Archive 3 : May 1998
- July 1998
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
file getting too big to handle, I've removed the older messages. Unfortunately,
posting to threads in these archives will not be likely to get a response,
so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
- Yeah, first mehndi! Now... - Jess
02:47:07 7/31/98 (1)
- eucalyptus oil and frontier henna
- Amelia 18:24:43 7/30/98 (1)
- UK Mehndi (handpainting) artists
- sam strangeways 14:46:25 7/30/98 (2)
- How do I henna really dark hair?
- Anette 20:17:44 7/29/98 (0)
- Where in Chicago ?? - Kelli
19:59:34 7/29/98 (3)
- 'Pooja Henna' - Andrea 16:35:05
7/29/98 (1)
- Dried limes - Mike 16:29:57
7/29/98 (4)
- tarawa 14:14:55 7/29/98 (5)
- Want to have something black! - Hanna
in Sweden 12:35:22 7/29/98 (1)
- Where? - Hanna in Sweden 12:16:33
7/29/98 (0)
- Let's talk more about black henna, please!!
- carVID 06:52:02 7/29/98 (10)
02:34:04 7/29/98 (2)
- Scars and Henna - Catherine Cartwright
Jones 01:30:06 7/29/98 (2)
- Goddesses, the Inquisition, Henna and
Elisheva et al - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:18:50 7/29/98
- henna and hottubs and camping - Catherine
Cartwright Jones 23:05:48 7/28/98 (0)
- Joan's full body henna (FUNNY) -
Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:31:56 7/28/98 (5)
- Dr. Dave and henna on kids & tummies
& hemolysis - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:05:01
7/28/98 (0)
- the best recipe !!! - dusk
22:01:58 7/28/98 (1)
- puttin' henna where it don't take....
- thanya 20:43:27 7/28/98 (1)
- Survey: Design Presentation - What's
your system? - Cietta/Mindful Mehndi 04:38:52 7/28/98
- Toilet Paper? - Pamela 02:55:15
7/28/98 (3)
- mehandi mailing list! - Bailey
Varos 02:20:12 7/28/98 (1)
- WOOO HOOOOOO! - Rebekah 22:14:57
7/27/98 (2)
- Anyone selling tubes of premixed henna
wholesale? - Lise Anderson / Andalusia 21:47:34 7/27/98
- You know you're hooked... - Lia'
Sedai 21:31:32 7/27/98 (0)
- Camphor - Mike 21:01:29
7/27/98 (2)
- Just a trick I came across... - Lotus
03:34:31 7/27/98 (4)
- how to use henna fromtubes and powder
- D.king 23:11:40 7/26/98 (1)
- info - Andy 20:55:50 7/26/98
- Henna Recipies - Lia' Sedai
20:52:40 7/26/98 (0)
- Henna from the Body Shop - Jess
18:53:33 7/26/98 (2)
- Going to California.... - Lise
Anderson / Andalusia 14:01:16 7/26/98 (0)
- Proffesionals using Stencils? -
Desiree Mae 22:24:26 7/25/98 (12)
- Which Indian-Grocer Bought Henna Brands
Give Good Results? (The Ones You Can Find In Indian Stores)? - Kimie
17:27:41 7/25/98 (3)
- Which Indian-Grocer Bought Henna Brands
Give Good Results? (The Ones You Can Find In Indian Stores)? - Kimie
17:27:18 7/25/98 (0)
- Brand new mehndi photos! - Carvid
23:36:31 7/24/98 (0)
- where can i find mendhi stuff in SWEDEN?
- emmy 18:20:13 7/24/98 (3)
- Henna in Charlotte, NC - MAndy
03:56:19 7/24/98 (1)
- Beginner needing HELP!! - Christine
00:49:56 7/24/98 (1)
- henna on fingernails - jane dominguez
16:21:56 7/23/98 (1)
- patterns - MudDauber 16:17:11
7/23/98 (2)
- I'll share something with you, since
you've all been so generous - Carvid 13:47:42 7/23/98
- Thanks to all of you hennamaniacs-->what
integrity! Greed and henna don't mix! - Carvid 13:38:35
7/23/98 (0)
- Thanks to all of you hennamaniacs-->what
integrity! Greed and henna don't mix! - Carvid 13:38:02
7/23/98 (0)
- Thanks to all of you hennamaniacs-->what
integrity! Greed and henna don't mix! - Carvid 13:37:23
7/23/98 (0)
- Confused! - Cindy 10:48:58
7/23/98 (3)
- I am so pleased!! - Mandy Lane
18:10:25 7/22/98 (6)
- Earth Henna Press Release - Carine
Fabius 17:46:25 7/22/98 (2)
- DBA's - Aidan 05:52:46
7/22/98 (3)
- Re: DBA's - Cietta/Mindful
Mehndi 21:41:15 7/23/98 (0)
- Re: DBA's - Sue Atkinson/Natural
Expressions 16:45:06 7/22/98 (0)
- Re: DBA's - Lori 06:43:27
7/22/98 (0)
- Wanting to find Henna Artist in or near
Fayetteville, NC - Barbara V. Godfrey 01:43:45 7/22/98
- Mercedes Symbol? - Neil 01:08:48
7/22/98 (11)
- About Henna Art? - lindsay
20:45:08 7/21/98 (5)
16:54:30 7/21/98 (0)
- Looking for Henna Tatoos in Seattle??
