Archive 14 :February
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- Where can I get Spiritual Sky Liquid
Henna - Marie 15:48:04 3/04/00 (0)
- Cones: how-to - Eliz. R.
15:28:17 3/04/00 (4)
- OMG! This is FUNNY! - Nick
15:18:14 3/04/00 (0)
- OMG! This is FUNNY! - Nick
15:18:13 3/04/00 (0)
- the Ammonia Process - Nick
12:19:04 3/04/00 (0)
- OOOH! I'd love to come! but I don't
know if I can!:-( - Nick 11:29:47 3/04/00 (3)
- Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand
new fig leaf - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:34:46 3/03/00
- Morocco mailbag....the magical henna
stone - Kenzi 12:08:02 3/03/00 (0)
- Morocco mailbag....henna hustling
- Kenzi 11:54:32 3/03/00 (0)
- henna - Milly 09:07:56
3/03/00 (1)
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 13:47:49 3/03/00 (0)
- Are Henna leaves sensitive to light
and air during drying? - P.J. 23:48:46 3/02/00 (2)
- Carrot Bag availability - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 20:52:51 3/02/00 (4)
- how to extract colour pigment from henna
leaves for assured result? - atul mulay 15:53:11 3/02/00
- light brown stains - Anne
12:07:38 3/02/00 (1)
- Thinking of writing a book... -
Nick 20:08:13 3/01/00 (0)
- Khaki colored henna... and a few questions.
- Nick 20:01:34 3/01/00 (2)
- Teaching a course on henna!... -
Nick 19:38:59 3/01/00 (3)
- exposing the children (but not to the
elements) - Anne 12:22:37 3/01/00 (5)
- henna - Lulu 04:03:01
3/01/00 (1)
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 14:34:03 3/01/00 (0)
- Copts and Rabbits - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:09:36 3/01/00 (6)
- get it while its fresh :-) (new shipment
in) - Amy :-) 00:40:04 3/01/00 (1)
- get it while its fresh :-) (new shipment
in) - Amy :-) 00:23:30 3/01/00 (0)
- research!! - Natty 05:48:08
2/29/00 (0)
- How about some Mikes Hard Lemonaid
- Craig 00:29:42 2/29/00 (2)
- sandal scented soap - leela
17:29:28 2/28/00 (3)
01:07:05 2/28/00 (0)
- Recipe's? - Craig Erlenmeyer
19:48:51 2/27/00 (3)
- Black Henna Site. . . sounds suspicious.
. . - P.J. 13:41:25 2/27/00 (3)
- Harquus - sarah 03:38:08
2/27/00 (3)
- henna - sarah ward 21:22:47
2/26/00 (0)
- Black Henna Powder? - Brit
04:46:18 2/26/00 (3)
- How much henna? - Rupal 04:33:43
2/26/00 (6)
- Henna + Money - Craig A. Erlenmeyer
01:32:07 2/26/00 (1)
- where now - Wayne 19:45:44
2/25/00 (0)
- henna on top... - Mike 17:57:21
2/25/00 (2)
- Renaissance Faire - Shelly
15:11:13 2/25/00 (2)
- woad - sarah 03:59:40
2/25/00 (4)
- Re: woad - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 14:34:47 2/28/00 (0)
- Re: woad - Jenna 15:13:24
2/25/00 (2)
- A little OT but... - Zahira
02:30:57 2/25/00 (0)
- different Question (about hair, this
time!) - jamie (again) 22:19:47 2/24/00 (3)
- Henna-Newbie here, with a question
- jamie 22:04:10 2/24/00 (2)
- Question about multiple colors -
Janet 16:11:18 2/24/00 (3)
- What is......... - Michelle
13:35:12 2/24/00 (0)
- Red highlights? - Amy L.
07:23:45 2/24/00 (1)
- Where can I go to get this artwork done?
- Brooke Purcell 00:13:32 2/24/00 (0)
- mourning patterns? :-( - Anne
23:33:03 2/23/00 (7)
- Transfers (again!) - NaturGirl
19:43:09 2/23/00 (5)
- Really red henna hair! - Camilla
18:59:22 2/23/00 (1)
- Henna Mehndi - Syed Abid Ali
06:38:12 2/23/00 (0)
- How do I make dark henna - Elahrairah
00:45:10 2/23/00 (6)
- Women's Weekend (henna party!) -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:51:18 2/22/00 (0)
- Tattoo over Imprint left from a black
Henna design?? - Michelle 14:43:32 2/22/00 (8)
- Hennaeing previously polished fingernails
and toenails - Susie 13:58:56 2/22/00 (1)
- what is Kathha / Kattha power?
