Archive 7 : January -
February 1999
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- wholesale kits and new tattoo bands
- TARAWA 09:45:05 2/28/99 (1)
- New Products for February - Body
Art Supply 20:10:40 2/27/99 (0)
- Legal Mehndi? - Jonathan Hines
16:31:23 2/27/99 (3)
- Legal Mehndi? - Jonathan Hines
16:29:20 2/27/99 (0)
- Recipe - Rymke 16:05:39
2/27/99 (4)
- where can I get HENNA SHAMPOO & COND.?!
- Márquez 15:33:20 2/27/99 (0)
- Sylvia 03:49:48 2/27/99 (1)
- henna on different parts of the body
- Cindy 01:55:29 2/27/99 (1)
- Shelly powder - Kathryn 01:37:05
2/27/99 (1)
- HENNA PRODUCTS??? - Pearla
18:21:08 2/26/99 (0)
- Religious Reasons? - Sarina Chernock
00:40:26 2/25/99 (2)
- Where to get "neutral" henna...
- nay nay 22:37:41 2/24/99 (2)
- Hennaed eggs for Easter??? - Melissa
Stewart 18:42:19 2/23/99 (2)
- Getting henna stains off the bathtub
- Janet 13:55:08 2/23/99 (8)
- How often do you henna hair? - Sonia
21:14:23 2/22/99 (3)
- same recipe, different results -
Natasha Papousek 15:53:38 2/22/99 (1)
- Xena tonight? Hennaed? - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 19:11:23 2/21/99 (20)
04:25:51 2/21/99 (2)
- black henna paste - Jeanette
16:50:02 2/20/99 (5)
- Turkish henna designs for my wedding
- Jenn 23:13:32 2/19/99 (2)
- Sorry if I am really behind the times....
- Di Van Parijs 23:12:54 2/19/99 (2)
- Roni Kone - Lucida 07:08:59
2/19/99 (3)
- History of Henna Art - Lena
01:22:57 2/18/99 (6)
- contatto con persona - Francesco
da napoli 03:17:08 2/17/99 (1)
- almost free stencil offer - Amy
22:12:40 2/16/99 (0)
- Followup on hennaeing the cat - Melissa
Stewart 19:28:27 2/16/99 (0)
- Troubles with color and applicator, please
help. - Amy C 17:22:41 2/16/99 (4)
- Henna in Oman? - Rymke 17:16:29
2/16/99 (1)
- how widespread is henna? - Natasha
Papousek 14:43:11 2/16/99 (1)
- longevity - Shelly 04:25:24
2/16/99 (1)
- Another Henna for ahir kinda question
- Kelly 02:37:42 2/16/99 (2)
- Henna gold henna - Brenda Casey
20:44:57 2/15/99 (2)
- How much we spend - Janet
15:49:22 2/15/99 (2)
- Pitch black effects - Crystal
15:02:07 2/15/99 (4)
- Hennaeing the cat - Melissa Stewart
14:21:52 2/15/99 (3)
- Owner of forum..please help stop henna
'spammers' - EarthG 07:19:30 2/15/99 (1)
- Owner of forum..please help stop 'spammers'
- EarthG 07:19:19 2/15/99 (0)
- tendonitis - michelle johnson
parnell 00:35:12 2/15/99 (1)
- Does anyone have pictures of their henna
coloured hair - irrman 23:52:38 2/14/99 (4)
- Henna In Canada. - Brenda Casey
07:14:56 2/14/99 (6)
- I need help with where to find easy henna
patterns on the net! - Akane 02:29:12 2/14/99 (1)
- Frustration - Angelique 09:41:22
2/13/99 (1)
- Tried powder Henna to dye hair-no effect
- Irrman 03:22:58 2/13/99 (1)
- Persian henna technique (a base hit)
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:09:57 2/13/99 (1)
- Yes, another Jani Kone story - sonia
23:15:43 2/12/99 (3)
- Seeking Hawaiian henna artist. -
Amy Cosentino 03:39:52 2/12/99 (0)
- The henna lady is coming.....cross your
legs! - Catherine Cartwright jOnes 04:47:52 2/11/99
- "My husband is like the henna shrubs"
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:00:44 2/11/99 (6)
- The Ugaritic spring henna festival?