- Eric 15:53:25 7/21/98 (2)
- How many are soley Mehndi Arts? -
Cindy 04:38:51 7/21/98 (5)
- Me Again - Lai' Sedai 01:04:21
7/21/98 (1)
- Getting Down To Business - Lia'
Sedai 21:24:41 7/20/98 (1)
- trolling - RuthAnn 21:22:35
7/20/98 (1)
- henna vendors - Rose 17:42:31
7/20/98 (1)
- Advice from the pros needed! - Patti
Fiedler 16:05:35 7/20/98 (0)
- Henna Tattoo's Sydney Australia -
Will 01:08:20 7/20/98 (0)
- need henna recipes for hair - Denize
Tan 20:33:50 7/19/98 (2)
- Sue A., You're just mad because your
rocket "crashed and burned" too... - The Silent Observer
06:00:05 7/19/98 (8)
- prof. applier in Phx. area - Bailey
05:09:46 7/19/98 (4)
- Mendhi for guys too ? - Danny
04:05:09 7/19/98 (5)
- new mehandi mail list! - Bailey
04:04:40 7/19/98 (0)
- Selling Henna kits ONLY $15-lowest wholesale
price anywhere!! - MostlyMehndi 01:44:33 7/19/98 (5)
- What's the best way... - Nebula
17:58:38 7/18/98 (1)
- How Much Do Ya'll Henna Artists Make
Per Week? - Moni 07:06:43 7/18/98 (5)
- Selling out Henna supplies!!Going cheap
- slamb 22:30:58 7/17/98 (6)
- A shameless plug for my webpage
- Dawn 18:21:54 7/17/98 (1)
- A shameless plug for my web site :-)
- Dawn 17:46:50 7/17/98 (0)
- Lancome Body Crayons(FYI) - Shel
02:09:50 7/17/98 (3)
- any suggestions on negotiating -
Tamar 17:36:32 7/16/98 (6)
- my deal - RuthAnn 17:54:50
7/16/98 (5)
- Help! I've been volunteered... -
Chandra 17:10:14 7/16/98 (1)
- What about tea tree oil? - Sherri
15:54:25 7/16/98 (1)
BELOW. PLEASE SOMEBODY===========ANSWER THEM! - Kimie 15:51:47
7/16/98 (2)
- I'm looking for a place to get a henna
tattoo in the Boston,MA area - Caitlin 15:08:45 7/16/98
- where can i find mhendi examples on the
net - winnie 22:20:34 7/15/98 (5)
- Cone idea! - Thanya 20:53:27
7/15/98 (2)
- GERMANY: Henna Mail-Order & Messageboard
- wichtig COSMETICS 15:04:04 7/15/98 (1)
- black henna paste tube - mrs.
Sabine Weikhart-Stern 12:21:12 7/15/98 (3)
- Impressed with 2 month old henna
- Sue Atkinson 06:42:55 7/15/98 (6)
- I used a real henna plant!!!!!! -
Tara 04:58:45 7/15/98 (3)
- "Henna Tattoo" on Venice Beach,
CA - Stephanie 04:30:39 7/15/98 (3)
- mehndi oil - Pattie 02:25:48
7/15/98 (7)
- Speaking Up Again - Sue Atkinson
01:59:16 7/15/98 (1)
- very important questions about the color
dry henna powder, freshness, and results. PLEASE RESPOND! - Shailiyah
01:20:22 7/15/98 (3)
- Which Indian Grocer-Bought Henna Brands
Give Good Results? - Kimie 01:15:10 7/15/98 (0)
- Has Anybody Tried Dulhan Deluxe Henna
Powder? What About Al-Aroosa? - Kimie 01:13:00 7/15/98
- I'm starting experiencing Henna... I
can't make it black! Any Suggestion? - Emiliano - Italy 20:07:51
7/14/98 (6)
- Mehandi mail list - Bailey
18:01:26 7/14/98 (2)
- Greener the better? - Mandy Lane
15:46:03 7/14/98 (5)
- Places to look for Henna in Helsinki,
Finland! - Saunaboy 14:04:22 7/14/98 (1)
- where to find henna-tattoos in The Netherlands
- Marieke 10:16:04 7/14/98 (2)
- where to find henna-tattoos in The Netherlands
- Marieke 10:14:31 7/14/98 (1)
- ...Just Another Artist With a Webpage...