- kali 14:42:33 2/21/00 (2)
- a very useful mat for festival season
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:13:50 2/21/00 (0)
- What do we call ourselves? - Lisa
16:44:53 2/20/00 (7)
- Paper towel and saran wrap lovers...
- Giselle 05:23:02 2/20/00 (1)
- Black Henna: True or False. . .
- P.J. 16:31:01 2/19/00 (1)
- Can't stop showing you guys pictures!
- Kenzi 03:04:38 2/19/00 (10)
- UAE Henna pictures - Kenzi
03:03:59 2/18/00 (2)
- black henna - John 01:11:03
2/18/00 (3)
- Pictures of Bebers - Kenzi
00:42:56 2/18/00 (0)
- cleaning out jacquard tips - lisa
23:29:26 2/17/00 (5)
- almost free offers - Amy :-)
18:09:36 2/17/00 (0)
- Transfers - NaturGirl 17:22:18
2/17/00 (3)
- Calling all experienced Henna users
(as a hair dye!) - Rini 09:44:28 2/17/00 (3)
- Henna for pregnant belly - Kym
06:27:26 2/17/00 (1)
- Viable Business? - Shelly
21:05:56 2/16/00 (3)
- Re:Al Muhajabat henna? - Nick
20:07:19 2/16/00 (3)
- Where can I buy or order henna hair
color? - Eva H. 11:09:41 2/16/00 (1)
- henna over scar tissue - Catherine
Nielsen 05:36:37 2/16/00 (1)
- healing properties of mehndi/henna
- amy b 19:03:06 2/15/00 (1)
- More evidence about heat - Natasha
Papousek 14:42:26 2/15/00 (7)
- Best iranian henna - M TALAIE
11:21:41 2/15/00 (1)
- Black Henna Information requested :)
- P.J. 03:19:31 2/15/00 (7)
- Cone-a-phobia! - Kenzi 00:57:15
2/15/00 (8)
- hands - sarah 23:10:38
2/14/00 (1)
- Ahhh!0 I don't know how to use my henna
art kit? - Bole 23:02:37 2/14/00 (2)
- fame, worrying the sheep, Baptists and
high wierdness - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:38:57 2/14/00
- Please Help me - Christine
11:47:36 2/14/00 (1)
- Check this out. - Sierra
22:17:16 2/13/00 (4)
- CuChulainn - dev 09:49:50
2/13/00 (17)
- The Triple Spiral - dev 09:47:32
2/13/00 (0)
- The Triple Spiral - dev 09:47:17
2/13/00 (1)
- Cool henna item on Ebay - Kenzi
04:08:41 2/12/00 (1)
- Henna Hair Treatment Wax - Navaid
21:11:43 2/11/00 (0)
- Bindis - Caryn 02:24:53
2/11/00 (1)
- Navneet books & Henna Stone
- Jenna 18:17:12 2/10/00 (0)
- heat bags - sarah 13:45:36
2/10/00 (5)
SWEET 13:20:26 2/10/00 (0)
- I'm searching for a dragon-motive!
- sorceress 12:57:23 2/10/00 (1)
- Betel Leaves? - Natalie 03:18:50
2/10/00 (4)
- NS over toilet paper - lisa
21:59:05 2/09/00 (1)
- FREE Henna Powder!! - Robb/Natural
Expressions 20:16:16 2/09/00 (0)
- links? How? - nick 20:04:31
2/09/00 (0)
- Catherine's henna patterns - nick
19:48:33 2/09/00 (4)
- large cans of new-skin? - Kat
15:31:42 2/09/00 (1)
- Resurrected post about cranberry juice.
- Carrie 07:55:15 2/09/00 (3)
- New Website....sorta - Kenzi
01:02:41 2/09/00 (4)
- NaturGirl's henna pics - Kenzi
00:50:21 2/09/00 (6)
- Djinn - Cyane 21:04:48
2/08/00 (3)
- Wedding in Massachusetts - Charu
17:03:30 2/08/00 (4)
- The holy grail was here all along...