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:46:01 2/11/99 (0)
- [SELL] CHEAPEST Stocklot Wrist Watches
in the World - JOSEPH CHAN 01:25:13 2/11/99 (1)
- Go Away - Anonymous 22:27:40
2/12/99 (0)
- shopping for tamarind - Natasha
Papousek 20:48:30 2/10/99 (7)
- Pook, are you out there? - Natasha
Papousek 20:44:16 2/10/99 (0)
- My first day with henna - Andrew
19:56:23 2/10/99 (0)
- Observation...henna in extremely cold
weather.. - Di Van Parijs 19:19:28 2/10/99 (0)
- Hot Apple Vinigar - anoise
18:28:44 2/10/99 (2)
- nu skin - michelle johnson parnell
18:07:03 2/10/99 (3)
- duration of paste on the skin...
- Lauren G 16:50:07 2/10/99 (1)
- Whoops! Forum slip-up - Jeremy
Rowntree 16:12:24 2/10/99 (0)
- Hennaeing a newborn - Sandra
16:18:49 2/09/99 (3)
- Uneven staining - Janet 15:58:45
2/09/99 (4)
- How to make your own transfers..
- ***simon*** 12:08:34 2/09/99 (6)
- Henna for men? - Michael 04:00:56
2/09/99 (8)
- New to this art form - Andrew
20:12:27 2/08/99 (4)
- henna on wood - anoise 18:24:47
2/08/99 (2)
- Sharpie Markers.. .. UPDATE - Alan
17:38:46 2/08/99 (0)
- One more storage question... - Lauri
16:13:44 2/08/99 (6)
- Henna in the West - Sahiba Sandhu
15:42:46 2/08/99 (7)
- Peer Pressure - Khaja Ahmed
13:26:43 2/08/99 (3)
- All of you who used black henna
- Jason 02:07:42 2/08/99 (4)
- Henna Hair colour questions - Kelly
17:40:41 2/07/99 (2)
- record albums - Doug 16:35:16
2/07/99 (0)
- Food colouring in henna? - Jason
02:41:03 2/06/99 (1)
- Nada - Phoenix 13:39:55
2/07/99 (0)
- Attn: All Mehendi Artist in Portland,
OR - Desiree Mae 20:32:40 2/05/99 (0)
- Attn: All Mehendi Artist in Portland,
OR - Desiree Mae 20:32:20 2/05/99 (0)
- Sharpie Marker rubs off, HELP!! -
Alan 20:27:23 2/05/99 (16)
- no sir, I didn't like it! - anoise
19:57:57 2/05/99 (5)
- HELP needed, archeological astronomer,
and eastern Mediterranian people - Catherine Cartwright JOnes
19:36:25 2/05/99 (15)
- Another way to increase henna uptake
- Maryann 16:30:23 2/05/99 (0)
- Pleasing the goddess (of fertility)
- leela 14:50:15 2/05/99 (0)
- Henna at a sorority party - Crystal
14:43:08 2/05/99 (3)
- Introducing myself - ***simon***
11:11:39 2/05/99 (0)
- I Can't Find a Porcupine Quill!!
- Katarie 05:27:20 2/05/99 (2)
- My next experiment - Jason
02:01:38 2/05/99 (3)
- minneapolis henna artist desired
- Barbara Lea 22:52:37 2/04/99 (3)
- Acidity (pH) and the potency of henna
- Melissa Stewart 22:06:30 2/04/99 (3)
- Mendhi in Ireland? - Eliata
11:52:00 2/04/99 (0)
- OK , I give!! What am I doing wrong?????
- Shel (frantically signaling S.O.S. or would that be S. O. H.?)
08:00:58 2/04/99 (17)
- My experiment - Jason 21:26:20
2/03/99 (7)
- Use of henna in British India - leela
19:34:10 2/03/99 (2)
- Henna- going back to nature for beauty
- Veronica 19:29:17 2/03/99 (2)
- Where in LA? - Jazibe 15:06:57
2/03/99 (2)
- textile/henna connection in Morocco
- Natasha Papousek 14:26:21 2/03/99 (4)
- Indian Design Book source - Phoenix
and Arabeth 07:51:20 2/03/99 (0)
- Henna Transfers- How Long? - sonia
21:00:21 2/02/99 (7)
- observations from 2nd class - Natasha
Papousek 17:12:38 2/02/99 (4)
- Henna spotted on a cabbie in NYC
- Veronica 14:11:24 2/02/99 (0)
- Mehendi in the UK - Jo 12:12:49
2/02/99 (1)
- neutral henna? - rymke 09:44:40
2/02/99 (5)
- New Skin? - rymke 09:42:18
2/02/99 (6)
- New Skin - Catherine Cartwright
jOnes 16:25:41 2/02/99 (5)
- Need input for a psychology paper
- John K. 17:15:11 2/01/99 (3)
- Henna for Hair - Amber 14:45:01
2/01/99 (18)
- New Way to use New Skin? - Pook
14:38:33 2/01/99 (2)
- Thank you! - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 15:12:50 2/01/99 (1)
- Hennaeing the nails - temporarily!
