Re: Broadening Melissa's Horizons ( I hope )
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Posted by Kenzi on October 26, 1999 at 23:57:38:
In Reply to: Broadening Melissa's Horizons ( I hope ) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 24, 1999 at 02:23:45:
I can only speak about my husband's attitude for henna. He's from Morocco. He avoids henna like the plague...doesn't mind it on me, appreciates it's beautfy, but can't stand the smell, doesn't really like to hang around while doing it, will not let it touch and stain his skin. For him henna is women's stuff. I don't know how much of his attitude is really how he feels or a cultural habit that he can't or won't shake. Also, I think that if his Moroccan friends were to see him with henna on him they would think less of having the guys catch you wearing women's underwear. I don't know what the big deal is, but I wasn't raised in the culture so what do I know. In general terms, i think that the majority of people who adorn themselves in any way (jewelry, piercings, tatoos, accessories etc.) are women....cultural? biological? who knows? But the statistics don't lie (at least not very often). ;-)