- Natasha Papousek 15:01:16 2/08/00 (10)
- Henna and Perms - Sonia 02:18:04
2/08/00 (3)
- Practice & Learning... - NaturGirl
02:01:54 2/08/00 (6)
- Dark colored toenails, oh my! -
Lisette 22:26:30 2/07/00 (0)
- Fading out - Eliz. 17:16:40
2/06/00 (3)
- Clove Oil - Gunawan Siswanto
11:38:50 2/06/00 (0)
- Love Eternal .... patterns for Valentine's
Day - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:41:52 2/06/00
- To Catherine-just curious about how
you create your designs - Carrie 17:26:00 2/05/00
- Questions about Castle Art colored henna.
. . - P.J. 14:32:49 2/05/00 (0)
- crucial henna and costume pix, Morocco
and Algeria, 1800's - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 03:18:22
2/05/00 (2)
- Pic of henna being sold - Kenzi
23:12:15 2/04/00 (0)
- Web Site Up & No Longer Lurching
- Kree Arvanitas 23:06:27 2/04/00 (4)
- hennaed fingernails and pulse oximeter
readings - CAtherine Cartwright Jones 16:17:01 2/04/00
- Xena henna patterns - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 14:51:33 2/04/00 (12)
- Henna on Iran National Geographic
- Kenzi 00:43:14 2/04/00 (7)
- Juvenal's record of henna in Jerusalem
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:20:54 2/03/00 (4)
- Masada? - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 03:09:11 2/04/00 (3)
- Lady Burton's notes on henna, 1884,
Syria - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:00:14 2/03/00
- Getting Married - Rian Kuipers
08:32:50 2/03/00 (2)
- Where in Central London can I go for
Henna tattooing? - Cathy 20:48:35 2/02/00 (2)
- Where in Central London can I go for
Henna tattooing? - Cathy 20:46:18 2/02/00 (0)
- Kenzi is going to morocco? - Nick
20:07:21 2/02/00 (1)
- Kenzi is going to morocco? - Nick
20:06:45 2/02/00 (0)
- "Traditional"(toothpick) henna
- Nick 19:26:07 2/02/00 (1)
- Henna and Muslims - Aisha Hashmi
17:52:38 2/02/00 (7)
- Opsite or Tegaderm - star-grazer
13:19:36 2/02/00 (0)
- Moroccan women with henna - Photo
- Kenzi 04:43:10 2/02/00 (0)
- I want to purchase colored henna paste
- Jenny Kay 04:03:29 2/02/00 (3)
- henna symbol on madonna's hand in 'frozen'
- tom de volder 13:01:34 2/01/00 (3)
- henna color tattoo - kubilay
06:19:33 2/01/00 (0)
- Lemon and cloves - NaturGirl
04:09:48 2/01/00 (6)
- Parthian royal ointment..... - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 03:10:42 2/01/00 (10)
- queries from the language-impaired
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:53:53 2/01/00 (8)
- And everybody who took the time to reply
- carol 00:14:52 2/01/00 (4)
- Re:Henna tattoo artists wanted in UK
- Eve 20:43:19 1/31/00 (0)
- heat is nice on feet - Natasha
Papousek 17:00:52 1/31/00 (1)
- Henna v tattoos - Michelle
13:19:29 1/31/00 (11)
- boiling limes - Kati 09:14:47
1/31/00 (1)
- can us Muslims ACTUALLY be coming to
a site made by a MAN!!?!?!? - don't care to give 03:44:49
1/31/00 (15)
- Why pay for a site? - Aisha
Hashmi 03:40:38 1/31/00 (5)
- paisley - Zoe 22:32:34
1/30/00 (1)
- Re: paisley - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 23:11:38 1/30/00 (0)
- Black Henna - Tiny 05:14:59
1/30/00 (1)
- Zauders Ingredients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Natalie 04:19:02 1/30/00 (1)
- This might be a little off the topic..but
- laura 22:48:39 1/29/00 (5)
- Pointing in the right direction
- Giselle 22:02:37 1/29/00 (2)
- painting the town red this summer...
- Rosie 19:10:16 1/29/00 (0)
- Arabic traditions - Rosie
19:04:29 1/29/00 (6)
- Please Help with Jacquard Bottle!
- Natalie 04:54:51 1/29/00 (14)
- Differences in henna designs - red_523
04:10:27 1/29/00 (1)
- Cones at last! - kenzi 03:13:07
1/29/00 (2)
- More Indian mehandi books - kenzi
23:26:26 1/28/00 (3)
- Henna - Aroosa 21:23:53
1/28/00 (1)
- Re: Henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 22:22:13 1/28/00 (0)
- Removing Henna from Hair - Nikki
Kay 17:55:20 1/28/00 (1)
- Where is Mehndi Magic? - CD
16:57:14 1/28/00 (1)
- Interested! - Melissa Wilson
15:58:39 1/28/00 (0)
- recipe refinements - Natasha
Papousek 14:47:06 1/28/00 (7)
- What exacty is Temptu? - P.J.
