Favorite method for applying henna
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Posted by Pamela on October 18, 1999 at 15:16:16:
I have had great success with henna using the following method: Leave your last cup of coffee warming in the pot for a few hours- until the tannins kick in. Mix it hot with sifted henna powder (I purchase by the pound from Frontier herbs- WWW.FRONTIERCOOP.COM), a little eucalyptus oil to open the pores, and lemon juice. Let sit for two hours, then place in a Wilson cake decorating bag with #2 tip. First, draw your intended design on skin with non-permamant brown felt tip marker first. It washes off almost totally, leaving a faint design to follow. Before applying henna, lightly brush eucalyptus oil on area to be painted to open pores. (patch test first). As the design is drying, spray with lemon-sugar water from an atomizer. Lemon is catalyst to release color, sugar helps prevent flaking. Cover for 6 hours, then remove. Olive oil on the design afterwards moisturizes without encouraging exfoliation. P.S. if you want to grow your own henna plants-Ricters has seeds! www.ricters.com