Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum. For information about
this forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
Coloured Henna - This forum
is devoted to natural henna. If you're more interested in the coloured
varieties (black, purple, etc) please go here instead.
Black Henna caution - Given the increase
in reports of chemical burns by so-called black henna, do please check
the Warnings page before trying this stuff.
Or just steer well clear.
Brown/Black henna made from food coloring - Kenny P 23:26:57 3/31/00
Pictures/Photos of the "Orientalist" style - Kenzi 21:21:51 3/31/00
Henna for Hair...new information/recipe - Kenzi 21:15:15 3/31/00
Applicator - April Anna 21:07:57 3/31/00
Henna - duh! *grins* - April Anna 20:55:50 3/31/00
not so heavy metal... - Natasha Papousek 13:41:35 3/31/00
Follow-up to that "henna allergy" news article - Jeremy Rowntree 09:12:11 3/31/00
Henna in Syria? - Megam 03:54:30 3/31/00
airbrushing henna - Sandy Sison 00:29:51 3/31/00
Send me some information - Marsheen Burch 19:34:25 3/30/00
The New Skin Band Wagon - Lisa 11:21:08 3/30/00
teaching help - nick 13:28:56 3/29/00
Weird "pruning" of skin after shower, reverse of Henna pattern - Carrie 00:25:22 3/29/00
Gallotannins - James 21:17:23 3/28/00
where to go? - Kristin 20:15:50 3/28/00
black henna - Jenn 17:21:02 3/28/00
Henna on IRC? - Liisa 14:13:29 3/28/00
help with a stencil - Perry 13:53:15 3/28/00
Garlicky update - lisa 11:21:26 3/27/00
Rangoli - Cyane 09:41:22 3/27/00
- Re: Rangoli - atul_mulay@hotmail.com(from India) 00:17:56 3/28/00
- Re: Rangoli - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:54:18 3/27/00
answer to my question from scientists network - atul_mulay@hotmail.com 04:16:47 3/27/00
Henna for Hair - Sandy 02:34:39 3/27/00
OT - Ofra Haza - Anne 20:09:24 3/26/00
traditions - Emily Gasser 15:54:25 3/26/00
Henna hair color - Ishtar 13:17:58 3/26/00
asian health and beauty - Ruby 08:29:35 3/26/00
ME AGAIN . . . WITH A CHAT ROOM!! - P.J. 21:48:22 3/25/00
Henna and Copper - P.J. 21:37:38 3/25/00
wud I do - mark 16:52:17 3/25/00
henna in Massachusetts - Molly Freiberg 09:46:04 3/25/00
newbie question - renee' 09:04:17 3/25/00
Hi forum! - Micah 03:34:36 3/24/00
black henna die - atul mulay 02:05:07 3/24/00
black henna die - atul mulay 02:03:34 3/24/00
henna - eastern or western? - Sahiba 06:28:20 3/23/00
Re: Moroccan Mailbag....new ingredients - sarah 16:08:05 3/22/00
Results of Ammonia on wood - Kalila 14:01:12 3/22/00
Henna in Chicago - Sonya 14:00:32 3/22/00
Polly put the kettle on! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:54:34 3/22/00
Henna in the Bible - Kalila 21:59:02 3/21/00
I'm Back! - NaturGirl 21:19:27 3/21/00
Special deal on Moroccan henna...super fresh - Kenzi 18:22:17 3/21/00
Staining wood with Henna! - Kalila 15:05:58 3/21/00
Hennaed Easter Eggs? - Eve 07:14:32 3/21/00
Chatters Against Child Pornography - CACP 06:15:21 3/21/00
Website is updated...some photos from Morocco - Kenzi 19:20:24 3/20/00
henna is a natural form of body art and it's just as beautiful as a needle tattoo - Ellizabeth 18:14:49 3/20/00
Y get a "henna" when u can get a real one? - h3n+0 13:39:16 3/20/00
NEW WEBSITE- COME CHECK IT OUT :)~ - MyST 10:13:06 3/20/00
So glad to be back and what an awesome makeover on this site - Eve 08:18:32 3/20/00
henna for hair vs. henna for skin - hana 20:07:56 3/19/00
About propogating henna plants. . . ? - P.J. 19:56:18 3/19/00
Henna on The Roseanne Show - Matthew 15:06:00 3/19/00
LOVE HENNA - Sonya 18:57:41 3/18/00
henna chemistry - atul mulay 05:30:45 3/18/00
Q #3 - Zach 03:47:20 3/18/00
Lac and resin - Charles 23:06:03 3/17/00
Retailers in CA...Ventura County - Amy 16:17:06 3/17/00
Dark, darker, darkest, burns, thanx. - Nick 15:46:10 3/17/00
Beautiful job on site - Jennifer 03:48:51 3/17/00
Need Henna Designs to help with Heart Surgery! - Carrie 19:28:13 3/16/00
Moroccan Mailbag....new ingredients - Kenzi 17:55:47 3/16/00
Moroccan Mailbag....new ingredients - Kenzi 17:55:35 3/16/00
Am I famus now? - Anoise 17:27:25 3/16/00
Greetings from Finland and a question on the henna plant - Liisa Lehmusto 16:40:42 3/16/00
boiled, dried, fresh: limes vs. lemons - Amy 15:16:56 3/16/00
Acorns? - Anoise 13:54:56 3/16/00
Morocco Mailbag via New York City - Kenzi 22:43:37 3/15/00
