Looking for magic
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on November 11, 1999 at 14:41:00:
I have been challenged by my ME Folklore Studies prof to find magical meanings behind the uses of henna. He says that in rural Turkey henna is used in 3 main occasions: on the hands of young men going off to military service, on the hands of brides going to their husband's homes, and on the horns of rams about to be sacrificed for the el Eid celebration after Ramadan. He speculates that what these three henna rituals have in common is preparation for sacrifice or departure (in the case of the woman leaving her father's home). I know henna is considered baraka (or blessed and blessing-giving) and that there is a rich Berber tradition in Morocco of protection symbols to ward off djinn and other evils. Does henna promote fertility? Is it transition-easing or transition- marking? Proxy for blood? (CCJ, I know you touched on that one once) Any other thoughts?