Archive 17 : May 2000
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
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so please treat this as a "read only" resource. For information about
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Asked Questions section
Raising awareness, one hand at a time - Kenzi 21:16:25 5/31/00
Kerrville & sifting - NaturGirl 20:41:42 5/31/00
salt's affects on henna - nick 16:14:57 5/31/00
Artists & pricing - Karoline 15:41:16 5/31/00
how long to leave on hair? - amy 15:29:22 5/31/00
removal method? - Louise 15:06:25 5/31/00
Deutsch! - Jenny 12:51:24 5/31/00
henna on a wart - Melissa Stewart 08:02:45 5/31/00
Henna and Chlorine? - Natalie 02:47:21 5/31/00
Just got some MUD-I'll post my results in a couple days. - Carrie 00:50:26 5/31/00
hennaing lower back - Lucida 00:49:32 5/31/00
OH MAN!!! I DID IT YOU GUYS!!! - D`ni~ 00:17:07 5/31/00
TATTOS - Maurice C. Townsend 00:04:01 5/31/00
I need help, I´m desperate. - Jazmin 20:16:45 5/30/00
HENNA PATTERN - JOANNA 18:33:20 5/30/00
Black henna......warning - Michelle 17:48:44 5/30/00
Henna vs Selv Tanners - Linda West 15:04:02 5/30/00
more tricks of the trade - Miss Monica 11:44:36 5/30/00
Dance Africa Bazaar - Kenzi 19:26:08 5/29/00
salon style? - Kelli 18:12:41 5/29/00
salon style? - Kelli 18:11:07 5/29/00
Did someone ask about henna flower pictures? - P.J. 17:36:23 5/29/00
a question for experienced women on this forum - Janet 15:51:09 5/29/00
RE:henna around del. - littlebear 14:08:12 5/29/00
Searching for Artists ANSWER!! - D`ni~ 14:00:33 5/29/00
Dried or fresh - D`ni~ 13:52:24 5/29/00
Help me a find an artist in Boston - Tracy 06:09:17 5/29/00
still desperatley seeking artists in Ottawa... - Jocelyne 01:15:24 5/29/00
Stencils Anyone? - Crystal 23:46:03 5/28/00
My own design!!! - D`ni~ 18:02:47 5/28/00
How to get diff. colors with natural henna - Cherrie 20:52:01 5/27/00
Irish/Celtic Symbols (battle axe) - James Gillese 18:49:27 5/27/00
where in RI - danielle 18:07:05 5/27/00
henna supplier in mass? - renee 16:53:01 5/27/00
Lime? - Vicki 16:47:01 5/27/00
Article about Mehndi - RAJ 13:24:53 5/27/00
Infinite drying time...help or hindrance to henna? - Kenzi 21:22:30 5/26/00
new wrap idea - amy1143 16:06:13 5/26/00
~Trade Secrets~ - Eljai 14:41:31 5/26/00
Looking for Henna Artist on Long island - Kenzi 14:33:30 5/26/00
Your remark to my ??? Kenzi - Eljai 14:25:47 5/26/00
tatoo - Anastasia Blenio 11:53:50 5/26/00
ICQ active List - D`ni~ 00:54:10 5/26/00
apple cider - Lin 23:43:34 5/25/00
A question others may also want to ask of Catherine - Kenzi 22:46:01 5/25/00
Drawings from Morocco trip - Kenzi 22:35:09 5/25/00
- Nice - SeeSee 14:28:48 5/26/00
"no compete clause????" - Eljai 18:23:06 5/25/00
lemon juice and honey - Eljai 18:00:00 5/25/00
(MyST) - Design books - Eljai 17:45:25 5/25/00
Disappearing henna at the seashore - Maryann 14:52:52 5/25/00
Henna on wood & fabric - Liisa 14:27:26 5/25/00
Pricing - Louise 12:13:20 5/25/00
ot - belly danicng in CT? - Anne 07:39:44 5/25/00
Sugar Lemon or Sugar Lime After Henna? - JRydin 23:30:56 5/24/00
new henna user - Jory Kassoff 18:55:36 5/24/00
Knotted, twisted and steamed - Catherine Cartwight Jones 16:59:28 5/24/00
