Archive 23 : February
Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archive. To prevent the live discussion
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Asked Questions section
Carrot bags - Talia 22:26:42 2/28/01
Mehndi Project/ NY Renn Fair - Lauren Grover 21:27:46 2/28/01
New York Renn Fair - Lauren Grover 21:27:24 2/28/01
Urgent - Hanuman Monkey God - Lanta 20:50:15 2/28/01
Henna sighting on VH-1 - Anne 19:02:36 2/28/01
tackel boxes - ELL 16:33:38 2/28/01
Temporary tattoos - Barry 16:20:46 2/28/01
voodoo - hayley 13:04:30 2/28/01
Jeremy's hennaed hand seen by 400,000 in Columbus, Ohio - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:12:35 2/28/01
henna and colored hair? - bren 09:38:31 2/28/01
Now open for business - mark foster 09:18:31 2/28/01
My tips on how to get clients for your business..... - Michelle R 08:02:16 2/28/01
Jewellery projecT!!!! Egyptian Jewellery - Jenna 00:37:41 2/28/01
I GOT A BOOTH! I GOT A BOOTH!!!! - Talia 23:51:28 2/27/01
Kenzi - ELL 22:56:34 2/27/01
Is there anyone here without a day job? - Shanon Lavender 18:31:12 2/27/01
online publicity - Lauren Grover 17:33:33 2/27/01
I know that all of us have been talking about starting our own businesses a lot... - ~*Kalila*~ 15:45:31 2/27/01
Does any have a list of henna suppliers... - Michelle R 12:59:24 2/27/01
Henna movie - maia 11:49:29 2/27/01
You can fix anything with ducktape...and get a decent night's rest... - ~*Kalila*~ 11:13:12 2/27/01
Mehndi instructor - mschroeder 10:59:22 2/27/01
Henna and the council - simon 07:03:27 2/27/01
Which pattern to use? - Erfan 06:42:15 2/27/01
Camphor Info - Dawn R 06:00:14 2/27/01
More Black henna insanity! - Maia 16:30:57 2/26/01
henna dreams - Anne 07:29:17 2/26/01
Dear Sue / LIP-DYEs - Navaid 02:39:24 2/26/01
Advertising henna - Talia 23:48:56 2/25/01
names in chinese - jason 23:04:51 2/25/01
Brushwood Women's Weekend ... Anyone in the neighborhood? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:39:45 2/25/01
Turpentine - Talia 14:43:07 2/25/01
Hi to everyone - Dawn R 10:46:27 2/25/01
Hello - Maia 23:48:39 2/24/01
- Re: Hello - Catherine Cartright Jones 13:25:40 2/25/01
Hello Everyone - Sue 22:13:54 2/24/01
- yo? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:33:15 2/24/01
Symbols - Janine 18:51:08 2/24/01
Henna Aftercare ???? - Monica C 15:08:32 2/24/01
just an ad-in for your lemon/sugar... - Nick 13:22:41 2/24/01
help with mehndi workshop - jazibe 11:02:43 2/24/01
Navaid´s,Jamila,Kenzi´s........... - Erfan 06:03:40 2/24/01
If you need to email me.... - Nick 19:46:10 2/23/01
henna jewelry??? - jazibe 17:50:09 2/23/01
henna inspired photography - Darlahood 15:29:28 2/23/01
"gloves in a bottle" - jazibe 09:38:39 2/23/01
Is there a henna artist in the Warren-Youngstown, Ohio region? - Aimee 21:35:49 2/22/01
ohm..aum...what does it mean? - bree 18:13:13 2/22/01
Henna Petition on the web - MonicaC 17:42:15 2/22/01
If you ever wanted to see what those carrot bags are for. - CD 14:01:56 2/22/01
- :-) - Jeremy 04:15:53 2/23/01
Japanese symbols for a tattoo - Ashley 09:00:59 2/22/01
I found --- Large quantity essential oils cheap - Monica C 08:09:02 2/22/01
Henna Artists - Cheryl 15:19:38 2/21/01
nice henna pics- too good for comfort! - Nick 09:37:02 2/21/01
Henna - R.M.GUPTA 05:12:09 2/21/01
Recipie for the rest of the body? - Lauren Grover 22:41:23 2/20/01
Colorform henna? - Lauren Grover 22:37:02 2/20/01
unsolicited offers for jamila henna - jessica 14:55:01 2/20/01
I would like to introduce myself - Monica 14:07:39 2/20/01
Salon logistics - Lauren Grover 13:51:42 2/20/01
look what I did - Darlahood 13:45:30 2/20/01
Need to find mehndi/henna artist for a bridal shower - Candra 13:29:06 2/20/01
