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Henna caution
Symbols & Characters
Given the increase in reports of allergic reactions to
so-called black henna, do please check the PPD
Warnings page before trying this stuff. Or just steer well clear. |
Please look
here before posting a request for the symbol for something in Chinese,
Japanese, Egyptian Heiroglyphics, etc |
This forum is devoted to natural henna. If you're more
interested in the coloured varieties (black, purple, etc) please
go here
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question about henna article in New Scientist - Kenzi 22:59:43 8/31/2001
Do you know some good place for doing henna tattoos - hari 20:14:31 8/31/2001
making transfers - Hari 20:13:06 8/31/2001
Hi! I'm looking for anyone who could possibly point me in the right direction... - Nathan Ayer 18:19:08 8/31/2001
just curious - Graeme 15:18:25 8/31/2001
Info requested O/T - samatha 11:09:50 8/31/2001
i'm worried.... - Bruno Pires 03:12:06 8/31/2001
My convenience circumvents the FDA...henna surprises - Kenzi 23:24:38 8/30/2001
When is enough to much - Joe B 18:57:04 8/30/2001
Piccy of my tootsie!! - Sarah 18:43:40 8/30/2001
Dyeing other things than skin (hey, Alex!) - Lauren 17:29:32 8/30/2001
Treatment for Black Henna Allergic Reaction - Justine 11:37:14 8/30/2001
Male henna patterns - Luis 10:30:44 8/30/2001
web help (o/t) - Graeme 09:43:26 8/30/2001
Hey Ronna, my site's up and running again! Lots of new stuff on the links page. - Darlahood 05:17:11 8/30/2001
Greek Symbols - S Kallaos 20:50:48 8/29/2001
Need printable PPD sheet - CorasMama 19:36:37 8/29/2001
Hiding scars - Bobbi 18:48:53 8/29/2001
Please Help My Henna Needs A Home! - Natalie 18:06:05 8/29/2001
and the survey said..... - samantha 15:32:10 8/29/2001
It's been a long time............ - Eve 14:17:01 8/29/2001
Does Henna have healing properties? - Michelle 13:12:04 8/29/2001
Neutral, uncolored Henna - tracy 12:00:13 8/29/2001
new web page - Alex 09:31:57 8/29/2001
new pics - Jolynn 04:59:15 8/29/2001
to BimboGeri (ot) - Jolynn 04:50:36 8/29/2001
- Awww - BimboGeri 10:42:18 8/29/2001
- Re: Awww - jolynn 06:06:45 8/30/2001
german henna site - Darlahood 03:52:21 8/29/2001
duh, how do I sift Castle Arts henna? - Darlahood 03:40:41 8/29/2001
henna like electronic circuitry or Cyborg Girl! - suzuki 01:26:20 8/29/2001
Who sent me the link to the story by the man who had a love-affair with the hennaed lady (erotic)?? - Anne Manning 00:09:45 8/29/2001
Could someone tell me why its so wrong NOT to henna as a business?? - Shel (needing to rant about the general public a bit) 20:56:46 8/28/2001
Transfer questions - Laurie 20:49:14 8/28/2001
To graeme, and all you hecto users - Khoa 16:14:19 8/28/2001
To Samantha o/t - Graeme 09:17:32 8/28/2001
Henna givs you cancer?! - Linda 08:23:52 8/28/2001
Jamila Henna On Our Hair! - Natalie 07:10:53 8/28/2001
Great results achieved... - Noli 03:49:56 8/28/2001
To all you amazingly flexible people.... - Vanessa 02:06:57 8/28/2001
lemon juice - Doreen 00:18:10 8/28/2001
Shhh, don't tell the FDA - Kenzi 23:01:11 8/27/2001
Bringing back the dead, with terpines - Kenzi 22:25:33 8/27/2001
Christine in stamford, write me privately, please (n/t) - Lauren 21:35:08 8/27/2001
