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? Prayer Flags - Lezard 17:03:44 11/30/2001
Extreme sifting - Graeme 16:25:32 11/30/2001
chinese writing - jenni powell 15:00:27 11/30/2001
Henna prayer flags, and hennaing my mom (need some advice) - Anne in CT 13:32:40 11/30/2001
New Yorkers - Rupal 08:56:56 11/30/2001
syringe - Karen 00:54:52 11/30/2001
Kimia's holiday fireworks, done in syringe - Alissa 18:59:20 11/29/2001
looking for henna "school" - Tracy 14:42:34 11/29/2001
Henna Holiday Ornaments - Lauren 01:52:06 11/29/2001
Love the site - Merry 18:51:22 11/28/2001
Henna Artist in Colorado Springs? - Lisa K 17:31:07 11/28/2001
Terps and seals- Kenzi? - Lauren 16:52:26 11/28/2001
http://www.blackhenna.com/ - Robert 16:36:08 11/28/2001
Henna slippers....photos - Kenzi 22:40:39 11/27/2001
I´m moving.... - Erfan 16:40:13 11/27/2001
Ugly Henna Hair - kim 12:18:13 11/27/2001
Pic's of Hennaed Hair??? - Anne Manning 07:07:37 11/27/2001
Hot Cha! Sirius Southwest Henna Conference - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:41:22 11/27/2001
all the artists 'round here - Darlahood 01:55:50 11/27/2001
traditional henna parties - Maya 23:17:37 11/26/2001
Traditional ethnic clothing question (off-topic) - Lauren 15:16:38 11/26/2001
sifting - Trish 03:48:09 11/26/2001
Black Henna - Marie 22:11:27 11/25/2001
MEHRU IS HERE!!!! - Maureen 19:22:40 11/25/2001
Ketone - Shabree 19:13:21 11/25/2001
Where can I get a Hectograph pencil??? - Carly 16:51:02 11/25/2001
What exactly does "Max out" mean?? (n/t) - Matt 08:40:05 11/25/2001
Does anyone have.... - Matt 04:22:55 11/25/2001
Question about terped henna - Tammi 20:00:52 11/24/2001
Starting to see the light about sealing terped henna - Kenzi 17:52:38 11/24/2001
some experiments to try (long) - Peregrine 15:16:59 11/24/2001
thanksgiving henna - Peregrine 21:30:15 11/23/2001
Need to Move! Single Mom looking for area with good henna business! - RayRay 20:34:34 11/23/2001
some more of my work! - ERfan 18:19:59 11/23/2001
indish mehendi has a new home! - Erfan 12:09:17 11/23/2001
patience is prayer - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:18:01 11/23/2001
Bindi = Henna????? - Vanessa 01:11:44 11/23/2001
Question For Nick - Lezard 23:15:32 11/22/2001
makin purty smell goods! - Darlahood 22:55:32 11/22/2001
Henna Powders Experiments...long... - Maureen 18:44:23 11/22/2001
Question about terps>°! - Erfan 14:29:18 11/22/2001
Recipes - Lezard 06:16:47 11/22/2001
Anne Beltestad - Anne and Kenzi's Terp Experiment II 20:31:49 11/21/2001
Allergic to henna? Sob! - Fiona 18:52:06 11/21/2001
Eucalyptus revisited - Lauren 16:35:45 11/21/2001
Erfan's amazing work! - Jewel 14:00:01 11/21/2001
I think I may have created a new henna addict...LOL - Shel 13:15:38 11/21/2001
Henna and dying hair - Eva Penn 06:13:46 11/21/2001
everythin' happens for a reezun, mang! - Darlahood 01:57:40 11/21/2001
Anne and Kenzi's Terp Experiment - Kenzi 23:56:10 11/20/2001
PLEASE help from CCJ! - Erfan 19:20:56 11/20/2001
Henna and acids - Lauren 17:56:28 11/20/2001
shameless plug - Alissa 17:31:50 11/20/2001
UK store with neat henna ideas - Lauren 01:41:02 11/20/2001
Looking for fresh indigo - Lauren 01:08:37 11/20/2001
More ingredients in Hindi - Lezard 01:01:12 11/20/2001
Weird Ebay listing (gorgeous if misleading pic) - Lauren 00:55:14 11/20/2001
Title? Name? - Liz 20:59:13 11/19/2001
Black henna as hair dye - Robert 17:05:49 11/19/2001
strange request... - ken 02:55:00 11/19/2001
