Re: Deluxe Paint .... or freehand
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Posted by Carrie on February 06, 2000 at 07:54:39:
In Reply to: Deluxe Paint .... or freehand posted by Catherine cartwright Jones on February 05, 2000 at 17:59:06:
Sometimes the oldies are the goodies. I wish I still had my old painter program now!! But the computer I had it on is now a doorstop... Maybe it's that I just don't draw well with a mouse. I could see how if you have a bunch of vines, flowers, curlicues, etc, saved and you can cut & paste, boy, that must save alot of time. I freehand alot myself, but I'd love to start builing a database of designs, especially when I deal with alot of clients by email. We could narrow down what type of design they would want before I ever showed up on thier doorstep. Usually I just say "check out these such & such web pages" let me know if you like flowery, lacy, geometric, whatever. Sometimes they even print out a few pics for me to go by. I wish I had the time & energy to just create templates to send. I think I'll just invent cloning instead. That'll take care of all those projects. Carrie P.S. Thanks for all the great stuff you've created-it has saved me WEEKS of work. Many of my clients ask where they can buy your book of designs.