an article on Yahoo!News - Lucida 22:34:21 3/15/00
PH - TJ 14:03:25 3/15/00
Light Mountain Hair Color - BJ 11:56:38 3/15/00
Celtic patterns for henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:04:34 3/15/00
Pretty cool bud Rosan Show on Thur.... - Matthew 00:37:40 3/15/00
shisha mirror embroidery patterns - Christine 18:52:26 3/14/00
question about a symbol on henna pattern - Lucida 17:37:03 3/14/00
Question 2 - Zach 11:17:58 3/14/00
body sugaring - jenny 09:41:37 3/14/00
it is hennatonic acid or some type of resin which stains skin? - atul mulay 08:10:54 3/14/00
invite scientists from other sights called ask questions. - atul mulay 07:56:46 3/14/00
Looking for New Skin - Wendy 23:33:41 3/13/00
Question - Zach 23:09:19 3/13/00
- Patterns - Catherine Cartwright Jones 08:02:17 3/14/00
Alternative to ammonia? - Kat 22:51:24 3/13/00
Mascara Help - Priestess 18:17:56 3/13/00
Traveling with henna.... - Shel 16:58:44 3/13/00
To pre-mix or not to pre-mix...sending henna! - MyST 16:14:07 3/13/00
No more henna virgin - Chandra 16:05:20 3/13/00
Navneet - Wendy 14:48:16 3/13/00
Hennaeing Feet - Dawn G. 12:43:02 3/13/00
PJ Party!!!! - Anoise 11:53:54 3/13/00
torn menenicus,{knee] - LaRessa B. Tate 10:33:46 3/13/00
Other things like henna? - James 23:08:33 3/12/00
This site looks WONDERFUL ;) - MyST 19:44:44 3/12/00
Henna Removal- Confused - Bethany 17:16:16 3/12/00
OT - links to colour henna forums - Anne 09:05:01 3/12/00
Follow up on post by Shanon on Pakistani henna cones. - Jewel 07:59:34 3/12/00
Pakastani Cones and mystery paste.....oh boy something to play with - Shanon Lavender 04:59:04 3/12/00
CONGRATS !! - Jewel 00:54:41 3/12/00
Temptu Question - James 21:38:30 3/11/00
Looking to buy henna - Ronda Eikenberry 21:05:22 3/11/00
Welcome ! - Jeremy Rowntree 16:15:51 3/11/00
Performing experiments with Henna plants. . . - P.J. 02:48:08 3/11/00
castle art website link - Jennifer 08:22:51 3/10/00
where do I go?? - Lenore Faase 04:54:02 3/10/00
plastic backed paper towels... - lisa 19:44:02 3/08/00
sift-o-matic - sarah 14:53:09 3/08/00
an excuse to play outside - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:26:26 3/07/00
HELP-need "hard henna" recipe for wood, leather, paper! - Carrie 06:59:10 3/07/00
henna hair dye - GERARDO COBO 02:31:49 3/07/00
Rasma-e-henna etiquette - jmc 23:13:21 3/06/00
Real tatoo ink - James 05:32:40 3/06/00
The best henna to buy... - MyST 03:29:26 3/06/00
LOOK AT LAMU!! I CHANGED MY SITE!!!! - P.J. 02:10:18 3/06/00
CA's henna - sarah 21:26:43 3/05/00
Hair Dyes... - NUBIT 20:54:37 3/05/00
- No - SeeSee 23:49:39 3/05/00
Jacquard bottles & mehndi - Myra 16:30:33 3/05/00
Grandmother's Secrets - Michelle 15:18:01 3/05/00
henna - ishmiki 06:21:47 3/05/00
Where can I get Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Marie 15:48:04 3/04/00
Cones: how-to - Eliz. R. 15:28:17 3/04/00
OMG! This is FUNNY! - Nick 15:18:14 3/04/00
OMG! This is FUNNY! - Nick 15:18:13 3/04/00
the Ammonia Process - Nick 12:19:04 3/04/00
OOOH! I'd love to come! but I don't know if I can!:-( - Nick 11:29:47 3/04/00
Jeddah, Eden, Eve, and spoiling a brand new fig leaf - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:34:46 3/03/00
Morocco mailbag....the magical henna stone - Kenzi 12:08:02 3/03/00
Morocco mailbag....henna hustling - Kenzi 11:54:32 3/03/00
henna - Milly 09:07:56 3/03/00
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:47:49 3/03/00
Are Henna leaves sensitive to light and air during drying? - P.J. 23:48:46 3/02/00
Carrot Bag availability - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:52:51 3/02/00
how to extract colour pigment from henna leaves for assured result? - atul mulay 15:53:11 3/02/00
light brown stains - Anne 12:07:38 3/02/00
Thinking of writing a book... - Nick 20:08:13 3/01/00
Khaki colored henna... and a few questions. - Nick 20:01:34 3/01/00
Teaching a course on henna!... - Nick 19:38:59 3/01/00
exposing the children (but not to the elements) - Anne 12:22:37 3/01/00
henna - Lulu 04:03:01 3/01/00
- Re: henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:34:03 3/01/00
Copts and Rabbits - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:09:36 3/01/00
get it while its fresh :-) (new shipment in) - Amy :-) 00:40:04 3/01/00
get it while its fresh :-) (new shipment in) - Amy :-) 00:23:30 3/01/00