HENNA BODY ART....BANNED? IT'S TRUE! - mark vahamaki 22:57:09 11/18/2001
Thanks, questions, good "black henna" site - Anne Beltestad 22:16:36 11/18/2001
singin "lil goose poop ... you don't know what I got" (long and kinda loopy) - Alissa 13:33:30 11/18/2001
Ramadan Art - Dawn R 17:37:32 11/17/2001
Hosting Special Offer - Advert - - Mark Foster 08:33:41 11/17/2001
'Saheli mehandi oil' - Trish 06:26:23 11/17/2001
What is the best way to remove New Skin? It never seems... - Silvia 05:37:45 11/17/2001
- 4 ways - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:11:36 11/17/2001
o/t - women for afghan women - veggiesaurus 18:36:39 11/16/2001
chinese or japanese symbol - lisa 15:17:34 11/16/2001
can you believe this? BlackHenna - Yvonne 13:33:27 11/16/2001
prayer flag for the season - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:03:26 11/16/2001
Alissa-Sirius camp question - Carrie 21:13:10 11/15/2001
Thursday imponderables - Alissa 19:23:54 11/15/2001
- indigo - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:03:38 11/15/2001
- Re: indigo - javeed 15:17:43 11/16/2001
- Re: indigo - Alissa 15:58:48 11/16/2001
- Re: indigo - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:57:57 11/16/2001
- Re: indigo - Alissa 22:16:29 11/16/2001
- Re: indigo - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:40:43 11/17/2001
Maureen's stuff - Lauren 17:46:05 11/15/2001
prices - Aaliyah Kasu 12:19:56 11/15/2001
Samantha - Graeme 16:12:35 11/14/2001
To wet or not, henna hair question - Isabeau 16:00:01 11/14/2001
Happy Diwali! - Rupal 13:58:21 11/14/2001
I'm back! - Carrie 21:53:05 11/13/2001
- Re: I'm back! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:32:16 11/14/2001
Unexpected Red Stains - Lezard 21:03:09 11/13/2001
Question for mail-order suppliers - Lauren 16:32:17 11/13/2001
YYYYYIPPPPPPIEEEEEE!!!!! - Tammi 11:05:34 11/13/2001
I am alive - Darlahood 04:32:59 11/13/2001
Ramandan party - Christine 02:36:34 11/13/2001
i wanna know how to remove the henna fast! - Cassie 22:16:39 11/12/2001
crazy and fire symbol - Ambaele 20:24:33 11/12/2001
the perfect henna-red! - Erfan 19:10:35 11/12/2001
Not Henna Related - All New Yorkers OK? - Anne in CT 14:31:35 11/12/2001
disappointing results. Help!!! - Tammi 11:57:50 11/12/2001
Don't say I didn't warn you! - Guess Who!!!!l lol 08:30:07 11/12/2001
best wrist - M 06:07:52 11/12/2001
how long does henna last? - tammi 02:49:36 11/12/2001
I'm interested...... - Terry O'Connor 22:15:25 11/11/2001
Henna video?(ccj) - Erfan 17:59:24 11/11/2001
terped vs unterped (orange scare) - Lezard 15:09:27 11/11/2001
oh bugger! It's your fault ......Jolynn....lol - Graeme 08:47:46 11/11/2001
how do i make a tattoo gun??? - joe horzempa 03:53:04 11/11/2001
Hi Catherine, did you get my message? - Michelle Rossfeld 03:09:28 11/11/2001
hennaing soles of feet - Tammi 01:16:31 11/11/2001
its happened again - samantha 18:22:24 11/10/2001
Henna on my daughter's drum -- how long to leave the paste on? - CorasMama 17:09:16 11/10/2001
Henna Work on Drum - Dawn R 13:39:20 11/10/2001
'allergy warning/disclaimer' forms for customers to sign ... - Anne Manning 04:49:16 11/10/2001
Just got my first kit!!!!!!!!! - Tammi 01:38:05 11/10/2001
Henna Substitution - Jessi 00:57:52 11/10/2001
Henna on bald head post-chemotherapy - Amanda 22:21:33 11/9/2001
- Pic - Dawn R 00:08:29 11/10/2001
Henna on flubby skin.... - Erfan 17:45:05 11/9/2001
MDH Henna powder (results). - Jewel 09:36:01 11/9/2001