Henna plant yield - Lauren 21:29:03 8/27/2001
Dried lime slices, boiling, red color water help please - Dee 20:20:06 8/27/2001
Anyway to remove a bad design from skin? (Long, but please help!) - I'm A New Girl. 19:46:40 8/27/2001
I'm following directions and still getting a wimpy stain! - Lauren 18:08:50 8/27/2001
Quality henna in Calgary, Canada - Tamara 17:55:12 8/27/2001
Transfers - Tamara 17:34:16 8/27/2001
To CCJ - Lurker 16:52:07 8/27/2001
- Re: To CCJ - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:29:25 8/27/2001
Lotus patterns? - Larissa 16:47:38 8/27/2001
Thanks Baron - Graeme 16:47:19 8/27/2001
PERFECT, cheap, safe, easy transfer! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:56:12 8/27/2001
To All re: PPD - Henna Page Post 11:51:58 8/27/2001
Hecto transfer paper..to Baron - Graeme 09:25:06 8/27/2001
Alternative to Mehlabyia oil? - Graeme 09:22:28 8/27/2001
Anyone got the link for the (erotic) story by the man who had the love-affair with the hennaed lady? - Anne Manning 07:12:57 8/27/2001
Anyone got the link for the (erotic) story by the man who had the love-affair with the heenaed lady? - Anne Manning 07:12:35 8/27/2001
propagation of henna plants? - brett & sophya tunbridge 03:43:38 8/27/2001
RED henna? - Larissa 01:06:18 8/27/2001
New Scientist Article from 8/15: "Henna tattoos can cause severe allergic reactions' - Anne Beltestad 22:47:22 8/26/2001
is henna powder toxic to cats? - Jamie & Boots 22:18:13 8/26/2001
'Down the rabbit hole' patterns; can they be printed? - Larissa 21:22:36 8/26/2001
Exciting News!! - Lynn 21:01:30 8/26/2001
Premixed Henna - Melanthea 18:16:13 8/26/2001
New Orleans - Ronna 16:49:24 8/26/2001
I'm new to all this, and I have some questions. - I'm A New Girl 16:16:51 8/26/2001
A few questions from a newbie. - Larissa 14:06:46 8/26/2001
The real me.... - Graeme 10:42:38 8/26/2001
names in chinese - Stepanie 07:04:37 8/26/2001
Celtic Symbol - Lucy Anderson 04:12:50 8/26/2001
premix vs. homemade (sorry so lengthy) - Nancy Mc 03:39:53 8/26/2001
Does anyone else have this problem?? - Ronna 02:50:11 8/26/2001
to Anne Beltestad - Rosemary 00:57:41 8/26/2001
girl looking for hints on becoming henna artist - Ashleigh Pandorah 00:27:26 8/26/2001
Henna Hair - MM 00:23:53 8/26/2001
I have a question about betel nuts - Lotus 00:14:27 8/26/2001
Malee Brown !! / my heart pound with happiness !! - Navaid 22:16:47 8/25/2001
Big Belly Site - Dawn R 18:44:31 8/25/2001
oh my aching hand+ question (lengthy) - Barrowboy 18:31:53 8/25/2001
Medicine of the Prophet - Dawn R 18:06:25 8/25/2001
Has anyone tried Alt Canada - Dawn R 15:11:35 8/25/2001
international orders + controlling the duration - Fotis 14:04:04 8/25/2001
Su-Do - Noli 02:57:39 8/25/2001
and also a question - Rosemary 00:55:04 8/25/2001
to CCJ- a medical paper link - Rosemary 00:43:13 8/25/2001
TO: Maureen - Sarah 22:27:11 8/24/2001
and speaking of that 7-month celebration... - Lauren 21:16:27 8/24/2001
News on Sirius, NYC? - Lauren 19:40:41 8/24/2001
BimboGeri - Noli 16:21:16 8/24/2001
- Re: me - BimboGeri 16:30:54 8/24/2001
Black Walnut Hull oil - Dee 15:45:14 8/24/2001
Experiments with an icing bag - BimboGeri 15:22:37 8/24/2001