- Desiree Mae 06:46:12 7/14/98 (1)
- One More Thing... - Diva 06:20:16
7/14/98 (0)
- lemon and coffee? ummm?? - Bailey
01:21:10 7/14/98 (0)
- I will do mehandi in NW PA! - Bailey
Varos 01:19:12 7/14/98 (0)
- Pranksters and Postings - Lise
Anderson 22:06:19 7/13/98 (4)
- Thank You Becky M. For Defending My Sacred
Recipe! - Diva 20:52:33 7/13/98 (0)
- It's A Shame How Some People Insist On
Making Trouble Re: "A Friend of Skin (fda)" - Diva
20:49:47 7/13/98 (5)
- Powder Henna - Mandy Lane
20:18:08 7/13/98 (1)
- Finally a simple recipe....that satisfied
me..... - Tamar 13:51:40 7/13/98 (2)
- some questions from a newie - frances
06:15:05 7/13/98 (4)
- Henna/Mehandi wholesale supplers
- Bodyshop 04:15:33 7/13/98 (3)
- My Free Liquid Mix Recipe Makes Even
The Worst Quality Henna Work Very Well! (Sashi and Andrea---you will
love this!) - Diva 21:52:55 7/12/98 (8)
- Finallly, A Solution To All of Your Cheap,
Low Quality, Wasted Money, Still Have Henna Sitting Around Woes! Solution!
(Not an Advertisement)! - Diva 21:48:42 7/12/98 (5)
- Re: Finallly, A Solution To All of
Your Cheap, Low Quality, Wasted Money, Still Have Henna Sitting
Around Woes! Solution! (Not an Advertisement)! - Becky M
20:25:44 7/13/98 (0)
- Re: Finallly, A Solution To All of
Your Cheap, Low Quality, Wasted Money, Still Have Henna Sitting
Around Woes! Solution! (Not an Advertisement)! - A friend
of Skin (fda) 19:22:58 7/13/98 (2)
- Re: Finallly, A Solution To All of
Your Cheap, Low Quality, Wasted Money, Still Have Henna Sitting
Around Woes! Solution! (Not an Advertisement)! - bAILEY
16:38:30 7/13/98 (0)
- Finallly, A Solution To All of Your Cheap,
Low Quality, Wasted Money, Still Have Henna Sitting Around Woes! Solution!
(Not an Advertisement)! - Diva 21:48:41 7/12/98 (0)
- i need advice! - michelle johnson-parnell
18:10:45 7/12/98 (2)
- Disclaimers?? how to phrase it....
- Tamu Ngina 16:10:28 7/12/98 (3)
- Henna hair dye - Sue 15:12:29
7/12/98 (1)
- New Product Announcement-Multi purpose
Non-Ethnic Stencils designs - BAS, Inc. 21:08:42 7/11/98
- NOTICE! join my henna mail list!
- Bailey Varos 19:54:22 7/11/98 (0)
- henna in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Mirjam Letsch 08:21:03 7/11/98 (1)
- Richters herbs - Tara 21:15:30
7/10/98 (3)
- Catherine still queen also a Q for Pheonix
- Carole Robinson 19:54:36 7/10/98 (0)
- Fires Bigger Than Florida's! (The Flame
Wars-----I Don't Wanna Get Burned!) - Scared To Death 23:26:57
7/09/98 (2)
- Wax Paper Makes Great Cones! - Diva
23:18:11 7/09/98 (1)
- Afshan Makes a Powder Strictly for Mehndi,
Comes In a Green Box, Says Mehndi Powder, HAS ANYBODY TRIED THIS?