first henna in a while - jolynn 06:32:09 11/9/2001
Henna, The Joyous Body Art, Pattern Book #1 (It worked this time!) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:26:13 11/9/2001
United States Peace Solidarity Yay or Nay O/S - Matthew 21:12:48 11/8/2001
MAZAYA SHARKIYYA - Noli 20:18:01 11/8/2001
Manly henna designs? - Lauren 20:05:08 11/8/2001
Last week of Moroccan Henna sale - Lauren 18:16:45 11/8/2001
Sirius NYC informal classes....volunteer facilitators - Kenzi 17:47:40 11/8/2001
henna - Urmil 13:31:44 11/8/2001
Weird Henna Coloration - HELP PLEASE - Renpet 12:01:49 11/8/2001
henna of OZ - M 05:51:09 11/8/2001
Raising money for Sirius - Nick 00:40:19 11/8/2001
Bottles for Greame - samantha 23:06:13 11/7/2001
Another Bottle & Tip Resource - txilar 22:08:35 11/7/2001
HELP NEEDED!!! - wyldfyre 20:18:23 11/7/2001
Jamila Henna - Natasha Naeem 09:57:18 11/7/2001
What to do with the "dregs?" - Maureen 07:31:54 11/7/2001
LAUREN, I'm unable to open your site...is there anything wrong with it or.....?!? (n/t) - Noli 03:32:16 11/7/2001
Sirius NYC 2002 - Kenzi 02:42:02 11/7/2001
The elusive Andalusian Squiggle - Lauren 02:12:19 11/7/2001
I need a japanese symbol for chef - Eric Carter 17:01:37 11/6/2001
Hi to all! (& a question on allergy) - Lezard 15:50:53 11/6/2001
Cheers! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:29:08 11/6/2001
Barefooot henna? - Ken Rice 10:26:39 11/6/2001
My little brother's reaction to henna... - Rachael O. 22:47:36 11/5/2001
Angostura Bitters - Nick 21:41:39 11/5/2001
SYRINGE APPLICATION - Noli 21:38:18 11/5/2001
Sirius NYC has a Webpage with logo by our own CCJ - Kenzi 20:53:01 11/5/2001
sigh...terps still not doing it... - Anne Beltestad 17:56:35 11/5/2001
freezer-lovin' mega henna? - Rachael 16:07:20 11/5/2001
My wretched experience with a premixed - CorasMama 14:34:45 11/5/2001
J bottle tips - Graeme 12:19:17 11/5/2001
Face to a name - shaon 05:06:40 11/5/2001
My research so far- can i get bigger pictures somehow? - Lauren 03:38:27 11/5/2001
fingers crossed - Catherine Carwright Jones 02:44:26 11/5/2001
weird straining problems - Lauren 02:43:25 11/5/2001
Crafty trevails and successes - Alissa 18:56:19 11/4/2001
Yogurt in Henna Paste Question - CorasMama 16:17:33 11/4/2001
stick question - M 06:04:48 11/4/2001
ordering - desi 04:13:37 11/4/2001
Here you are... - Noli 02:14:53 11/4/2001
Mehndi party.. Hello Louren - Sondarya 04:48:19 11/3/2001
Need help with my Medival Science project - Lauren 20:44:28 11/2/2001
I hold the secrets of the Universe! (okay, I figured out a couple things, bear with me,) - Lauren 12:51:06 11/2/2001
Maurenn, with Kimia you are doing a great service to all ethnic American brides. O WOW - Lauren 12:37:18 11/2/2001
The Immaculate Conception of Anakin Skywalker - Darlahood 06:44:31 11/2/2001
needed a little lift - jolynn 05:18:51 11/2/2001
Light Mountain henna for sale - gary greengrass 05:12:19 11/2/2001
Egpytion words - unknown 03:29:28 11/2/2001
KIMIA!!! KIMIA!!!! KIMIA!!!! - Lisa K 01:05:13 11/2/2001
Only slightly henna related but interesting - Shanon Lavender 19:16:22 11/1/2001
Navenets self instruct Mehandi books - Lorry 17:52:41 11/1/2001
peacefuljustice.com off topic - Matthew 02:13:03 11/1/2001
A new way to fill J-Bottles! - Laurie 23:17:39 10/31/2001
Did I show these photos yet? - Kenzi 22:22:45 10/31/2001
Sirius NYC 2002 Questionnaire - kenzi 21:19:30 10/31/2001
Long term henna? - Lisa O. 14:36:29 10/31/2001
Henna on "The Other Half" - Maureen 06:23:38 10/31/2001