Notes on last night's gig (long) - Nick 14:53:26 8/24/2001
So is selling henna kits ilegal then? - Maui Girl 07:17:17 8/24/2001
first design using a cone - Jolynn 05:27:02 8/24/2001
One more time before I reg. -- Is anyone else doing the Fall Gathering of the Tribes? - CorasMama 05:15:21 8/24/2001
Do I have to wait for the mordant/tea liquid to cool? - CorasMama 02:26:40 8/24/2001
Mumtaz Henna is better than MDH - Neil Sanghvi 23:20:28 8/23/2001
I found an interesting statement about tannins and trace amounts of iron in essential oils. - Faery Ring 21:53:59 8/23/2001
Ganesha henna - any1 heard of? - BimboGeri 19:41:38 8/23/2001
New and absolutely hooked on Henna!!! - Dee 13:53:51 8/23/2001
- Welcome! - Jeremy 16:56:45 8/24/2001
what to do, when PPD - Lydia 11:48:28 8/23/2001
(final repeat & message to all who have replied so far) I PROMISE - CAN YOU HELP ... - Anne Manning 11:45:44 8/23/2001
Totally off subject but - Lurker 11:23:49 8/23/2001
to CorasMama - jolynn 07:11:29 8/23/2001
YAY, one for us! - khoa 04:21:55 8/23/2001
thank you, Wolfgang, and requests - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:04:49 8/23/2001
document/link requests for rants - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:23:34 8/23/2001
Are there any American henna traditions? - Anne in Ct 21:41:27 8/22/2001
Hibiscus pattern - Cheryl 21:01:50 8/22/2001
All quiet on the western front? - BimboGeri 20:52:59 8/22/2001
The power of symbolism (long but with a surprise ending!) - Lauren 19:10:11 8/22/2001
to CCJ - barrowboy 17:59:06 8/22/2001
kanji?? (plese help) - jazibe 15:07:13 8/22/2001
Stolen timeline - Nick 15:01:35 8/22/2001
Is Anyone going to the Fall Gathering of the Tribes? - CorasMama 13:19:48 8/22/2001
To Baron - lurker 12:54:57 8/22/2001
notes on my last festival...kinda long - Yvonne 11:40:23 8/22/2001
Anyone ever heard of or used Rezaeyeh henna powder? - Maureen 10:19:01 8/22/2001
dragon designs - Rymke 09:10:46 8/22/2001
okinawa symbol - Vinicius Kiyan 04:53:19 8/22/2001
Any artist's in Cincinnatti Ohio area? I have someone for you... - Denise 02:53:27 8/22/2001
I had to laugh - Alissa 23:09:28 8/21/2001
Arabian goods, Theodora's photos and ebay - Anne in CT 22:54:22 8/21/2001
eczema skin and henna? - Alissa 22:20:33 8/21/2001
Check this out! - shaon 20:38:46 8/21/2001
how do i - barrowboy 17:16:18 8/21/2001
henna about to be forbidden in Sweden.... - Pierre 14:50:27 8/21/2001
to CorasMama - Jolynn 06:10:15 8/21/2001
the bigger the better! Well sometime... - Khoa 05:04:03 8/21/2001
requests for info on the FDA rant - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:06:50 8/21/2001
I've got a question.... - Vanessa 02:55:29 8/21/2001
New Temp Tattoo /Henna Salon/Studio in Houston,Texas - Dara 01:47:23 8/21/2001
(Repeat) Message re: CAN YOU HELP ... - Anne Manning 00:40:48 8/21/2001
Arabiangoods Henna - Dawn R 00:12:04 8/21/2001
Lovely hennaed Buddha - Nick 00:05:11 8/21/2001
PPD Question - naynay 23:12:26 8/20/2001
Honeybee Symbol - M. Kline 22:38:49 8/20/2001
should there be any lingering doubts about CCJ... - Lauren 22:38:20 8/20/2001
BIMBOGERI - Noli 22:11:14 8/20/2001
good henna plus terpinol EOs equals wimpy stain- why? - Lauren 20:58:02 8/20/2001
henna on leather - Rox 20:02:05 8/20/2001