henna lipstick - Rosy 16:49:38 5/24/00
Looking Artists in AK - D`ni~ 15:18:29 5/24/00
easy application - Janet 14:54:17 5/24/00
henna and acne - Janet 13:19:42 5/24/00
dyeing to be dyed? - Kenzi 12:36:43 5/24/00
hennaed toenails after childbirth - Melissa Stewart 12:05:26 5/24/00
Rollins Video in India - Robb/NaturalExpressions 11:00:46 5/24/00
bindis - Bea 10:30:23 5/24/00
Henna on the net - D`ni~ 02:08:31 5/24/00
% for 2nd Artist - Jennifer 00:04:31 5/24/00
Henna Paste on Hair ? - Belinda Rogers 19:01:40 5/23/00
Eucalyptus Oil - Lisa Gunn 18:10:56 5/23/00
henna patterns - Fariha Samad 16:59:52 5/23/00
found a website for indestructible festival booth - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:55:09 5/23/00
Heart & Soul Festival - Day 2 - A Diary - MyST 10:12:50 5/23/00
Heart & Soul Festival - Day 2 - A Diary - MyST 10:12:13 5/23/00
about.com - Catherine Cartwright Jones 08:48:06 5/23/00
Lemon Juice question...back to basics - Kenzi 22:43:21 5/22/00
This might be a tip for anyone about to mix their paste... :^) - Giselle 22:17:05 5/22/00
Thumbs up to Body Art Supply - Lotus 19:01:03 5/22/00
DMSO and henna? - Lotus 18:54:20 5/22/00
Henna plant's flowers - James Griffin 18:29:18 5/22/00
It's a Miracle....Moroccan and Male! - Kenzi 18:15:08 5/22/00
Bare bones recipe - Monica Tittle 16:05:34 5/22/00
I'm addicted! - Monica Tittle 15:54:25 5/22/00
distilled water - Lori 13:55:41 5/22/00
Travellin' Henna - Anne Beltestad 13:50:36 5/22/00
Symbolism/designs - Roberta 11:35:10 5/22/00
Henna Clean-up - Bmook 10:26:30 5/22/00
Looking for NaturGirl - Natasha Papousek 10:24:03 5/22/00
henna to the wider audience - Cathy Collins 09:17:30 5/22/00
to :Naivad - K 01:08:52 5/22/00
love you guys - Wendy 00:04:21 5/22/00
Questions, Questions..I have alot of them....Someone help - Michelle 21:55:58 5/21/00
interesting recipe - nick 15:15:00 5/21/00
henna-esque dyes - nick 15:00:12 5/21/00
bellydance (ot, sort of) - nick 14:45:53 5/21/00
Heart & Soul Festival Day One Diary - MyST 08:45:33 5/21/00
Henna putting BLOND highligts in hair? - P.J. 01:17:42 5/21/00
Very Impressed With Forum!!! - JRydin 00:00:20 5/21/00
Kama Sutra query - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:33:19 5/20/00
Is Colora Henna still being made? - Lady Panther 19:03:26 5/20/00
new bindis pic too... Odhani shawls coming too - Amy:-) 14:35:31 5/20/00
sour cream - sarah 23:49:48 5/19/00
- Re: sour cream - Ntasha Papousek 08:32:21 5/22/00
- Nope - SeeSee 19:47:41 5/20/00
- Re: Nope - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:58:31 5/20/00
Several Questions from a Newbie - Monica Tittle 22:33:56 5/19/00
Henna on Fingernails - Dawn G. 21:29:05 5/19/00
'Nother Cool Moroccan Site (In French) - Kree Arvanitas 17:57:45 5/19/00
a totally useful no-brainer - Rosie 15:57:30 5/19/00
Bare feet! - Burkhard 15:42:36 5/19/00
too soon 4 N/S ? - amy1143 14:16:59 5/19/00
cyprinum recipe - stephanie 13:15:51 5/19/00
Mr. Baba, please tell me a story.... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:02:06 5/19/00
Pure Henna - Rajshree 11:51:13 5/19/00
Pure Henna - Rajshree 11:49:52 5/19/00
Allergic reactions to henna - Elizabeth 10:08:47 5/19/00
