Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archives. For information about this
forum check out the Frequently
Asked Questions section
Coloured Henna - This forum
is devoted to natural henna. If you're more interested in the coloured
varieties (black, purple, etc) please go here
Black Henna caution - Given the increase
in reports of allergic reactions to so-called black henna, do please check
the PPD Warnings page before trying
this stuff. Or just steer well clear.
Large Pores - Andrew 22:15:41 6/30/2001
Japanese letters for tattos - Martin 11:07:38 6/30/2001
MEHNDI CHIT CHAT - Up & Running - Anne Manning 10:53:33 6/30/2001
Ravensara - mark 08:52:03 6/30/2001
Cajeput - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:23:59 6/29/2001
I HAVE A SECRET - Joe B 18:56:41 6/29/2001
Playing with "kapur" aka "the white stuff" ... - Jewel 16:27:29 6/29/2001
Henna, The Joyous Body Art - Cheryl 16:15:31 6/29/2001
Arabic patterns - samantha 15:57:04 6/29/2001
Live henna plant help required - Angela Hockley 14:50:37 6/29/2001
Vaseline to seal henna? - Rosemary 10:01:45 6/29/2001
mehandi oil - what is it? - jessica 04:59:19 6/29/2001
Henna Page Chit Chat ... - Anne Manning 23:43:58 6/28/2001
Henna for hair in NYC or Boston - Doc 18:18:19 6/28/2001
I need a reliable and consistent source of henna - Maureen 17:40:23 6/28/2001
Carrot bag source - Becks 15:05:21 6/28/2001
Mixing metal with henna? - Lauren 14:46:55 6/28/2001
misinformation that no one will stumble across - Anne in CT 14:38:38 6/28/2001
semi permanent/temporary lip coloring - Maureen 06:53:03 6/28/2001
semi permanent/temporary lip coloring - Maureen 06:51:20 6/28/2001
Any henna artists in Toronto? - shaon 04:56:56 6/28/2001
How do I make my own transfers? - Francine 21:41:01 6/27/2001
You may be right....I may be crazy - Joe B 20:43:21 6/27/2001
Appointment regrets/laziness - Nick 20:14:40 6/27/2001
Henna on sunburn? - Lauren 19:09:09 6/27/2001
new email address - Jocelyne 16:00:32 6/27/2001
colorless henna for hair, is it safe? - Gaby 15:47:10 6/27/2001
I've got my site up, finally.... - jessica 06:01:32 6/27/2001
My newbie henna helper and a tv crew... - jessica 05:53:24 6/27/2001
appreciation - Lorry Wedekind 04:09:50 6/27/2001
Any Artists in New JERSEY?????? - Sienna 02:14:50 6/27/2001
Kenzi's Henna - Dawn R 00:28:04 6/27/2001
chinese names - jaclyn 21:36:01 6/26/2001
2 questions - samantha 19:55:00 6/26/2001
betel nuts - Daniel 19:07:14 6/26/2001
I'm new and need help - Sienna 18:05:20 6/26/2001
china - vicky bull. 17:33:25 6/26/2001
- china - vicky bull. 17:34:23 6/26/2001
Info on henna on hair in Iran(I know again)I think pretty interisting for CCJ? - Erfan 16:22:20 6/26/2001
henna in the office - veggiesaurus 15:57:39 6/26/2001
little missed spots on the skin - Nancy Mc 04:32:59 6/26/2001
Houston, Spring or Humble area henna - KC 23:27:07 6/25/2001
BLACK HENNA DANGERS - JOE 21:06:53 6/25/2001
Re: Chinese symbols - Sharon 17:05:46 6/25/2001
Aplicater Tips - Joe B 15:00:28 6/25/2001
Henna suppliers in Ireland. - b 14:19:46 6/25/2001
Henna on hair during pregnancy? - Andrea K. 04:17:43 6/25/2001
our festival and a question - samantha 21:22:38 6/24/2001