a thought - samantha 19:22:18 8/20/2001
henna song list - sheer 16:40:07 8/20/2001
Black Henna Problem...yikes - Joanna V. 16:10:11 8/20/2001
It has begun (long) - samantha 14:47:03 8/20/2001
organised campaign trail against bhenna in the UK - mark 06:52:10 8/20/2001
ppd good and bad - Darlahood 04:15:21 8/20/2001
Just made my first cone... - CorasMama 03:30:10 8/20/2001
Seizure is dumb - khoa 02:23:05 8/20/2001
If you are REVERAND BUNNY or someone else who helped me out with my hair problem come here. - Princessa 01:52:06 8/20/2001
PPD strikes again - samantha 22:07:12 8/19/2001
how to..and how long to store henna? - Jo 18:33:56 8/19/2001
how to..and how long to store henna? - Jo 18:33:40 8/19/2001
Fairy Tatoo - Tracy Kincaid 15:27:00 8/19/2001
PPD article in New Scientist - Baron 10:42:14 8/19/2001
Question for CCJ and other Henna scholars - CorasMama 06:40:44 8/19/2001
oh.... WOW! CCJ's book! - CorasMama 05:16:51 8/19/2001
- Thank you! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:00:23 8/19/2001
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics - Robert B. Nevins 04:30:27 8/19/2001
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics - Robert B. Nevins 04:29:21 8/19/2001
Wooohooo! - Rupal 00:43:10 8/19/2001
The FDA rant (writing the draft, and preparing it for full orchestration) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:13:42 8/18/2001
links!! - jazibe 18:25:42 8/18/2001
border on your page - Jaimi Burns 18:06:54 8/18/2001
Links - BimboGeri 11:20:09 8/18/2001
UPDATE ON MY WRECKED HAIR!!! TO ALL WHO HELPED!!! - Princessa 06:08:41 8/18/2001
HELLO FRIENDS - CAN YOU HELP ... - Anne Manning 02:52:14 8/18/2001
coconut oil - maui girl 23:11:23 8/17/2001
henna and guten tag - Natasha Papousek 21:24:46 8/17/2001
Conspiracy by the su-do artists... - BimboGeri 20:07:24 8/17/2001
UK henna artists unite - samantha 18:06:43 8/17/2001
Khoa and Canada - Joe B 16:41:48 8/17/2001
Oxidizing - khoa 16:41:32 8/17/2001
So Kenzi... - Alissa 16:23:15 8/17/2001
a latex question - samantha 14:07:54 8/17/2001
Liberty natural caj - maui girl 13:43:16 8/17/2001
to princessa - Jolynn 06:13:03 8/17/2001
Now what am I going to do? - Monica Tittle 01:54:03 8/17/2001
Moving forward with Flash - Rupal 01:23:27 8/17/2001
fda the #'s & email.. on the campain trail :-) - Amy :-) 00:25:17 8/17/2001
need opinions....facts...whatever you have - Yvonne 23:54:06 8/16/2001
People's reactions - Angel-2 20:36:56 8/16/2001
useful backup - barrowboy 17:33:15 8/16/2001
To Liisa re: html - BimboGeri 13:32:34 8/16/2001
carrot bag - Barrowboy 10:32:06 8/16/2001
Looking for opinions again! *new pic for your approval* - Sarah 06:53:43 8/16/2001
If you know anything at all about hair henna come here and help me :o( - Princessa 06:17:13 8/16/2001
Old henna help!...my henna sucks! - Eskimomo 06:15:52 8/16/2001
Delicious smells.... - Alissa 04:03:15 8/16/2001
Phoenix & Arabeth - Noli 03:00:34 8/16/2001
natural henna and the fda...are we going out of business? - Amy:-) 21:56:13 8/15/2001
Stump the Forum: henna and vitiligo? - BarefootSophie 18:33:09 8/15/2001
Off air for a few days - Jeremy 17:55:42 8/15/2001
Now fully online - mark 14:17:51 8/15/2001
Thanks everyone - Nick 14:08:37 8/15/2001
