An enchanting encounter in Little India ...
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Posted by Jewel on November 06, 1999 at 14:26:54:
I was at Little India last Thursday checking out the Deepavali celebrations. Man, I'm glad I did that !! The whole place is so beautiful .... there's a bazaar in the marketplace. I was looking at the colouful array of what-nots when I saw 2 girls walking hurriedly past me with both hands stuck out in front of them. I managed to catch a quick glimpse of the most intricate work of mehndi I've ever seen. After taking 2 steps, I saw 2 more girls walking towards me in the same fashion. This time I stepped right into their tracks and asked them where they had their mehndi done and they pointed a little to my left where I saw an Indian lady drawing on another girl. So I walked over and watched her. She was using a cone, the paste she used was the palest green colour I've ever seen. She looked up when I came over and I asked her how much for a palm work and she said S$10 for one side. One thing that fascinates me is that she was so deft with her strokes and she produced the tiniest lines (as fine as a sewing thread) !! Overcome with curiosity and excitement, I extended my right hand and told her I'm next :-). I told her to draw whatever design that came in her head and she did just that. Before drawing, she applied some medicated oil on my hand (asked her to do the top of my hand because that area just won't take henna colour nicely). The oil felt cool on my hand and a little heaty. She has this really dark stain on her right hand and she told me she had left the paste on 1 1/2 hours only !! After parting with my 10 dollars, I walked around Little India with the paste drying on my skin. No NewSkin, no wraps, no lemon+sugar. The paste was incredibly sticky enough not to crumble off my hand even after it has dried. The weather was gloriously warm ~30 deg C and I was sweating a little. When I got home, it was 2 1/2 hours after application. I scraped the paste off and rubbed medicated oil on my hand. The colour was orange, not too dark, not light either. I thought I was really screwed up so I didn't take any more notice of it. Until several hours later when my mom told me that the colour has turned darker. I stared at the design in amazement !!! The colour has darken more than 3 times it's original colour. The next day, it has turned even darker with some parts black! I could NEVER get colour that dark on the top of my hand with my usual henna (and at such a short time too). I have dark skin and it's very hard to get a dark stain on that area (no problems on my palms). It seems like the stain oxidises over time, it just gets darker and darker. It makes me VERY happy just looking at it :-) ... I'd like to raise a few questions to the forum : When you mix the henna powder with whatever recipe you have, did the paste turned really dark (almost black) ? The paste that she used was pale green (??) and has no smell except the natural henna smell. So I'm really perplexed. She told me she added just tea in her mix (but of course she wouldn't reveal her secret to me). I took LOTS of pictures of her and her friend at work and alot of their designs. I'll try to post them on the net when they are ready. Your thoughts :-) Peace !! ~Jewel~ - who's in love with her right hand :-)