- Diva 23:15:55 7/09/98 (4)
- Avigal Henna Does Get Very Dark With
Sweat!------Check This Out! - Diva 23:04:25 7/09/98
Francis serif. 21:15:36 7/09/98 (0)
- Speaking Up - Sue Atkinson
04:57:26 7/09/98 (11)
- Indian wedding patterns - Sandra
01:11:01 7/09/98 (2)
- Q for people who do mehndi as a biz
- amie 18:19:50 7/08/98 (6)
17:44:18 7/08/98 (3)
- Couple Questions on Henna - Mandy
Lane 14:39:19 7/08/98 (8)
- Apple Cider Vinegar - Tamu Ngina
/ Tamar 14:04:39 7/08/98 (3)
- Slight problem... - LORI 09:53:34
7/08/98 (1)
- Is it really temporary? - Larisa
Migachyov 23:26:08 7/07/98 (3)
- Can't you just buy it at the store and
do it yourself? - sarah 22:56:52 7/07/98 (3)
- Chemical black henna - Peter Mathews
22:09:17 7/07/98 (8)
- Chemical black henna - Peter Mathews
21:56:11 7/07/98 (0)
- Preparing fresh henna - Andrea
18:28:25 7/07/98 (3)
- Live henna plants - Santo
18:21:25 7/07/98 (2)
- Will I be a freak? - The Doctor
17:59:27 7/07/98 (5)
- Reply to Michelle and Thomas - RuthAnn
17:13:10 7/07/98 (3)
- Black henna - Michelle 16:25:47
7/07/98 (1)
- Dark Henna - Thomas 16:17:16
7/07/98 (0)
- New User - Heather 15:10:31
7/07/98 (2)
- eucalyptus oil - kim 08:33:43
7/07/98 (2)
- light mountain hair henna-black - ok
for mehndi? - amie 01:41:43 7/07/98 (8)
- place - u-god 22:14:37
7/06/98 (0)
- Mendhi in West Chester, PA? - Leslee
21:12:13 7/06/98 (5)
- Earth Henna - Charles Fabius
19:50:02 7/06/98 (1)
02:31:22 7/06/98 (2)
- Tattoo turned orange!! How do I remove
it? - cali 01:17:15 7/06/98 (2)
- Henna on dark skin - angie
16:27:34 7/05/98 (3)
- fine lines? - Bailey 03:03:57
7/05/98 (4)
- Henna ramblings - Thanya 11:56:33
7/04/98 (3)
- henna at music fest - advice wanted
- Becky Michelsen 21:30:47 7/03/98 (1)
- brown henna - nick 19:53:30
7/03/98 (1)
- Al-Aroosa Henna and Afshan Henna
- Tara 18:33:34 7/03/98 (5)
- Is everybody mad out there? - Alison
15:00:10 7/03/98 (2)
- Henna-Versandhandel in Deutschland ...
preiswert! - wichtig COSMETICS Deutschland 14:09:16 7/03/98
- Teachers or others in Abilene, TX?
- Timothy Horn 05:42:59 7/03/98 (0)
- henna tattoo - jim gibbons
01:47:39 7/03/98 (1)
- Khatta - Tara 23:50:50
7/02/98 (2)
- tip for applying oil to dry mehndi
- tamu ngina 19:10:18 7/02/98 (0)
- NEED SUPPLIER to start distribution in
Germany (we are popular german fashion label with agents network, have
own shop) - mode wichtig - The Fashion Lifestyle Company
14:45:51 7/02/98 (1)
- Lehigh Valley and Berks county Pennsylvania..(Kutztown
University Area) Mehndi soon offered. - Tamu Ngina 13:31:51
7/02/98 (0)
- AROMATIC BITTERS.....for henna recipe
IT WORKS!! like a charm - Tamu Ngina 13:06:18 7/02/98
- How old is old? - Roma 03:14:10
7/02/98 (1)
- What is the name of the "ammonia-smelling
liniment"? - Becky M. 00:07:00 7/02/98 (1)
- A survey questionnaire - please have
a look - Becky Michelsen 23:58:26 7/01/98 (2)
- A survey questionnaire - please have
a look - Becky Michelsen 23:51:27 7/01/98 (2)
- Light Mountain Henna or Reshma Henna
for Hair Conditioning - Joyboy Kelly 19:49:25 7/01/98
- Good %100 Pure Henna - Tamu Ngina
17:59:07 7/01/98 (2)
- Oil called WHITE FLOWER..... - Tamu
Ngina 17:56:22 7/01/98 (3)
- Southeastern,PA...just starting out....Need
advice..direction - Tamu Ngina 16:16:36 7/01/98 (2)
- Feet Swelled!?? - zelda 13:26:41
7/01/98 (2)
- Henna in Minnesota - Heidi