Aaack! I need help -- wacky peeling - CorasMama 06:30:40 8/15/2001
Found a carrot bag supplier - Khoa 06:00:48 8/15/2001
Stencils on line? - Cathy 04:44:12 8/15/2001
MSN - Khoa 04:27:25 8/15/2001
People are strange - Khoa 04:23:14 8/15/2001
Does anyone know where I can buy Navneet Books? - Michelle........ Exotic Expressions 04:16:21 8/15/2001
henna supplies in MA. - Dee 21:43:47 8/14/2001
New products on site!! - A very tired BimboGeri 20:20:02 8/14/2001
All Henna Artist ....I have a New site............ - Michelle Rossfeld 18:22:50 8/14/2001
GREEK SYMBOLS - TESS 18:10:08 8/14/2001
quick question - mike minielly 17:36:29 8/14/2001
Wal*Mart Tea Tree - Rachael 13:43:44 8/14/2001
Work out exchange rates - BimboGeri 11:23:44 8/14/2001
Results of terped experiments and some questions for everyone :). - Jewel 09:04:02 8/14/2001
Pic of design using cajeput in paste...Navneet design - Kim 06:42:19 8/14/2001
Terped Recipe. help! - Eskimomo 05:35:14 8/14/2001
Questionable Ingredients - Red 05:04:28 8/14/2001
- Run!! - BimboGeri 11:32:06 8/14/2001
Tartaric Acid??? - CorasMama 04:58:09 8/14/2001
Applying Lemon & Sugar - Vanessa 04:47:01 8/14/2001
mehndi or mehandi????? - maui girl 04:18:24 8/14/2001
OK..so I'm picture happy this week..check it out - Yvonne 03:37:43 8/14/2001
quality of oil makes a BIG difference - yvonne 03:01:31 8/14/2001
takes longer for terped paste to darken - yvonne 02:53:20 8/14/2001
Please tell me how... - Noli 02:08:46 8/14/2001
Nick..did u get my 2nd e-mail? - Noli 01:59:43 8/14/2001
Sacred Sun Henna Arts-- closed for self annalysis? - Nick 23:14:55 8/13/2001
1/2 oz. J-bottles? - BarefootSophie 22:22:58 8/13/2001
This may be a dumb question but I'll ask anyway.... - Shel 21:48:41 8/13/2001
Website (again..!) - BimboGeri 21:35:53 8/13/2001
To Khoa - Nick 19:00:04 8/13/2001
- to nick - Khoa 19:45:28 8/13/2001
- I'll try - BimboGeri 19:57:03 8/13/2001
Hells Angel Festival - samantha 17:57:43 8/13/2001
End Of Season - samantha 17:10:40 8/13/2001
My new site! - BimboGeri 16:05:14 8/13/2001
how to recognize "good" henna. - Namida 15:56:56 8/13/2001
Meeting Carrie at the Mystic Arts Festival! - Anne in CT 15:50:28 8/13/2001
can you use henna to dye lips? - jp 13:41:11 8/13/2001
To Txilar - Barrowboy 11:56:56 8/13/2001
do it yourself stencils - Jolynn 08:21:06 8/13/2001
I need a bit of advice! - Sarah 05:32:04 8/13/2001
Kickin' Cajeput - Kim 05:24:15 8/13/2001
a simple rose ---try this one first - yvonne 01:11:47 8/13/2001
a simple rose - yvonne 01:08:49 8/13/2001
- wow - khoa 17:47:49 8/13/2001
Free tattoo-flash - J Martyn 22:38:34 8/12/2001
chinese names - Jana 21:37:46 8/12/2001
Need input -- first pic posted - CorasMama 18:43:55 8/12/2001
Please tell me japanese symbols for DEATH and COURAGE - SerBel 15:36:11 8/12/2001
I have a question - Laurie 13:46:16 8/12/2001
*what I did with Henna on my holidays" (bit long) - Sian 13:00:17 8/12/2001
second attempts - Barrowboy 10:09:46 8/12/2001
Where to get good applicator bottles - BimboGeri 09:59:01 8/12/2001
Not a troll BUT... - BimboGeri 09:56:41 8/12/2001
Cool aid - Khoa 07:27:54 8/12/2001
More on nail polish - Rupal 04:57:21 8/12/2001
Ammonia - Pauline 23:05:46 8/11/2001
I've done it! My website is finally up! - Nick 22:33:12 8/11/2001
