I had no idea. I feel sick
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Posted by Skyy on July 26, 2000 at 11:57:06:
In Reply to: Black heena is NOT harmful posted by Skyy on July 25, 2000 at 15:58:20:
I posted this message before going to the Black Henna warning site. I am shocked and feel sick. I had never had anyone have a reaction like that. I will immediately stop using the black henna. I use natural henna also and in the future only use 100% natural henna. The burns shown are dreadful and I thank God that my clients never got that reaction. To those of you who gave me advice I thank you. To those of you who called me names and called me a poor mother a feel very upset and hurt. If your name calling and anger continue you should seek professional help. When I post in the future I hope you will have the common courtesy to not reply with vicious and malicious attacks that you have displayed here.
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