Tattoo over Imprint left from a black Henna design??
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Posted by Michelle on February 22, 2000 at 14:43:32:
I too had problems in August '99, when I got a black henna tatto on my arm. Well, I had some allergic reaction to it, and went to see a doctor as I was advised by members of this message board to do. The doctor told me that for people of color (I am a black female), henna causes the pigment of our skin to change, long after the Henna is gone. She then advised me that it could take anywhere from 6 to 9 months for it to fade. I do not have a scar. And if it didn't, I could then try bleaching cream ( I don't want to do that). It still remains, and though I like the design, I think I want to tattoo over it ( I already have a tattoo on my leg, for 6 years now,and have had no problems with it). Does anyone know of any problems with getting a tatto over an area where a henna design was placed? Please respond..Thanks..