- karen 13:14:11 2/01/99 (2)
- bottle liners for cones? - Sonia
00:15:59 2/01/99 (1)
- Is this safe, and effective? - Jason
23:10:57 1/31/99 (0)
- I found out what henna Madonna as been
using - Jason 23:09:11 1/31/99 (1)
- help! how can I copy images on my skin?
- Christina Meier 22:35:26 1/31/99 (6)
- What i found at the pharmacy - Jason
20:54:36 1/31/99 (4)
- Toenails - Rymke 14:29:29
1/31/99 (2)
- Re: Toenails - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 15:20:57 1/31/99 (1)
- Sharpie markers? - Jason 03:38:31
1/31/99 (3)
- a Valentine's Day present to everyone
- Catherine Cartwright JOnes 20:37:38 1/30/99 (5)
- Hennaed toenails - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 20:33:03 1/30/99 (1)
- ammonia...pix - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 20:28:59 1/30/99 (0)
- Help!! - Jason 17:11:59
1/30/99 (6)
- Re: Help!! - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 02:00:04 1/31/99 (5)
- Re: Help!! - Jason
03:30:12 1/31/99 (4)
- Re: Help!! - Catherine
Cartwright JOnes 03:38:50 1/31/99 (3)
- Re: Help!! - Jason
03:41:28 1/31/99 (2)
- Re: Help!! -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:50:28 1/31/99
- Brings henna good luck? - Luis
15:26:51 1/30/99 (3)
- Henna in a Tube - sonia 02:49:32
1/30/99 (1)
- I found about 10 henna colours at a drug
store - Jason 19:48:18 1/29/99 (2)
- Anyone heard of Zarqa henna? - Jason
18:25:18 1/29/99 (1)
- Not sure what these spices do - Jason
18:21:47 1/29/99 (5)
- Storing Paste...how & how long?
- Lauri 15:19:29 1/29/99 (2)
- The best time of day to henna - Melissa
Stewart 14:45:55 1/29/99 (5)
- cone convert - Natasha Papousek
14:33:40 1/29/99 (2)
- Ammonia - Rymke 10:04:54
1/29/99 (3)
- Re: Ammonia - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 15:58:03 1/29/99 (2)
- Metal? - Audra 05:06:24
1/29/99 (8)
- Re: Metal? - anoise 19:08:25
1/29/99 (5)
- Re: Metal? - Melissa Stewart
14:29:08 1/29/99 (0)
- Re: Metal? - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 05:55:32 1/29/99 (0)
- Can anyone help? Any info on henna use
in West Africa? - Jenn 00:07:45 1/29/99 (1)
- RE:See me fire questions at all you poor
souls - ROBIN 20:47:50 1/28/99 (1)
- Can someone help me with my cone problem
- Jason 16:14:14 1/28/99 (5)
- Messing about at Borders - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 03:56:26 1/28/99 (0)
- Is this safe to try instead of using
a stencil?? - Jason 01:43:27 1/28/99 (6)
- lihulkh - Tuino 19:19:49
1/27/99 (0)
- Indian movies about henna - leela
18:17:55 1/27/99 (6)
- Eyebrow threading in Boston - Andrea
15:02:50 1/27/99 (2)
- ????? - Mandy Lane 16:20:59
1/27/99 (1)
- Henna and fabric...also, how to get brown
- Lauri 01:07:12 1/27/99 (9)
- New at this...any words of wisdom?
- Lori 22:26:14 1/26/99 (1)
- Attractiveness with henna works both
ways!!! - leela 18:04:28 1/26/99 (2)
- Where can i find these types of patterns?
- Jason 16:56:20 1/26/99 (3)
- Could this be used as henna for skin??
- Jason 16:52:26 1/26/99 (1)
- Could this be used as henna for skin??
