cross-legged comparison
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 01, 1999 at 14:23:42:
In Reply to: CCJ Any results on the thigh-by-thigh test posted by Kj on November 01, 1999 at 05:21:02:
I did the hennaeing last night, both legs, ankle to knee, inside legs (convenient) so I can compare them crosslegged. I can't photograph the thighs together to email a comparison jpg ... can't quite levitate the top half of me far enough to focus, so I went for calves. I got Camphor Spirit from the drugstore ...10% camphor in an alcahol base and used that. The health food store is ordering AuroCacia Camphor oil for me, they didn't have any in stock. I will try the Camphor oil as soon as they get it in the shop. Recipe: henna powder and lemon juice, 36 hour soak. Just before hennaeing. I split the batch in half and stirred 2 tsp of camphor spirit into 2 heaping tablespoons of henna paste. The other half was left with just lemon juice. I did the camphor leg at midnight, the other calf at 1 am. Both legs were NS'd and wrapped. Both were unwrapped after sleeping in a 70F house at 8 am. It's 9:30 now, and the camphor leg is maybe very slightly darker ... maybe. Sometimes I think I see a difference, but then I put my legs together and they look identical when I put them right next to each other. If there is a difference, it is extremely slight. Also...the camphor leg has about a 1 hour advantage in longer stain time .... so just now, it doesn't look like the camphor made any difference. I'll post again tomorrow, so if the the camphor changed the oxidation darkening over 24 or 28 hours it will show up then. I've also picked out a spot on each side to regularly apply a little camphor with a Q-Tip to see if that darkens the henna stain any post-hennaeing. I'll photograph my legs two together tomorrow, so if there's any difference everyone can see, and if they are the same...well...I'll try the oil next. The camphor spirit did, I thought, improve the texture. The henna paste with the camphor was really nice to work with.