- how to bid - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:02:41 6/25/2001
SC Black Henna Tattooer claims it's 100% natural henna - Brandy 19:21:23 6/24/2001
Feet - b 18:18:30 6/24/2001
Tips & Decor for a Henna Booth... - Lori 05:37:11 6/24/2001
Recent questions re ammonia/quicklime - Kree at Gilded Lilies 05:00:38 6/24/2001
Line Art search & links ... - Anne Manning 02:47:09 6/24/2001
Erfan- is your email up and working again? - Nick 16:15:42 6/23/2001
interesting latex link - samantha 13:11:40 6/23/2001
California LOVES henna! - Sara Faith 12:00:35 6/23/2001
Hmmm... Henna over Sun-In? - Nick 01:12:56 6/23/2001
care of henna - Emily 23:54:47 6/22/2001
Egyptian Henna? - Lynn 21:21:36 6/22/2001
Greek Letters/Symbols - Kay 17:05:06 6/22/2001
Questions for Matthew of MehndiMud - Alissa Hall 16:34:26 6/22/2001
Non-staining hand cream? - Lauren 14:57:18 6/22/2001
Quicklime (maybe) - Nick 14:15:58 6/22/2001
storage is everything in keeping up quality - Shanon Lavender 07:54:12 6/22/2001
Happy Solstice ! - Natalie 06:22:34 6/22/2001
Does anyone have photos of their henna stains, 24-48 hours later?.........Besides hands and feet. - Michelle Rossfeld 18:41:18 6/21/2001
Henna patterns - Nicole 18:33:27 6/21/2001
Chinese/Japanese Symbols - Jara H 17:25:55 6/21/2001
Castle Art ordering and good news - Lauren 17:21:17 6/21/2001
Henna and previously dyed hair.. - Denise 16:51:39 6/21/2001
A few questions....ccj,kree=? - Erfan 13:54:41 6/21/2001
Anybody want Mehandi which uses is more in the life........ - Kunal Pandya 08:21:29 6/21/2001
Catherine's beautiful hennaed hair ... and henna over highlights ... - Jewel 01:41:23 6/21/2001
Sirius Rising Class Schedule - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:32:27 6/21/2001
Latex - samantha 00:06:18 6/21/2001
UK crew i need a favour asap - samantha 23:31:21 6/20/2001
Another Black Henna Site, get out yer typin' fingers! - Lauren 22:27:32 6/20/2001
Need Chinese or Japanese symbol for INTENSITY - Matt Pendleton 21:18:32 6/20/2001
Awareness of PPD, almost ! - Simon 20:52:48 6/20/2001
Here's the recipie for a homemade peel off masque - Linda in NJ 20:46:08 6/20/2001
Ahh Help. Need Insurance in the UK - Simon 20:40:41 6/20/2001
Oxidation - Lauren 20:32:10 6/20/2001
- Re: Oxidation - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:22:54 6/20/2001
PPD black henna article in Courtlandt Forum dermatology review - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:59:42 6/20/2001
homemade tattoo gun - Kyle 17:30:19 6/20/2001
BEWARE of Swindling Vendor - Sahar Shahin 17:03:01 6/20/2001
Wanna swap? - Lauren 14:28:54 6/20/2001
Big Mouth or Fingers(Sorry Amy) - Dawn R 12:38:02 6/20/2001
Castle Art - Dawn R 12:24:56 6/20/2001
The heat is on - Kim 06:08:05 6/20/2001
carrotcones - Lorry 01:55:38 6/20/2001
henna for hair - vijayanthi Balaji 00:53:36 6/20/2001
Hesh? - Nick 21:56:31 6/19/2001
Famous Applicaters - Joe B 18:57:48 6/19/2001
Afshan henna - Shabree 18:57:15 6/19/2001
hennotanic acid - Samantha 16:35:14 6/19/2001
jamilla henna help - samantha 11:48:39 6/19/2001
Re: Henna Kits with Pre Mixed Mehndi. - Graham Goche 09:31:57 6/19/2001