New Look for Mehndi2DyeFor at Fests this summer - MyST 09:54:54 5/19/00
Ebay Scams - Kree Arvanitas 09:04:51 5/19/00
When is the henna ready? - KC 21:41:04 5/18/00
Incurring male wrath with henna - Kenzi 19:36:11 5/18/00
Burn my hair??? - Lady Panther 14:33:22 5/18/00
blonde/golden highlights? - kim 14:30:54 5/18/00
golden/blonde highlights - kim 14:21:34 5/18/00
I need help - rod 13:02:33 5/18/00
Need Justified Comments !! - Navaid 12:42:12 5/18/00
Need Justified Comments !! - Navaid 12:42:06 5/18/00
Natural Red henna and Natural Black henna - TR 22:41:04 5/17/00
It is Real...Black Henna! - Razi 19:45:40 5/17/00
About: black henna rant - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:46:52 5/17/00
Hi - Daniel cooper 18:29:53 5/17/00
- Re: Hi - Anoise 11:02:46 5/18/00
sifting - nick 17:27:42 5/17/00
- sometimes - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:29:32 5/19/00
- depends - Anoise 11:02:13 5/18/00
FRED O MATIC HENNA SIFTERS picture too - Amy :-) 14:12:02 5/17/00
henna - SKIP 07:24:26 5/17/00
Ratio, liquid to powder - Wendy 23:20:40 5/16/00
Henna removal possibilities - Kenzi 20:53:43 5/16/00
tugging on Baba's coattails again - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:32:43 5/16/00
Henna for weddings mention.... - Dominique 15:27:28 5/16/00
Henna a leather guitar strap? - Kalila 14:44:26 5/16/00
Mehndi Mud and other questions? - Christina Sahinoglu 12:15:59 5/16/00
heated mitts! - Miss Monica 12:11:02 5/16/00
Cold weather henna - Amy :-) 12:04:59 5/16/00
Henna safety - Alison 10:29:46 5/16/00
Henna Linguistic Trivia - Kree Arvanitas 07:31:56 5/16/00
Those Grassy Triangles - Babaganooj 02:07:11 5/16/00
Sari - Anoise 18:53:38 5/15/00
- Re: Sari - Miss Monica 11:40:02 5/16/00
- Re: Sari - Jennifer 11:38:42 5/16/00
Henna in Canada? - Christina 16:22:40 5/15/00
Navneet - Theadora 15:50:52 5/15/00
Hair Removal (OT) - Giselle 15:18:42 5/15/00
Henna plant pictures, anyone? - P.J. 12:47:33 5/15/00
fresh henna and good deals on ebay - Amy :-) 11:39:32 5/15/00
Henna for red hair color - Kris Munson 01:06:30 5/15/00
Henna for red hair color - Kris Munson 00:59:45 5/15/00
MUD, steam, etc. (no, it's not a spa) - Amy C 22:34:35 5/14/00
NAVIAD premixed pastes are amazing - Kelly 21:04:13 5/14/00
Nostalgia and catharsis - Babaganooj 20:54:56 5/14/00
Sirius Rising schedule up.... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:11:49 5/14/00
Help.. Liability insurance. quotes: $800 - Michelle 16:11:06 5/14/00
Hi Jewel !! - Michelle 16:00:19 5/14/00
applicators - Diana 21:28:41 5/13/00
Mehndi artist in Edmonton - Utopia02 14:46:45 5/13/00
Traveling to Singapore........looking for a Henna artist - Michelle 06:47:25 5/13/00
- hello Jewel? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:24:33 5/13/00
Where to buy henna? - Christina 00:08:25 5/13/00
Of Tenderness and Henna - Babaganooj 20:21:32 5/12/00
i buy this product last for 2 weeks and no alergic reactions!!! - ryan 04:17:02 5/12/00
Of Men and Henna! - Babaganooj 02:58:48 5/12/00
Buying natural henna hair powder - Karl 01:24:09 5/12/00
Storing henna hair coloring... - Christina 19:52:23 5/11/00
rose water - Lucida 17:35:36 5/11/00
A great show tip! - Lisa 10:08:43 5/11/00