14:07:47 1/28/00 (2)
- Going to Morocco...need anything?
- Kenzi 02:31:09 1/28/00 (8)
- Who can help my client in Tacoma, Washington?
- Lisa 01:48:09 1/28/00 (1)
- Gabriells Henna - Vickie
16:36:19 1/27/00 (14)
- books - carol 11:19:23
1/27/00 (4)
- My Camphor HeadACHE - Natalie
04:50:10 1/27/00 (6)
- Follow up on black henna -need reply
in 5 hours. - Kelsey 23:15:25 1/26/00 (3)
- almost free offers - Amy:-)
07:44:51 1/26/00 (2)
- So who all is planning on going to Sirius
this year? - Carrie 07:33:05 1/26/00 (9)
- November henna - Amy :-)
07:14:39 1/26/00 (0)
- Sifting and Xena - NaturGirl
04:15:14 1/26/00 (8)
- About black henna. . . - P.J.
04:00:21 1/26/00 (1)
- girls with hairy arms - Larry
00:59:27 1/26/00 (8)
- Mehndi tinted fingernail polish
- Janet 16:52:04 1/25/00 (2)
- Henna, by any other name...... -
Michelle 13:59:41 1/25/00 (9)
- I finally made my website!! - Carrie
06:15:34 1/25/00 (5)
- A Bridal picture - Roxanne
05:47:40 1/25/00 (4)
- Henna photo - from Mauritania -
Kenzi 04:14:41 1/25/00 (0)
- Henna and hair. . . a bundle of questions
- P.J. 03:25:44 1/25/00 (3)
- Got my Navneet Books! - Dawn
G. 18:15:02 1/24/00 (14)
- Hello again, few new hints!!! -
Aisha Hashmi 17:56:32 1/24/00 (1)
- Sackler/Freer Galleries info - Wendy
15:41:23 1/24/00 (1)
- Skin prep' - Michelle 13:23:22
1/24/00 (12)
- Early palmistry - Michelle
00:28:29 1/24/00 (1)
- Cheapest Henna - Kelsey 15:15:46
1/23/00 (1)
- Harquus Question, Please help -
Natalie 07:22:33 1/23/00 (2)
- Black Henna-need reply fast - Kelsey
22:40:40 1/22/00 (11)
- Henna Origins? - Dan 21:06:31
1/22/00 (3)
- Thanks! - Zahira 18:20:19
1/22/00 (0)
- What's with the Castle Art Henna?
- P.J. 04:53:01 1/22/00 (6)
- Hi! - Zahira 03:56:46
1/22/00 (3)
- I have a question regarding temporary
(3-4 month) tatoos - Adam 03:15:40 1/22/00 (1)
- 2- 12 weeks - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 03:50:08 1/22/00 (0)
13:40:25 1/21/00 (5)
- Hi Everyone - Natalie 07:16:52
1/21/00 (4)
- Henna recipe with COCA-COLA!!???
- Carrie 05:43:04 1/21/00 (8)
- Tunisian henna stamp - Kenzi
04:51:56 1/21/00 (0)
- kewhl kohl night.... *O* - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:18:37 1/21/00 (2)
- Clothing - A 6th Grader 22:13:58
1/20/00 (1)
- You probably already knew this BUT.
. . . - P.J. 04:00:30 1/20/00 (3)
- Luuuuuucy! - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 04:11:04 1/20/00 (2)
- Henna here! Hi, Myst - Aisha
Hashmi 03:46:32 1/20/00 (1)
- effects - jo 22:46:46
1/19/00 (1)
- New skin and Toilet Paper Credit
- Dawn G. 21:01:03 1/19/00 (2)
- Growing henna - Nick C 20:24:03
1/19/00 (9)
- Henna in USA Today - MyST
18:23:55 1/19/00 (3)
- JEEZ!! Aren't we due for another archive?
