:22:43 5/03/99 (1)
- Testing for allergies - Cyane
19:44:09 5/03/99 (4)
- HELP! Henna ignorant... - Jenn
19:41:56 5/03/99 (1)
- Disappointing ammonia result - Andrea
D. 18:05:32 5/03/99 (2)
- mehndi books from India - Natasha
Papousek 16:13:31 5/03/99 (6)
- henna in Atlanta - Bonnie
14:06:49 5/03/99 (0)
- Jewelery bags.... - Nay Nay
02:28:31 5/03/99 (0)
- Book of Symbols - Robb/Nat.-X.
19:19:36 5/02/99 (1)
- Dor and Marj - Dor Mouse 12:07:27
5/02/99 (0)
- lotus designs - Helena Pearce
09:50:16 5/02/99 (22)
- Kind of off subject... - Nay Nay
09:25:21 5/02/99 (0)
- anyone have butterfly designs? -
Jenn 03:00:47 5/02/99 (9)
- Henna and Perms - Angelique
23:54:28 5/01/99 (1)
- szukam nowych wzorow henna tattoo `s
- maciek 17:01:38 5/01/99 (0)
- Frozen Henna - 2000 16:55:38
5/01/99 (2)
- I'm just not getting it... - Angie
Nash 03:25:58 5/01/99 (4)