in train to italy...... - Erfan 12:31:01 2/20/01
in train to italy...... - Erfan 12:30:32 2/20/01
japanese symbol for happy birthday - Pete 09:47:46 2/20/01
Henna body art link - Karoline 07:30:40 2/20/01
Introduction and ect. - Randy 04:01:50 2/20/01
Today's henna--only took 6 tries to get a decent image - Talia 00:44:32 2/20/01
Tatoos - Katie 21:02:36 2/19/01
question on Essential oils and there use with henna - Monica 15:39:13 2/19/01
Mom warned me about clean undies, but never this... - Lauren Grover 14:03:36 2/19/01
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:59:07 2/19/01
SECRET recipe..... - yasmin 13:26:47 2/19/01
Chinese Symbols - louise smith 07:23:40 2/19/01
Oops...Posted before I finished...as I was saying - Kim 00:41:54 2/19/01
"The Pricess and the Marine"Henna on TV - Kim 00:36:11 2/19/01
Arabic Calligraphy Books - *Kalila* 22:43:00 2/18/01
Question - Shabree 19:43:32 2/18/01
- Re: Question - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:24:37 2/18/01
toys from egypt - John 16:55:57 2/18/01
Back online! - Roy Jones 16:46:32 2/18/01
Henna in cafes? - Talia 16:26:21 2/18/01
help!!! i want blonde streaks! - sammy 12:23:33 2/18/01
help!!! i want blonde streaks! - sammy 12:23:23 2/18/01
overnight smudge help - Lauren Grover 11:42:53 2/18/01
What Egyptions Eat - Taryn 20:24:25 2/17/01
Symbol for SAT NAM - aLISON BlueCRoss 14:59:47 2/17/01
CCJ's site down! - Lauren Grover 11:54:04 2/17/01
henna pens - Aidan 05:44:51 2/17/01
new and wondering about supplies - hbk 01:07:22 2/17/01
Adventures in henn'ing - Talia 22:54:39 2/16/01
Something I meant to include in an earlier post... - Rachael 18:24:41 2/16/01
thank you, someone! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:25:55 2/16/01
help i need clothes - melanie from new zealand 15:11:56 2/16/01
to the best hennaartist in world(CCJ) - Erfan 12:54:44 2/16/01
to the best hennaartist in world(CCJ) - Erfan 12:52:31 2/16/01
C|Net news article re copyright - Jeremy 12:04:17 2/16/01
Maybe someone here can answer a question for me... - Rachael 08:43:19 2/16/01
The local UPN news did a follow up on the "black" henna story.... - Shel 00:20:55 2/16/01
Client requesting artist in Dallas, TX. - Lisa O 21:02:23 2/15/01
Fatima's Hand - Nola 13:57:56 2/15/01
Letter follow up - Monica 08:25:10 2/15/01
Translation from English to Hindi names - Sondarya 08:24:40 2/15/01
won,t to learn how to tattoo. - saundra an Donny mack 23:06:40 2/14/01
Silly Question for Henna Artists - Kenzi 21:29:44 2/14/01
tattoo - tara 21:00:44 2/14/01
creating designs in which to hide initials - Anne 19:59:26 2/14/01
Troll Alert - Kenzi 16:50:14 2/14/01
i cant find it - paul haidinger 16:22:44 2/14/01
My Valentines design - Talia 14:08:06 2/14/01
Has anyone had any problems trying to perm after using henna hair dye?? - chelle 13:44:51 2/14/01
Happy Valentine's Day to Jeremy! - Info Goddess 10:33:39 2/14/01
Henna Tattoo Desings - Mae 09:50:24 2/14/01
Henna Tattoo Desings - Mae 09:47:49 2/14/01
Information Required - M. Waseem 22:41:20 2/13/01
Information Required - M. Waseem 22:40:00 2/13/01
Mustard Seed Oil for massage - Angelika Reitze 18:00:45 2/13/01
How can you manage with this sugar mix? - Talia 16:23:35 2/13/01
PPD letter printed in local paper - Monica Tittle 13:05:26 2/13/01
henna for hair? - gigi 10:28:59 2/13/01
my hair falls down - Maria 18:26:42 2/12/01
my hair falls down - Maria 18:26:07 2/12/01
Glitch sorted - Jeremy 17:12:28 2/12/01
wedding ceremony, etc - Lora 14:03:51 2/12/01
Quick Home page question - please respond - Jeremy 12:56:12 2/12/01
celtic symbols - PJ Hennigan 11:55:47 2/12/01
celtic symbols - PJ Hennigan 11:55:19 2/12/01
Japanese symbols - Jenni 04:35:08 2/12/01
