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Posted by Roxanne on October 19, 1999 at 19:22:45:
I was watching the Travel Channel this weekend at various times and saw a show on Morocco and one on Zanzibar. Both showed women doing what they called henna on people. On the Moroccan show, the woman used a paint brush to apply the henna. On the Zanzibar show, the women were applying with a blunt stick (like a fat toothpick). Both hennas were already very dark, rich brown and were very liquid, like thick ink. The designs were very interesting as well. The Moroccan woman said that the design might last a month or more. It didn't show anything other than her painting it on, so I don't know what else she might have done to it. The Zanzibar narrator only said that they paint on the henna with the sticks. Let it dry and put Vaseline over it to make it shiny. Neither mentioned rinsing or mordants or what was in their henna ink. I've only ever seen paste applications. Were they using henna juice or something? I know they cultivate seaweed in Zanzibar that is like carageenan or agar agar, so that could explain the thickening. Any ideas anyone?