Re: I have a question on patterns
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 06, 2000 at 15:17:28:
In Reply to: I have a question on patterns posted by Eve on January 06, 2000 at 14:24:58:
The henna pattern books published by Gala are popular in India and Pakistan, and seem to set the standard for contemporary ideas about what henna should look like in South Asia. That's what you see most of in the range of ornate frilly henna. If you don't have the Gala books, see if you can get several, they're great virtuoso training! Especially Ultra Modern Mehandi! Beyond that, have tons of pattern material available, because personal taste usually overrides tradition. Not everyone likes curlies and twiddles. You've got my cache of patterns, and that should get you through.....put everything out, let them choose.