I'm In Business! - Natalie 21:09:27 8/11/2001
Really Red Iranian Henna...and Henna in Crock - Maureen 20:25:21 8/11/2001
Really Red - Dawn R 18:49:20 8/11/2001
Does anyone know what these cones are made of? - Dawn R 18:35:48 8/11/2001
You never know who you'll run into on the WWW - Dawn R 18:31:35 8/11/2001
picture!! - jazibe 17:32:06 8/11/2001
terped henna on nails? - Anne in CT 16:50:30 8/11/2001
If you must use "black henna"... - BimboGeri 15:30:06 8/11/2001
pop media mehndi reference - Anne in CT 14:15:29 8/11/2001
need japanese and chinese symbol of death PLEASE!! - Jane Doe 08:11:16 8/11/2001
Geekiness paying off -- secret to stringy paste! - CorasMama 04:09:21 8/11/2001
Whew!!! - Joe B 02:56:12 8/11/2001
Eyebrow Threading In Bakersfield or Irvine, CA? - lavelle 23:58:36 8/10/2001
henna tattoo? - tracy 23:46:26 8/10/2001
Encounters with the narrow minded........(long msg) - Cheryl (aka Selkie) 22:51:08 8/10/2001
Local Artist - Lynn 19:53:26 8/10/2001
Local Artist - Lynn 19:52:00 8/10/2001
my christian name in japanese symbols - ludovic 19:51:01 8/10/2001
didgi-pics - Joe B 19:25:01 8/10/2001
yeah, yeah, a digi-pic of my work! - Rachael 18:32:21 8/10/2001
When to oxidise terped henna? - Nick 17:28:51 8/10/2001
cracking - Barrowboy 17:16:09 8/10/2001
how to remove it? - Noli 17:14:56 8/10/2001
HELP!!! - Joe B 15:18:25 8/10/2001
Pinus Palustris - Noli 11:18:50 8/10/2001
Chinese/Japanese Symbols - quanblaze 10:48:28 8/10/2001
Possible PPD Warning!!! - BimboGeri 09:58:05 8/10/2001
- It's Illegal - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:08:58 8/10/2001
To Lisa K - barrowboy 09:38:06 8/10/2001
to Baron - Barrowboy 09:19:24 8/10/2001
HELP! Need inspiration for a bridal party - CorasMama 06:28:59 8/10/2001
WOW..... - Kim 05:38:50 8/10/2001
is the henna plant sacred? - Darlahood 02:58:29 8/10/2001
It's a henna, henna, henna world! - Kenzi 00:22:32 8/10/2001
MDH Henna - David Parkin 23:55:50 8/9/2001
MDH Henna - David Parkin 23:54:29 8/9/2001
Black henna reactions on African Americans - Maureen 23:35:13 8/9/2001
What to do with kattha and easy straining. - Maureen 23:12:50 8/9/2001
To add to your terpineol lovely debate! - Noli 23:11:25 8/9/2001
HELP ME PLEASE, something is really wrong... - Kelly 22:36:46 8/9/2001
We know what EOs make henna better, are there any that will hinder it? - Lauren 22:23:23 8/9/2001
so what about mixing the eo's then? good or bad? - mark 21:33:23 8/9/2001
If terpineol is the active component why not just use the pure terpineol? - Faery Ring 19:57:22 8/9/2001
homemade tattoo gun - billy 18:08:12 8/9/2001
Looking for local Henna- Wrong Phone # on this site! - Jessica 17:33:28 8/9/2001
Re: Henna Addiction - Joe B 16:15:07 8/9/2001
gallery online - mark 07:48:49 8/9/2001
Cop bust! - Khoa 06:38:47 8/9/2001
A question of wedding/henna propriety - Kenzi 03:27:45 8/9/2001
Whats the true meaning of Henna? - Sehar Jamil 03:25:34 8/9/2001
my oils came!! - yvonne 02:35:21 8/9/2001
Need a list - Khoa 00:40:39 8/9/2001
H.A.A.A.H - Khoa 00:35:14 8/9/2001
EOs from Mountain Rose Herbs - Maureen 23:27:16 8/8/2001
Stolen Pic Police! (Is this your picture?) - BarefootSophie 22:22:32 8/8/2001
In a celebratory mood - Rupal 21:24:34 8/8/2001