chinese symbol for corrupt - Rick 06:41:33 6/19/2001
More FDA regs - Catherine Cartwright Jones 06:20:25 6/19/2001
Using Henna for a fake tan - Konan 05:06:34 6/19/2001
safe black henna - al 03:24:07 6/19/2001
If any of you would like a chat about Mehndi or anything else ... - Anne Manning 02:05:06 6/19/2001
Newly settled in the UK - Noli 00:49:46 6/19/2001
More questions about henna on hair! - Jayne 23:19:38 6/18/2001
Poland nightmares! - mark 20:18:21 6/18/2001
European Commission statement against PPD black henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:44:17 6/18/2001
Carrot bags- need details of use - Lauren 18:00:14 6/18/2001
Henna and the NYPD...not a new Fox cop show - Kenzi 17:29:53 6/18/2001
Help - Mandy 16:56:49 6/18/2001
- Re: Help - Info Goddess 19:03:41 6/18/2001
Better than NuSkin!! Yay! - Lauren 16:28:09 6/18/2001
Hennotannic acid? - Audoen 15:30:39 6/18/2001
Haida Art and Celtic Tattos - Melanie Stucki 10:48:00 6/18/2001
Jamila henna....Green vs Khaki - Kim 06:41:07 6/18/2001
Henna hair - wil it fade? - Jayne 22:37:36 6/17/2001
private party and Kenzi's henna (long) - yvonne 16:40:09 6/17/2001
nu-skin removal, same old, same old - Nancy Mc 16:13:21 6/17/2001
Feline Henna Helper..... - Seklie 16:05:21 6/17/2001
Lemonade mix? - Nick 15:41:41 6/17/2001
No more naked right hands! - Dawn R 14:55:27 6/17/2001
OH Happy Day!! my right hand done - Barbara 14:34:18 6/17/2001
chinese/japanese symbol - Crystal 04:17:01 6/17/2001
Eyebrow Threading In Bakersfield or Irvine, CA? - Greg Hollock 03:13:38 6/17/2001
tattoo - Frankie Hill 02:51:45 6/17/2001
Er, that should have been Quick-LIME Paste...... - Selkie 22:29:54 6/16/2001
Quick-Line Paste? - Selkie 22:20:46 6/16/2001
Kenzi...Heeelp! - Dawn R 21:53:03 6/16/2001
stained shirt - jonathan 18:05:44 6/16/2001
MUSTARD and JASMIN OIl...are they helpfull? - Erfan 14:26:26 6/16/2001
My experiment with Zubeda Henna and Turpinol ! - Natalie 06:19:35 6/16/2001
Terpines - Joe B 05:55:10 6/16/2001
nail polish as an alternative to new skin? - mehndi mama 05:17:27 6/16/2001
... and he said, "no, Mehndi is an art form ..." - Anne (Manning) & Kelly 02:49:52 6/16/2001
AAGGHH one of those days - samantha 00:39:37 6/16/2001
Henna Designs - Sarah Davis 20:55:11 6/15/2001
Craft canopy panic - Zimra 19:02:03 6/15/2001
i would like to know how to write "justice" with chinese symbols - Meea 17:57:35 6/15/2001
Tatoos - Brian 04:02:24 6/15/2001
Butterfly? - Lisa 02:04:29 6/15/2001
something really,really sad....... - Erfan 01:52:24 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Dawn R 18:24:28 6/16/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Nick 14:33:11 6/16/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Joe B 20:49:19 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Natasha Papousek 18:55:55 6/15/2001
- Didn't the Prophet (pbuh) recommend the use of henna? - Lauren 18:22:21 6/15/2001
- Yes, but... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:46:47 6/15/2001
- Didn't the Prophet (pbuh) recommend the use of henna? - Lauren 18:21:53 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - chattie 16:35:41 6/15/2001