Red Cross benefit idea, help needed! - Lauren 01:16:25 10/31/2001
henna and nails - Sue 23:16:54 10/30/2001
want good henna to dye red - rhiannon 21:27:24 10/30/2001
What I did today... - Alissa 20:27:59 10/30/2001
Chinese Symbol for Christopher - Christi 18:56:36 10/30/2001
pics n info - samantha 16:24:15 10/30/2001
Sirius NYC 2002 - Update - Kenzi 15:55:48 10/30/2001
Black Henna in Athens... & greetings to all - Kree at Gilded Lilies 11:32:28 10/29/2001
As the henna season winds down I have time to henna myself (photos) - kenzi 19:21:14 10/28/2001
animal testing - Aleta 18:38:50 10/28/2001
Itchy Henna? - Dawn R 15:26:17 10/28/2001
Good article but suspiciously familiar in places - Lauren 13:13:35 10/28/2001
Alissa (and others), how do you store and apply glitter goop? - Lauren 12:53:32 10/28/2001
Chinese 2000 - Drew Strachan 11:23:04 10/28/2001
pictures of henna design - Nigar 08:34:02 10/28/2001
experimenting with piccy posting. - Graeme 06:39:07 10/28/2001
A question about methys seeds(Fenugreek) and tamarind - Shabree 03:21:48 10/28/2001
- fenugreek - Kenzi 04:41:11 10/29/2001
- tamarind - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:04:22 10/29/2001
Harques - M 02:22:02 10/28/2001
- Re: Harquus - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:45:18 10/28/2001
A tale of two events - a mini-story - Alissa 01:12:59 10/28/2001
posting piccies..will this work - Graeme 09:08:14 10/27/2001
hennaed skin at funnerals - Silvia 06:32:34 10/27/2001
BLOND henna - Babette Klein 03:49:54 10/27/2001
The tea tree oil didn't work for me - Shabree 01:53:47 10/27/2001
I need advice for party TONIGHT (Friday) - Lauren 18:03:35 10/26/2001
thanks!! and a question..... - Sue 10:39:32 10/26/2001
several things... - Graeme 09:52:35 10/26/2001
To CCJ - Lisa K 03:55:14 10/26/2001
Hello Denise - Sondarya 03:03:05 10/26/2001
photo help! (kinda urgent) - Darlahood 23:03:16 10/25/2001
Diamond bindis ? - Rosemary 22:19:13 10/25/2001
That Old Time Religion (hennaed goddeses) - Lauren 19:40:18 10/25/2001
Help from the Sirius Mixmasters, please - Lauren 19:33:50 10/25/2001
Exciting news! - Jewel 10:24:29 10/25/2001
my first!! - Sue 09:59:18 10/25/2001
To Darlahood - Graeme 08:02:15 10/25/2001
I've got a friend looking for an artist in his area... - Sarah B 07:07:04 10/25/2001
CCJ and Terpines - Kim 05:03:13 10/25/2001
After all this time, I'd like to go back to mixing... - ~*Kalila*~ 22:25:19 10/24/2001
Teensy bit O/T but still related - Sarah B 15:12:41 10/24/2001
To samantha or any mersey/manchester henna artists, Help - Simon 14:36:25 10/24/2001
Nu-Skin Spray - Laurie 11:41:10 10/24/2001
Fine Lines - one for Catherine that others would be interested in. - Meredith Lindner 08:28:35 10/24/2001
O/T but close to the mark - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:19:21 10/24/2001
Source for less GAWDAWFUL expensive Frankincense - Lauren 18:45:38 10/23/2001
FREE Henna Party in Hartford, CT - Lauren 18:16:52 10/23/2001
Jolynn - Lisa K 08:01:24 10/23/2001
Mehndi party - Sondarya 03:58:37 10/23/2001
1st Time Use of Lauren's BEAUTIFUL Henna (kinda mushy) - Lisa K 03:56:49 10/23/2001
woohoo, I got a new pic for my site! - Darlahood 00:30:51 10/23/2001
Question for CCJ - Tammi 21:40:32 10/22/2001
Henna in abeautiful film..a must-seen film! - Erfan 17:03:44 10/22/2001
Henna mention in NTY Sunday Magazine - Anne in CT 13:44:10 10/22/2001
One that had to be rushed - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:53:45 10/22/2001