- P.J. 15:21:14 1/19/00 (3)
- stamping henna and distilled henna
- Natasha Papousek 15:56:57 1/18/00 (1)
- Does Liquid Latex work? - DEVIANT
09:28:05 1/18/00 (2)
- Air brushing henna from below -
Anoise 03:15:18 1/18/00 (9)
- Fresh, bright green henna just in and
printable catalog... - Kristen/Body Art Supply.Com 21:14:21
1/17/00 (0)
- Hennapaste - Petra 19:34:37
1/17/00 (4)
- Semi permanent tattoos. - Ruth
16:02:37 1/17/00 (3)
- Okay, guys. Just for fun. . . who would
you like to see hennaed? - P.J. 00:13:04 1/17/00
- a long piece of silk, a long time
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:07:09 1/16/00 (8)
- The Brilliance is Underwhelming...
- Amy L. 00:11:46 1/16/00 (8)
- Airbrush henna technique? - Karol
Kohner 22:38:26 1/15/00 (8)
- Been gone far too long...whiteflower
results? - Dione 19:29:44 1/15/00 (10)
- Eid celebrations ... - Jewel
17:02:27 1/15/00 (13)
- Henna in the air - Eliz 16:05:08
1/15/00 (0)
14:14:19 1/15/00 (7)
- Navneet-again! - Michelle
12:59:31 1/15/00 (4)
- How long does it last, frozen? -
Amy L. 02:58:31 1/15/00 (2)
- henna - kristin 20:35:43
1/14/00 (1)
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 22:13:20 1/14/00 (0)
- Almost black - MyST 18:45:38
1/14/00 (1)
- Mehndi and Sun. . . - P.J.
17:31:44 1/14/00 (2)
- moon flash - Natasha Papousek
16:53:50 1/14/00 (0)
- handwarmers - Natasha Papousek
14:44:01 1/14/00 (12)
- Henna, foreskins and dates? - Michelle
08:40:37 1/14/00 (1)
- NewSkin (again..) - Amy L.
03:20:43 1/14/00 (7)
- What about mint oil? - P.J.
02:43:11 1/14/00 (12)
- two occasions to refrain from hennaeing;
henna for horses, houses and hands - Catherine Cartwright Jones
02:40:38 1/14/00 (3)
- applicators - Balynda 15:43:03
1/13/00 (3)
- Mixing henna and "The snowball
effect". - Michelle 12:12:18 1/13/00 (4)
- Great book. - Michelle 08:09:32
1/13/00 (5)
03:58:04 1/13/00 (0)
- Opinions on buying Henna locally or
over the 'net - Finnagh 03:26:29 1/13/00 (5)
- safety ?'s - prisma 02:02:02
1/13/00 (2)
- Mayo? - kate 20:28:42
1/12/00 (5)
- Beautiful Indian outfits - star-grazer
12:48:32 1/12/00 (4)
- The latest Fashion in Body decorating
is......... - Jo Miller 11:42:51 1/12/00 (3)
- adorned "advantage" -
Michelle 06:07:41 1/12/00 (3)
- Jesus Saves - daleirving
04:40:46 1/12/00 (17)
- Henna Artists Needed for 5-day event
(Feb) in Phoenix, AZ - Carrie 04:25:02 1/12/00 (2)
- A Whole bunch of comments - P.J.
03:28:43 1/12/00 (6)
- Autumn: henna-red leaves - Michelle
23:39:39 1/11/00 (3)
- Syringe update - Kenzi 19:39:59
1/11/00 (7)
- Henna for good luck in hockey -
leela 18:58:31 1/11/00 (2)
- Does anyone know anything about "Henna
Stone"? - P.J. 16:08:03 1/11/00 (5)
- hoping to initiate a discussion about
touch (continued for CCJ ) - Eve 14:51:04 1/11/00
- Henna on the chest - lightness alert
- Amy L. 19:46:00 1/10/00 (12)
- Catherine's Carrot Bags Save the Day
- MyST 18:43:47 1/10/00 (18)
- Timeline for henna use on women's hands
for celebration - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:25:48
1/10/00 (1)
- Am I drying my leaves right? -
P.J. 15:03:19 1/10/00 (0)
- Cones of henna - Michelle
14:49:38 1/10/00 (1)
- Great site - Michelle 14:14:09
1/10/00 (1)
- Just out of curiosity.... - Shel
06:19:11 1/10/00 (15)
- dark color, but didn't last - Maria
05:41:14 1/10/00 (2)
- Let me tell you about my shopping trip
- Kenzi 05:38:14 1/10/00 (5)
- hi - Jingle Thakkar 05:23:05
1/10/00 (0)
- A good reference book on Moroccan Henna
& Tattooing - Carrie 04:29:03 1/10/00 (0)
- Milk of magnesia and Soapy water
- CJ 02:38:45 1/10/00 (0)