- I'm so sorry.. - Kree At Gilded Lilies 16:11:10 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Robert in Canada 14:59:51 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Zimra 05:44:48 6/15/2001
- strange .... - Jewel 04:30:48 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Christine 04:27:47 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:17:32 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Theadora 03:04:10 6/15/2001
- Re: something really,really sad....... - Kenzi 02:52:24 6/15/2001
Temptu - body paint - Meera 00:17:06 6/15/2001
newbie henna user has questions - Angela 23:11:21 6/14/2001
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Amy 22:33:06 6/14/2001
Airbrush tattoos - jazibe 21:40:44 6/14/2001
Atlanta - Susan 17:36:20 6/14/2001
a great deal - samantha 12:07:40 6/14/2001
henna sighting? - Talia 09:27:58 6/14/2001
re: symbols - amanda mather 07:38:01 6/14/2001
Jamila Forum - Abid & Company (Pvt) Ltd. 06:10:17 6/14/2001
HELP!!! I AM IN TEARS! - Princessa (age 12) 03:49:55 6/14/2001
just got Kenzi's Henna - yvonne 02:47:13 6/14/2001
HELP - honeybee 01:25:24 6/14/2001
Viniger - Joe B 21:34:55 6/13/2001
- Re: Viniger - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:00:36 6/13/2001
Viniger - Joe B 21:34:28 6/13/2001
Tatoo - Michel 21:32:37 6/13/2001
- Re: Tatoo - Info Goddess 22:52:12 6/13/2001
On the beach - Lynn 19:13:35 6/13/2001
photo of henna plant - Minja 19:12:06 6/13/2001
Can you send me info on Acient Egypt - Mandy 15:48:28 6/13/2001
NO PPD, Guess We Won One - Baron 09:00:02 6/13/2001
A poll question - Kim 06:27:47 6/13/2001
Smudges - Kenzi 03:28:10 6/13/2001
To the English Crew - Simon 02:14:55 6/13/2001
chinese symbols - ashley 00:30:05 6/13/2001
OW! My thumb hurts! How do you use those Bottles all day?!?(long) - Lauren 22:40:42 6/12/2001
Nick, This is the webpage for Brite henna powder......... - Michelle Rossfeld 22:32:42 6/12/2001
new website - daniel 22:13:55 6/12/2001
Just tried some Brite brand of henna powder and it is redder. - Faery Ring 18:43:14 6/12/2001
Cajeput EO - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:21:03 6/12/2001
Ozzfest needs henna artists - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:36:55 6/12/2001
Catherine's nocturnal flights - Kenzi 16:28:27 6/12/2001
Old Henna eraser effect?!? - Lauren 15:39:20 6/12/2001
symbols - Scott Taylor 12:31:54 6/12/2001
Bummed - Kim 06:36:37 6/12/2001
Need Red Henna or Body Color - Meera 05:11:29 6/12/2001
who was doing henna in DC at HFS - xoneryhthmx 03:28:38 6/12/2001
Black Walnut Powder? - Yvonne 02:38:12 6/12/2001
Fenugreek (Methi seeds) for henna? - Denise 23:20:32 6/11/2001
West Indian designs? - Lauren 22:52:45 6/11/2001
I got CCJ book.......its wonderful, thank you Catherine, you have been a big inspiration in my life and my business. - Michelle Rossfeld 21:19:14 6/11/2001
How to get large patches even? - Lauren 19:42:53 6/11/2001
Exercise is the secret to (henna) health!! - Lauren 19:01:20 6/11/2001
my name - peter 15:30:31 6/11/2001
my name - peter 15:30:12 6/11/2001
Loooots of questions.... - lobna 13:37:47 6/11/2001
skin sensitivities/sealants and covers - Nancy Mc 03:49:12 6/11/2001
Henna in Africa? - jen 03:13:48 6/11/2001
