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Posted by Eliz on January 15, 2000 at 15:54:52:
In Reply to: slightly ot - weather posted by Anne on January 14, 2000 at 21:14:30:
: --Anne, who probably won't be able to get away with hennaed hands : uncovered when she gets her own classroom . . . :-( I think it distracts the students. Maybe it's different when you have the same students all day, every day. Earrings that move or other things that change as you move can be distracting, too. It may be age-dependent - I don't know. I do think it's useful to be aware of it, or you may think that you're not doing a good job teaching! On the other hand, a ring-like design in an ordinary ring place will probably not be distracting for long enough to matter.