I scared someone with mehndi! - BarefootSophie 17:18:12 8/8/2001
To: Lisa K - BarefootSophie 16:30:26 8/8/2001
i would like to know how to write "justice" with chinese symbols - Brad 16:11:00 8/8/2001
UK Henna Artists Directory - Baron 14:03:47 8/8/2001
to Lisa K - barrwoboy 09:49:11 8/8/2001
not quite online - mark 07:54:47 8/8/2001
straining paste through nylon - CorasMama 07:33:45 8/8/2001
a place for folks of the old religion to post their trades! - Darlahood 06:29:41 8/8/2001
I need help fast! - Randy 05:54:11 8/8/2001
Oh, My Maude! This is sooooo addictive (very tongue-in-cheek post) - CorasMama 05:39:28 8/8/2001
Brand name "MDH" - Cathy 05:07:03 8/8/2001
can any one help? - Paul 05:03:14 8/8/2001
can any one help? - Paul 05:02:16 8/8/2001
Any idea?? - Noli 00:46:07 8/8/2001
how do you do New Skin?? - Rosemary 00:10:44 8/8/2001
Pricing?? - jazibe 22:51:10 8/7/2001
Does dry henna=old henna? - Lauren 22:45:39 8/7/2001
"Colorless" henna? - BarefootSophie 22:32:42 8/7/2001
New to Henna - Nosforatu 21:32:13 8/7/2001
I need Cardamom EO by Thursday night! Help! - Lauren 19:37:59 8/7/2001
BH and Koah's site - Joe B 18:53:57 8/7/2001
- thanks - khoa 01:42:25 8/8/2001
Incense follow-up - Maureen 17:40:22 8/7/2001
to Mark at Henna boy - barrwoboy 17:38:40 8/7/2001
sickening - jacob 17:38:00 8/7/2001
me, being thick - barrowboy 17:21:36 8/7/2001
hot hot hot, wet wet wet! - khoa 15:04:04 8/7/2001
Just to remind U... - Noli 13:53:11 8/7/2001
Just finished designing and printing my henna calling card. What do ya think? - Kim 07:05:21 8/7/2001
Simply dying over the lifespan of my last batch of paste *yes the pun was intended* - Sarah 05:50:13 8/7/2001
Thanks Kenzi - Joe B 05:12:34 8/7/2001
Where is my order? - Joe B 04:25:10 8/7/2001
What are some of the basic differences in henna? - Maureen 03:25:08 8/7/2001
Showing off a picy.... - Shel 00:47:04 8/7/2001
Pictures - yvonne 23:26:22 8/6/2001
Stale Henna - Melanthea 22:59:45 8/6/2001
Yippee! The most bestest applicator yet! - Lauren 22:48:39 8/6/2001
My favorite recipe -- a "shameless" plug indeed! - BarefootSophie 20:20:40 8/6/2001
Black Death at Ozzfest (thematic? hmmm) - Lauren 19:30:20 8/6/2001
Powder is supposed to be green, but THIS green? - Lauren 18:06:43 8/6/2001
Henna Decathlon- which is the best? - Lauren 18:01:21 8/6/2001
4 day old paste - still working - Yvonne 17:31:54 8/6/2001
Biker / Hells Angels Bash - samantha 17:15:15 8/6/2001
Has anyone tried Lavender? - Ronna 15:59:09 8/6/2001
offended - Khoa 15:25:39 8/6/2001
Advertising? - khoa 15:10:05 8/6/2001
Henna studio's in Bristol (UK) - Ann Jones 14:16:22 8/6/2001
me again. Hectographic paper - Barrowboy 12:53:57 8/6/2001
first attempts - barrowboy 10:29:48 8/6/2001
Blatent Plug - Henna In stock - mark 08:27:52 8/6/2001
FYI - bigen.org - Matthew 06:27:06 8/6/2001
Henna & scar tissue - Brittany 02:26:39 8/6/2001
Euc, Clove and Tea Tree at Wal-Mart - Maureen 21:39:31 8/5/2001
halfway between - Susan 19:54:37 8/5/2001
Who else used henna? - khoa 16:12:25 8/5/2001
"crystal mendhi" (no, really) - Anne in CT 13:32:09 8/5/2001
trials, tribulations, troubles and triamph with the cajeput oil - Anne in CT 13:18:35 8/5/2001
EO test of a different nature - Monica Tittle 12:09:08 8/5/2001