festival flop - Yvonne 00:22:04 6/11/2001
Sugaring - Kari... 22:50:26 6/10/2001
- Re: Sugaring - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:21:58 6/10/2001
Zubeda Henna and Turpinol? - Natalie 21:08:30 6/10/2001
Lynn - Hi Sam, Mark and Simon 19:17:10 6/10/2001
- Re: Lynn - mark 16:50:49 6/11/2001
- update - samantha 20:42:52 6/10/2001
Chinese words that sound like English words - Sven 00:40:03 6/10/2001
A name in Chinese - Sven 00:09:24 6/10/2001
wedding henna in niger!" - Erfan 23:35:05 6/9/2001
henna in Italy ? - hari 23:00:18 6/9/2001
Cannot decide how to title the subject!! - Ruth 21:29:09 6/9/2001
traveling with henna - jazibe 20:47:34 6/9/2001
Fresh henna powder - sidesadle 15:08:51 6/9/2001
My Newest Trick - Ryan 06:43:54 6/9/2001
Henna web community - shaon 21:27:46 6/8/2001
Ayuda!!! - Violeta 21:24:56 6/8/2001
Jamaican cruise, black henna, and an informed decision - Kim 19:37:47 6/8/2001
Anyone using henna supplied by HERITAGE OVERSEA'S ?? - Anne (Manning) & Kelly 10:19:04 6/8/2001
symbols - benjamin grant 06:48:45 6/8/2001
Catherines book - Christine 03:17:35 6/8/2001
Hi Everyone I'm back - Natalie 02:29:34 6/8/2001
name in chinese symbols - alan downie 19:00:26 6/7/2001
PPD to be reviewed, perhaps outlawed in hair dye? (happy dance) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:24:02 6/7/2001
Reveal ourselves - samantha 12:26:10 6/7/2001
Something to look at by Janet part 2 - Matthew 06:40:00 6/7/2001
What are Terpines, which oils, what's the difference? - Kenzi 03:40:23 6/7/2001
Henna on hair - Katie 02:53:16 6/7/2001
Bleeding? - Krista 02:51:12 6/7/2001
Real names or something more exotic? - Anne Manning 00:13:33 6/7/2001
Blue Lotus Henna Spammers - Jim 22:59:07 6/6/2001
Blue Lotus Henna Spammers - Andi Houston 22:57:09 6/6/2001
Cracking - Krista the henna begginger 21:39:52 6/6/2001
FDA & henna - jazibe 21:35:57 6/6/2001
henna link - jazibe 21:24:39 6/6/2001
Runny` - Ryan 21:13:27 6/6/2001
Monica the kitchen witch - Monica Tittle 21:12:41 6/6/2001
Okay, Erfan, 'Fess up! - Lauren 18:51:07 6/6/2001
african symbols and patterns - jody 17:26:22 6/6/2001
Henna supplies in Greece? - Theadora Sideras 16:34:07 6/6/2001
taramind....taramine - Yvonne 13:15:09 6/6/2001
henna during pregnancy? - morgan 04:39:43 6/6/2001
About.com story on Moroccan henna - Kenzi 04:14:50 6/6/2001
rani kone - jazibe 03:15:55 6/6/2001
CCJ ...how do you draw your designs in the puter - Yvonne 00:40:00 6/6/2001
freedom and comitment symbols - Kat 00:23:06 6/6/2001
See how Team Kenzi does fairs - Kenzi 22:23:51 6/5/2001
Japanese Symbols - Christopher 18:57:35 6/5/2001
Japanese Symbols - Christopher 18:56:53 6/5/2001
OZZfest - Catherine Cartwright Jones 18:30:46 6/5/2001
henna dreams, again - Kenzi 16:13:59 6/5/2001
Celtic symbol for heart?? - Sini 12:04:57 6/5/2001
Where can I get henna in Seattle? - Nikki 03:18:41 6/5/2001
Oils,Oils and oils-I need help! - Erfan 01:50:58 6/5/2001
Henna artist needed in Georgia (Atlanta or Augusta) - Kenzi 01:43:48 6/5/2001
What did the ancient egyptions eat? - Mirai Trunks 01:39:55 6/5/2001
Symbol for freedom - Alex Karvunis 20:37:04 6/4/2001
symbol for twin - mare 19:07:02 6/4/2001
