Hennaeing Wool
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 09, 1999 at 02:00:38:
Somewhile back someone asked about dyeing wool with henna...found this in a book on Tunisian textiles. "Traditional Textiles of Tunisia and Related North African Weavings" by Irmtraud Reswick, Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, 1985 "Henna produces a warm orange tone that resists the effects of the sun and washings. After a preliminary treatment with alum, the wool is plunged in a dye bath containing powder of dried henna in amounts equal to the weight of the wool. Apple leaves are sometimes added. When the dyer has judged the boiling time to be sufficient, the vat is taken from the fire. The wool is left in the dye bath until evening, then taken out and covered with red sand until morning. The prodecure can be repeted if the desired shade has not ben obtained. " I think the large red-orange "eye" woven into Moroccan cloaks is dyed with henna. Natasha says henna rocks on rayon!
Oh....I just finished a page of Tunisian patterns if anyone needs them. Just email if you want'em.