Re: Lonely Planet
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 19, 1999 at 19:36:09:
In Reply to: Lonely Planet posted by Roxanne on October 19, 1999 at 19:22:45:
Much of the difference you see is a matter of heat, which will make the dye release go much faster. When we were hennaeing at Sirius Rising last summer, in the heat we'd get darker faster dye releases just because of the July heat. In tropical climates, it's even more so. They also may have been using gasoline, kerosene or benzine in their mixes....this is traditional, makes it darker and blacker...but, damn, would you really want that on your skin? There are several ME and NA recipes that involve pounding and warming fresh henna and adding things like okra, along with the benzine to the henna to make a black inky stringy dye. Also, the more than a month thing has a lot to do with their top layer of skin being a lot thicker and dryer than ours....suburban American skin, with the soap and lotion fetish that we have, keeps our top layer very thin. If you have less access to detergents, showers, and you live in a dry, harsh climate, you have more for your henna to hang onto. Perspiration drying on skin, and open pores for perspiring makes henna darker and last longer too.