Henna powder - Ruth 16:35:20 6/4/2001
Japanese symbol for strength - danielle 13:40:52 6/4/2001
Hi Samantha - Simon 12:08:10 6/4/2001
Vishnu's Feet - Matthew 03:18:12 6/4/2001
artist - Little-Baby-Blu 02:40:07 6/4/2001
My second festival and all the great people I met - Yvonne 02:32:36 6/4/2001
A New Beginning - Robin 23:45:10 6/3/2001
the thing about chinese characters... - Zimra 23:25:23 6/3/2001
Henna, The Joyous Body Art, Pattern Book #1 (and the wonderful world of Merc Ret) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:18:39 6/3/2001
CCJ at Oxford Photos - Baron 17:27:20 6/3/2001
Does anyone know where to get fresh Henna in Norway. - i am new at this in Norway 17:11:58 6/3/2001
Hectograph pencils - How do you use them? - Tracy 16:38:24 6/3/2001
Henna, The Joyous Body Art: Video ... 115 minutes of solid henna history and traditions - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:22:01 6/3/2001
THREADING - NKBATES 08:22:13 6/3/2001
Why We Love This Forum ... - Anne Manning 00:44:43 6/3/2001
What Is Sirus?? And Where is Sirus??? - Kitchi 18:26:36 6/2/2001
Talk about lucky - samantha 18:26:08 6/2/2001
Chinese Alphabet - Kyle 02:02:56 6/2/2001
Henna Night Story - Dawn R 01:33:00 6/2/2001
Free Clipart - Chinese Symbol Database - Leo 20:08:54 6/1/2001
I better run out get colors - Joe B 15:22:14 6/1/2001
Samantha, can you help ? - Simon 13:22:48 6/1/2001
Anne in CT, where are you? - Lauren 19:17:31 5/31/2001
Henna studio's in Derby - Darren 18:29:35 5/31/2001
Serious about Sirius - Rachael 18:14:45 5/31/2001
Mehendi Designs - melliemel 15:25:03 5/31/2001
Re: Moroccan Lanterns - Talisman Trading 14:19:04 5/31/2001
Cypinum - Talia 08:01:53 5/31/2001
Check out this article - Shanon Lavender 07:55:28 5/31/2001
going away for a little while - Darlahood 07:14:44 5/31/2001
HONEY WAXING - em 05:08:55 5/31/2001
Question for users of liquid latex - Zimra 04:55:22 5/31/2001
Heirogliphics translations - Rick 04:06:30 5/31/2001
henna pricing, sealing and wrapping products, wedding pricing - Nancy Mc 03:56:40 5/31/2001
chinese symbols - Mike Lebiszczak 02:34:51 5/31/2001
i want a tattoo... - Kyle Cavanagh 23:22:10 5/30/2001
need info on spain - steven brown 22:16:17 5/30/2001
My experiences with navaid´s colora henna - ERfan 18:13:52 5/30/2001
I'm Looking for American Indian Tattoo disigns - whoody whooo 18:12:42 5/30/2001
Respect for Tradition - Joe B 18:01:02 5/30/2001
let the games begin - samantha 17:29:41 5/30/2001
Henna at Pennsic - Lauren 17:23:29 5/30/2001
henna ink - Shawn 17:02:10 5/30/2001
"OM MANI PADME HUM" - Eugenia 12:20:40 5/30/2001
New sealant test. - Theadora 01:18:05 5/30/2001
pregnancy/childbirth design - Kristin 23:57:48 5/29/2001
a funny thing about tattoo and harquus patterns - Kenzi 23:16:47 5/29/2001
Love this stuff!! - Erica 21:14:25 5/29/2001
SCHOOL - Ryan 20:58:34 5/29/2001
url for craft shelter/doggie mats - Zimra 20:18:52 5/29/2001
Kanjitattoos.com - Namida 19:47:54 5/29/2001
How long does Henna last - Darla 19:14:12 5/29/2001
Its getting to congested down there, so I am bring this follow up post to the top. Please read it's very important that everyone understands... - Michelle Rossfeld 16:27:18 5/29/2001