- Jason 16:51:48 1/26/99 (2)
- BEGINNER! - Guilherme Huss
16:08:36 1/26/99 (3)
- taking a henna class - Natasha
Papousek 15:02:24 1/26/99 (6)
- The proper method of applying mehndi
- leela 15:00:32 1/26/99 (3)
- Indian Paint - sonia 12:04:56
1/26/99 (0)
- Sexiness, sensuality and henna in the
medieval Islamic world - Catherine Cartwright Jones 05:09:06
1/26/99 (2)
- Washing beforehand outside - Andrea
21:58:45 1/25/99 (1)
- Picture from newspaper... - Di
Van Parijs 18:54:12 1/25/99 (1)
- Another vote for mehndi! - Di
Van Parijs 18:50:41 1/25/99 (2)
- pictures of henna from history -
Catherine Cartwright JOnes 17:10:57 1/25/99 (0)
- A prayer to the goddess of wealth and
good fortune - leela 11:08:32 1/25/99 (0)
- Forum down time - Jeremy Rowntree
13:49:22 1/24/99 (0)
- Henna Staining Clothing - Antonina
16:41:28 1/23/99 (8)
- Recipe? - Anne Beltestaad
18:30:50 1/22/99 (4)
- NEW Products-Bridal Bindis and discounted....
- Body Art Supply 18:07:30 1/22/99 (1)
- Personal report of a hennaed bridegroom
- David 17:29:06 1/22/99 (6)
- Re: Baking Soda Experiment - Diane
Thompson 13:13:47 1/22/99 (1)
- reading again... - Natasha Papousek
15:03:09 1/21/99 (0)
- symmetry - sonia 14:09:08
1/21/99 (3)
- Confessions of a sorority leader
- Crystal 13:58:25 1/21/99 (3)
- what is saumer? - Luis 11:50:22
1/21/99 (6)
- Henna - carol 04:49:25
1/21/99 (1)
- 'Moroccan' designs? - Jenn
03:17:41 1/21/99 (6)
- This and That and there ought to be a
law - Brenda Casey 02:54:23 1/21/99 (0)
- newbie in henna : powder or liquid ?
- Rocky00 01:54:53 1/21/99 (5)
- henna - millenium 22:34:25
1/20/99 (1)
- STENCILS - Lauren 19:31:16
1/20/99 (3)
- Natasha..... - Anoise 17:59:32
1/20/99 (2)
- Moroccan henna recipe? - Natasha
Papousek 14:35:46 1/20/99 (3)
- A couple things - sonia 11:24:51
1/20/99 (4)
- Warning - Henna Allergy - Andreia
Pillai 09:00:35 1/20/99 (2)
- St patricks day Cake decorating -
krystyna harrison 00:21:34 1/20/99 (0)
- henna experiments with amonia. Turned
my hand GREEN!! - jazibe 15:49:10 1/19/99 (14)
- Please let me henna him! - Janet
13:43:37 1/19/99 (17)
- Please let me henna him! - Janet
13:43:07 1/19/99 (0)
- Tatoos... - Michelle 03:20:16
1/19/99 (0)
- Is there companies online that sells
syringes? - Jason 02:04:14 1/19/99 (0)
- Mehndi and Ocean Swimming-It'll fade
faster - Lorena 00:59:39 1/19/99 (2)
- Passion In the Desert - Kree
18:45:59 1/18/99 (1)
- Problem- henna didn't take - Melissa
Stewart 13:58:47 1/18/99 (1)
- where can i get henna in northern VA
- angie 20:16:45 1/17/99 (1)
- Henna Artist Listings - Rupal
19:02:33 1/17/99 (0)
- henna in a tube!!! - kookiii
13:38:40 1/17/99 (6)
- Phoenix, Phoenix...Where forart thou
Phoenix? - Kristen 19:16:00 1/16/99 (4)
- results of my experiments - karen
14:34:18 1/16/99 (4)
- Where in Philadelphia area? - Amy
Atlas 02:57:38 1/16/99 (2)
- Throwing a "foot" in the ring...
- Diane Van Parijs 19:00:59 1/15/99 (4)
- See me fire questions at all you poor
souls... - Ani 15:39:21 1/15/99 (5)
- A tourists description of Pakistani wedding
- Shanon 06:39:58 1/15/99 (0)
- henna in germany? - Kat 22:00:46
1/14/99 (3)
- Does henna really protect against toenail
fungus? - Maryann 15:57:56 1/14/99 (2)
- baking soda wrap - Natasha Papousek
14:30:42 1/14/99 (0)
- henna - Fatima 13:03:18
1/14/99 (6)
- Hennaed bride, 1st century BCE Rome?