03:58:04 7/01/98 (0)
- If anyone knows what Jani is; where can
I get some? - Goatboy 03:15:07 7/01/98 (4)
- IMPORTANT! safety!! - Bailey
00:03:59 7/01/98 (2)
- a few ideas I'd like to share - Becky
Michelsen 22:35:36 6/30/98 (6)
- Henna Mehndi Webring - Henna Arts
International 19:37:28 6/30/98 (1)
- Sam 04:39:41 6/30/98 (1)
- Henna Body Art Contest.. Win 1000 grams
of the best! - www.navel.com/mud 23:33:36 6/29/98
- MEHNDI ON TV - Carole 19:25:07
6/29/98 (4)
- Cracking / Slipping Designs - Cietta
/ Mindful Mehndi 19:15:28 6/29/98 (2)
- henna supply from india - henna
04:18:55 6/29/98 (3)
- Avigal Henna----------Response was low,
need more people to answer! Important question! - Diva 03:42:52
6/29/98 (2)
- Looking for top quality triple sifted
mehndi-quality 100% PURE NOTHING ADDED henna powder in large quantities
at the absolute lowest prices---supplier must be in the U.S. - Diva
03:38:50 6/29/98 (3)
- Khatta - Tara 16:31:29
6/28/98 (0)
- Mehndi in India - Tara 03:38:23
6/28/98 (2)
- Going Out Of Business - Natrl
Expressions 03:36:23 6/28/98 (2)
18:49:46 6/27/98 (8)
- henna, tats, going pop, and giggles
- Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:26:09 6/27/98 (3)
- Do you know a mehndi artist in Holland
(nederland) - Annemiek 16:08:11 6/27/98 (1)
11:22:55 6/27/98 (9)
- My Black Henna Experience - Mandy
Lane 17:58:06 6/26/98 (0)
- Sweaty Feet and Henna - Carole
16:57:38 6/26/98 (4)
- henna for coloring my hair:Thank you
sashi - sara 09:07:46 6/26/98 (0)
- Henna recipies NEEDED! - Diana
04:25:14 6/26/98 (3)
- henna - jessica 21:13:43
6/25/98 (0)
- henna in Boston, MA - Caitlin
15:33:22 6/25/98 (0)
10:55:50 6/25/98 (7)
- mehndi supplies - Brenda Casey
06:32:30 6/25/98 (4)
- Thought everyone might get a giggle out
of this - Shel 04:28:36 6/25/98 (0)
- Mehndi Quality Henna in Maryland, Washington,
D.C. and Northern Virginia - Diva 00:55:30 6/25/98
PLEASE RESPOND! - Diva 00:47:07 6/25/98 (2)
- henna in SD - Tommy 21:10:28
6/24/98 (0)
- where can i find henna and myhina??
- Andrew 20:24:33 6/24/98 (1)
- New to this - Carole 17:01:45
6/24/98 (1)
- sharing your experiences with others..help.
- cindy 07:55:52 6/24/98 (0)
- summary of henna - Kristen
05:12:28 6/24/98 (4)
- where in PA - Kristen 05:05:42
6/24/98 (2)
- Trendy Mehndi in Worcester MA area
- Margaret Bibeau 00:23:06 6/24/98 (0)
- HEY ! Just 4-U - Lori 22:26:59
6/23/98 (0)
- trying out Body Arts Co. (Ojai) -
catherine Cartwright Jones 20:05:59 6/23/98 (3)
- TARAWA - TARAWA 11:15:16
6/23/98 (2)
- Mendhi/Henna - Jehda Honculada
19:45:42 6/22/98 (0)
- Deporting Henna Artist in Chicago
- Jessica Grannis 19:13:07 6/22/98 (1)
- Interested in how henna is grown?
- Cietta Johnson 18:29:57 6/22/98 (0)
- herb designs,tools and techniques
- herb's daughter 22:14:17 6/21/98 (0)
- HELP: Henna in italy ? - Agar
17:46:09 6/21/98 (3)
- Beware of Imitations! info for henna
artists, and general public. - Becky Michelsen 18:06:26
6/18/98 (10)
- using perfume for mehndi - jocelyne
12:56:12 6/18/98 (2)
- alpha-hydroxies - michelle
21:31:11 6/17/98 (7)
- ATTN: all henna experts and PRE-MIXED
henna wholesalers - Capt. Dave 22:27:05 6/16/98 (8)
- HELP!! mehndi artist at a fest. -
Ms Bailey Varos 19:55:40 6/16/98 (2)
- patterns & designs - Kim
19:54:05 6/16/98 (7)
- types of henna - michelle
18:51:14 6/16/98 (0)