My Camphor HeadACHE
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Posted by Natalie on January 27, 2000 at 04:50:10:
I tried the camphor trick with the camphor spirits from the drug store. It didn't do anything. Light, light stain. Did not darken. Then after looking for a while I found real 100% camphor oil. I used the camphor as a skin prep like I would eucalyptus and other oils, that have not bothered me before. I only put a few drops in the paste. Then I got little bumps (I want to call them blisters but they weren't exactly.) on my hands that lasted two weeks, but weren't visibly noticeable and weren't horrible so long as I didn't do anything like scrub them or use soap that wasn't mild. I drew an elaborate design on the back of my hand, so I was hennaing for an hour or two. I got a really bad migraine. I wrapped the henna and went to sleep. The next morning the stain was light and did not darken during the day. I think I might try this again. This time not putting the camphor directly on my skin. How do I avoid the headache, without going outside? I'd really like to see this work. Natalie