A henna puzzle????? - Maureen 11:09:38 8/5/2001
CCJ...trying to reach you to get your book. - Maureen 04:38:53 8/5/2001
That's sick.....kinda long o/t - Yvonne 01:55:45 8/5/2001
little indian spice shop - Yvonne 01:27:02 8/5/2001
Neurotic Novice - Red 20:32:58 8/4/2001
What kind of signs do y'all have? - Darlahood 18:57:55 8/4/2001
Asking permission - Khoa 16:45:59 8/4/2001
- Permission - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:35:54 8/5/2001
(O/T) Wishing I'd done designs to survive the Monsoon Season! - Sarah 13:35:25 8/4/2001
need japanese and chinese symbol...... - L. Jolie 08:36:43 8/4/2001
tea tree oil need more info / how about money - anita 05:29:20 8/4/2001
Lifespan of a cajeputted henna paste - Kenzi 01:11:03 8/4/2001
A Masculin Design - Noli 21:34:22 8/3/2001
Thank You All... - Noli 21:28:49 8/3/2001
Green lung, the disease of those who use well-sifted henna - Lauren 20:10:25 8/3/2001
let me assure you... - Lauren 18:38:15 8/3/2001
Unsupportive parents - Jenna 16:57:52 8/3/2001
Anyone in Cleveland OH? - Alissa 15:36:57 8/3/2001
Recipe for Disaster - Alissa 15:21:39 8/3/2001
Belgium - Sideriske 14:44:43 8/3/2001
All Natural - Matthew 13:59:51 8/3/2001
i love it - Jozie 07:44:24 8/3/2001
Body Butter All natural body art maintenance balm. - Sarah and Mike 05:59:42 8/3/2001
Could I get a few outside opinions on this? - Sarah 05:41:45 8/3/2001
Any Aussie's ??? - Vanessa 05:31:16 8/3/2001
Travel Designs - Talia 04:02:45 8/3/2001
Great Henna Toys!!! - Maureen 01:28:16 8/3/2001
Have a look....! - Noli 00:43:40 8/3/2001
neem oil - Darlahood 21:04:08 8/2/2001
Rinsing terped paste? - Nick 19:59:05 8/2/2001
Last call for anyone who wants to share an order from Usha - Nick 19:53:36 8/2/2001
Black henna in my hometown - Jenna 19:49:49 8/2/2001
In defense of the lowly tea tree... - BarefootSophie 16:22:11 8/2/2001
For Barrowboy re: sharpness of line - Nick 14:44:42 8/2/2001
REPORT BLACK HENNA HERE - Baron 11:25:25 8/2/2001
help, I,m and old Englishman - barrowboy 09:57:41 8/2/2001
Trying new product - CorasMama 06:29:52 8/2/2001
Mortar and Pestle - Rupal 04:05:53 8/2/2001
Cringing from "black" henna - Sarah 23:33:55 8/1/2001
EOs now available through Maison Kenzi - Kenzi 23:13:36 8/1/2001
Venue Pout (suggestions welcome) (long) - Lauren 22:52:38 8/1/2001
testing - yvonne 22:37:44 8/1/2001
Re: Testing Sondarya's new henna - Lauren 22:35:38 8/1/2001
Kenzi's henna is Jello! - Nick 21:10:28 8/1/2001
to start henna painting - Sandy Edwards 21:08:30 8/1/2001
Green henna, stain not powder? - Lauren 20:55:55 8/1/2001
Henna powder from Usha Shah? - Nick 18:42:08 8/1/2001
Knotty henna help? - Lauren 18:09:40 8/1/2001
- Stabilo - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:27:26 8/1/2001
black PPD dyes blatantly sold for body art - Zimra 16:24:19 8/1/2001
12 - 24- 48 hours after mixing in the Caj ...patience does the job! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:49:39 8/1/2001
no stain?? - yvonne 14:50:28 8/1/2001
sudden demise - samantha 12:40:55 8/1/2001
black Henna - Barrowboy 10:38:11 8/1/2001
Another black henna article - Kenzi 04:16:35 8/1/2001
Tatoos - me 01:44:40 8/1/2001
Merc. gone completely nuts? - Monica Tittle 01:44:01 8/1/2001
bored... - Jenna 00:05:45 8/1/2001