mauve or wine colors for the face - Julie2 00:16:43 2/12/01
why is the Intranet called Phoenix ? - selina 19:58:37 2/11/01
Vicks Vapo Rub??? - Gretchen Hayes 19:44:07 2/11/01
Vicks Vapo Rub??? - Gretchen Hayes 19:38:53 2/11/01
how do you prevent this from happening?(pic) - jazibe 19:02:07 2/11/01
Help Translate this Back into Japanese Characters. - Lou 17:33:25 2/11/01
HOw can you make oyur Henna last a LONG time? - Erik 15:00:36 2/11/01
translation - David Tough 09:33:31 2/11/01
need a rabbit hole to run down! - jenaye 05:18:24 2/11/01
Navneet Books - Kim 01:14:34 2/11/01
Henna longevity poll - Kim 01:12:04 2/11/01
Stale? - jolenium 16:18:48 2/10/01
- Re: Stale? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:26:06 2/10/01
- Re: Stale? - jolenium 19:03:40 2/14/01
- Re: Stale? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 06:28:31 2/15/01
- Re: Stale? - jolenium 17:30:44 2/16/01
- Re: Stale? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:09:39 2/16/01
My henna paste is at the bottom of liquid? - Erik 14:04:24 2/10/01
our org wans u r help. - UMESH ARORA 13:06:36 2/10/01
PPD ... the reposts just keep getting worse! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:19:28 2/10/01
I can see you right now - sally 07:58:22 2/10/01
How do you get customers? - Talia 22:51:26 2/09/01
ARRRRRRRGGGGHGHHHHHH!!! NOT AGAIN!!! - Talia 22:16:06 2/09/01
Removing henna tattoo - myckee 15:36:43 2/09/01
freezing henna paste? - Elise 13:55:45 2/09/01
ezine and henna websites - mark foster 04:07:55 2/09/01
UPN just did a story about "black" henna.... - Shel 00:09:48 2/09/01
Picture - Kim 23:52:17 2/08/01
looking for info on Jewish use of henna - Lynn 22:54:49 2/08/01
If you want a sample copy... - Darlahood 20:44:33 2/07/01
Free Patterns for Henna Artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:57:33 2/07/01
My e-mail has been out for the past few days.... - Darlahood 07:27:00 2/07/01
Why red on our finger and toenails? - Kenzi 23:07:29 2/06/01
tatoo - mike wren 11:33:49 2/06/01
- Re: tatoo - Info Goddess 12:39:29 2/06/01
Is there a henna magazine? - Archie Archer 06:05:55 2/06/01
Are there henna competitions? - Archie Archer 06:03:58 2/06/01
Second hand henna sighting - Kenzi 20:11:45 2/05/01
Eygpt meaning - Alexandria Cage 18:11:23 2/05/01
Hieroglyphs, the rosetta stone - Kris 16:41:42 2/05/01
A complement? - ~*Kalila*~ 15:16:14 2/05/01
oils and markets in India - mark foster 14:28:33 2/05/01
Henna shampoo - 82 10:50:36 2/05/01
FW and Pearlescent Colours - Elise 10:48:36 2/05/01
cannot make the cone properly! - adrienne zinn 00:40:00 2/05/01
Sirius Rising and the Henna Conference there.... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:06:08 2/05/01
Too Much Sugar? - Dawn G. 16:30:40 2/04/01
henna seeds & plants - jenaye 23:35:18 2/03/01
Black Henna Questions - Laura 13:06:35 2/03/01
source for henna plants/seeds for cultivation? - Amara 00:09:46 2/03/01
Santa Fe henna artist! - Talia 23:46:54 2/02/01
Tooting my own horn - Kenzi 22:14:49 2/02/01
"TONIGHT SHOW" blunder!!! - ~*Kalila*~ 22:01:41 2/02/01
Shelley, please email me or call me - Kenzi 17:08:28 2/02/01
Liquid latex disappointment - Kim 13:43:39 2/02/01
Dear Jeremy - Archie Archer 12:29:48 2/02/01
ARGOS are selling a HENNA KIT - BUT IT'S NOT HENNA - Archie Archer 12:26:16 2/02/01
hindi tatoos - michelle 07:55:34 2/02/01
What is New Skin, anyway? - Talia 22:12:32 2/01/01
Good, non-poisonous black henna? - Talia 22:10:25 2/01/01
Henna Leaves - Kenzi 17:36:49 2/01/01
Anyone using cellulase enzymes to help break down those stubborn cell wall? - CD 14:04:37 2/01/01
Where can I find Phoenix&Arabeth's Mehndi books? - M.Santoni 09:08:45 2/01/01
to Kenzi:-)) - Erfan 07:53:15 2/01/01