Re: handwarmers
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Posted by Christine on January 14, 2000 at 20:04:44:
In Reply to: handwarmers posted by Natasha Papousek on January 14, 2000 at 14:44:01:
: Found a really cool item at the sports store -- mini handwarmers and : toewarmers for winter sports. They are small packets of chemicals : that generate heat when exposed to air -- and they stay warm for up to : 7 hours! : Does this have henna potential or what?! : They get pretty hot (104F) so they'd go on top of a wrap. And they're : cheap -- $1.50 got me 2 handwarmers. I can't wait to try them...along : with all the other projects planned for the weekend... I know those warmers are great, point of note DO NOT microwave or you will have silicone all over the microwave, boil them in water if yo uwant to reuse them. Let them cool about 12 hours or so before re boiling. The microwave thing happened to me that is why :-) My husband got me ear muffs that are similar I tried them today it was 15 degrees out here in CT. And my ears were toasty.... Perfect for this time of year or winter hennaing blessings, Christine