"The Aldobrandini Marriage" Roman Fresco - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 02:56:52 1/14/99 (1)
- Bad Henna Experience - Hooper
01:34:51 1/14/99 (3)
- Bad Henna Experience - Hooper
01:34:35 1/14/99 (0)
- Henna and Pregnancy....also.... -
Karlyn 19:53:28 1/13/99 (1)
- Back! and my first henna just now fading
out... - Emac 06:40:00 1/13/99 (0)
- Rupal's Site - Lauri 05:52:29
1/13/99 (5)
- I saw a mehndi artist applying her henna....
- Jason 01:36:29 1/13/99 (0)
- I saw a mehndi artist applying her henna....
- Jason 01:36:06 1/13/99 (1)
- patterned henna on Elamite queen from
Babylon, 1250 BCE - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:03:20
1/13/99 (0)
14:30:51 1/12/99 (4)
- Top ten signs that you are addicted to
henna - Melissa Stewart 13:38:42 1/12/99 (1)
- Henna outlawed by the Spanish Inquisition
1566 ( offenders subject to imprisonment and torture) - Catherine
Cartwright JOnes 03:33:13 1/12/99 (4)
- Ammonia - Sonia 21:36:07
1/11/99 (8)
- surgery and henna - Janet
16:53:47 1/11/99 (0)
- you know you're henna=addicted...
- Natasha Papousek 15:55:38 1/11/99 (2)
- Black henna - Marta Mello
14:29:10 1/11/99 (3)
- If you don't have these books already,
get them - Shanon Lavender 10:56:47 1/11/99 (1)
- henna project for stitchers, or for the
snowbound and cabin fever-prone - Catherine Cartwright JOnes
18:38:09 1/10/99 (7)
- Henna and nail polish in modern India
- leela 12:20:38 1/10/99 (3)
- Henna in a tuve Vs. Traditional made
henna.... - Mrs Flax 11:46:06 1/10/99 (2)
- Where can you get a henna plant??
- Jason 04:35:03 1/10/99 (4)
- Indigo?? - Jason 04:30:55
1/10/99 (1)
- Re: Indigo?? - Catherine Cartwright
JOnes 05:18:32 1/10/99 (0)
- Been away...but here I am in San Fran
:) - Carla 03:55:16 1/10/99 (0)
- patterned henna, Egypt, 300BCE -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:49:08 1/10/99 (3)
- Where to find good henna powder in MN
??? - Lauri 20:15:03 1/09/99 (3)
- Henna in the Apocrypha? - Roy
16:11:57 1/09/99 (0)
- Do henna and nail enamel go together?
- karen 00:45:09 1/08/99 (21)
- Watching a hair get hennaed under the
microscope....almost as much fun as HBO - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 18:59:21 1/07/99 (1)
- Atlanta artist wanted - J. S.
Smith 15:36:38 1/07/99 (2)
- More About Boys and Henna - leela
13:58:28 1/07/99 (2)
- pix back from the ammonia soak...shazaam
the color changes! - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 22:40:29
1/06/99 (6)
- Boys and Henna - Leela 10:48:15
1/06/99 (2)
- Henna for the hair in Orlando - Simone
08:36:56 1/06/99 (1)
- Henna, head colds, pregnancy - Shanon
Lavender 00:15:38 1/06/99 (1)
- henna in school - sushmita
19:17:30 1/05/99 (12)
- Trying to find Egyptian Henna - Gail
18:32:08 1/05/99 (0)
- henna - Rachel Smith 18:11:17
1/05/99 (3)
- spiking the mordant... - Natasha
Papousek 17:21:56 1/05/99 (4)
- for those of you who like to use lemon/sugar
afterwards... - Lauren 15:14:24 1/05/99 (3)
- still needing opinions please, 3 weeks
to go!! - SWETA 12:39:36 1/05/99 (0)
- Deploma for Mehndi and Henna - Shingo
09:39:20 1/05/99 (1)
- Where and what - Stephanie
05:19:52 1/05/99 (4)
- The evil greenie thingie, close up and
personal - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:40:57 1/04/99