which stencils for what - misty 09:24:35 5/11/00
Why is it that henna not prescribed for men? - Babaganooj 23:13:26 5/10/00
Henna Gig in NYC...anyone want it? - Kenzi 20:53:47 5/10/00
Need info... plz =) - Ayla Iqbal 20:35:19 5/10/00
Henna hair powder on skin? - Karl 19:50:03 5/10/00
mehendi - jasmine 14:58:49 5/10/00
Mineral Water - Jamie 14:27:34 5/10/00
OOOH! getting excited!!! - nick 13:27:17 5/10/00
Navneet books for non-artists - CD 11:40:18 5/10/00
Cool Site for Moroccophiles! - Kree Arvanitas 09:16:12 5/10/00
Henna shipment and special offer just for Henna Page forum members - Kenzi 21:14:38 5/09/00
Black henna and lawsuits - Kenzi 21:11:37 5/09/00
Hello Ladies - Babaganooj 17:54:50 5/09/00
Henna hair color help? - Christina 16:52:15 5/09/00
Looking for a Henna/Mehndi Artist - Melissa Benton 15:32:19 5/09/00
Mehndi to help Charity!!!!! - MyST 14:25:41 5/09/00
new bindi - Amy :-) 14:21:41 5/09/00
got really bad allergy from black henna. - krist 09:02:14 5/09/00
artists in Florida? - Jocelyne 07:35:32 5/09/00
Seeking henna artist. - Lisa 22:44:30 5/08/00
pre-made paste. - Kurt 21:39:27 5/08/00
Microwave henna? - sarah 17:52:18 5/08/00
Fabulous site -- Template question - Jayne 15:33:29 5/08/00
Ferd-O-Matic henna sifter 2000 - Heidi Busse 13:40:15 5/08/00
HENNA ARTIST IN KOREA - LAW 08:27:17 5/08/00
Sirius Henna Conference, July 10 - 16 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 08:24:48 5/08/00
is natural henna can store in a cones for along period suchas 1-2 years - law mathews 08:09:57 5/08/00
mendhi as lip liner - sophie 18:27:08 5/07/00
storing henna paste - Paulio 18:10:16 5/07/00
Freezing Henna? - Dawn G. 07:58:40 5/07/00
I want redder hair using henna!! - Ellen Gorter 17:06:55 5/06/00
henna haircolour - parker 16:14:51 5/06/00
Need Artist in Minnesota - Carol 12:08:42 5/06/00
what do you add to henna to make it stick to black hair? - Veda 11:27:44 5/06/00
How to darken a Henna. - HennaLover 10:32:01 5/06/00
- Sorry. - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:48:44 5/06/00
How to darken a Henna. - HennaLover 10:31:46 5/06/00
Looking for artists in Ottawa - Jocelyne Khan 07:43:20 5/06/00
Storing Henna paste - Rogue's Flame 00:45:39 5/06/00
Using Colored Henna Paste For TAN - Karl 20:43:15 5/05/00
Pre made paste and Navaid - ricca 16:49:45 5/05/00
Faded Designs: What to do? - Anna Beltestad 16:41:24 5/05/00
Henna - Myrtle? - Chelsea 13:53:33 5/05/00
henna hair powder stuff - Chris Tapley 02:38:04 5/05/00
sifter - Kara 18:20:08 5/04/00
- Re: sifter - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:08:57 5/04/00
toenail polish alongwith foot henna - Janet 15:02:05 5/04/00
OOH! Citrus oils are dangerous!!! - nick 13:33:22 5/03/00
Where to purchase Fresh Henna paste - Michelle 22:32:24 5/02/00
Jed's sifter question - Andrea D. 20:14:13 5/02/00
Arabian Nights - Natasha Papousek 08:36:10 5/02/00
OH NO!/YAY! CATHERINE! HELP! QUICK!!!! - nick 18:42:33 5/01/00
Front Page Symbol - Jim 18:09:44 5/01/00
Can you use chemical dye over henna? - ouisch 17:51:03 5/01/00
henna supplies - puja 17:06:34 5/01/00
May day - Theadora 11:49:50 5/01/00
henna problem - Traci Winnon 11:28:13 5/01/00
One Night In Bangkok - Anne 11:09:37 5/01/00