Henna, the Joyous Body Art:, Pattern Book #1 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:27:13 5/29/2001
- whatever you want - Kree at Gilded Lilies 03:31:45 5/31/2001
- Yay! - Nick 20:52:27 5/29/2001
- Re: Yay! - Christine 00:21:22 5/30/2001
- Re: Yay! - Christine 00:21:22 5/30/2001
japanese symbols their meanings - denise 13:41:47 5/29/2001
Man, i am tired but happy to be hennaing again!!!!(doing a tired little dance.) - jennifer 08:19:17 5/29/2001
Navaids l00% safe coloured henna - Doug 03:40:46 5/29/2001
Having too Much fun with our new henna shipment - Matthew 02:17:01 5/29/2001
Jamila henna and dye in henna - Yvonne 01:57:27 5/29/2001
henna music!! - jazibe 00:14:09 5/29/2001
Catherine's beautiful dragonfly designs - Lynn S 20:48:28 5/28/2001
Oh what a weekend! - shaon 19:33:40 5/28/2001
MY OLD MAILADRESS WORKS AGAIN!MAIL ME THERE!hennaarts@gmx.net doesn´t work!thanks(n/t) - Erfan 16:31:38 5/28/2001
distilled water - mark 07:52:27 5/28/2001
chinese symbols - jessica 04:25:36 5/28/2001
Anyone ever done henna at a swapmeet before? - Shanon Lavender 21:41:25 5/27/2001
chinese letters - greg 20:54:06 5/27/2001
Mud and darker stain also some Help? - Barbara 20:42:16 5/27/2001
My FIRST EVER craft fair - results - samantha 18:23:27 5/27/2001
Chinese Symbols - Hollie Springham 15:54:07 5/27/2001
NEW E-MAIL ADRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!And again sorry to Dawn R,Jewel,Lynn.........and many more! - Erfan(who is sorry and who is happy bout his new e-mail adress!) 13:21:14 5/27/2001
Health risks - statistics - David Roetzer 12:37:41 5/27/2001
finding one in long island new york - alexis 06:41:49 5/27/2001
Symbol For Mother... - Jennifer 05:30:36 5/27/2001
Symbol for "inner strength" - Jacki 02:05:59 5/27/2001
where can i find henna in fayetteville, arkansas. - jessica 20:48:41 5/26/2001
Japanese symbol for Courage - Carrie 19:23:37 5/26/2001
Attention all Henna Artist... I have been doing some extensive henna experimenting, You will be surprised of my results. A long Rant... - Michelle Rossfeld 17:31:54 5/26/2001
symbolic meaning - Rori 14:28:23 5/26/2001
Henna Ink Mixture & Stamps - Lucia 13:58:01 5/26/2001
Hunza.com Updated - Matthew 07:13:02 5/26/2001
Japanese Symbol for Wolf - faith 20:02:25 5/25/2001
we can supply quality red and black henna - feroz 18:07:40 5/25/2001
Re-application? - Anne Beltestad 18:05:46 5/25/2001
Any spanish speakers out there? - Jeremy 08:30:34 5/25/2001
special mehndi? - jazibe 01:13:33 5/25/2001
Need artist in San Francisco! - jennifer 21:54:50 5/24/2001
I need a Porta-Rant - Lauren 19:07:00 5/24/2001
help find design - Candera 16:18:04 5/24/2001
Henna Wedding/party - Gisela 14:49:52 5/24/2001
Catherine, I am glad your back........ Please take a look at my new henna jewelry web page... - Michelle Rossfeld 14:31:36 5/24/2001
Henna & Tattooing - Kree/Gilded Lilies 14:15:46 5/24/2001
UK Black Henna-Now no PPD??? - Baron 13:21:23 5/24/2001
Expansion + Stuff - mark 07:03:49 5/24/2001
Any henna lovers in the NYC area this weekend? - Kenzi 04:45:19 5/24/2001
hair henna (powdered) - Patricia T. Hetzel 21:47:00 5/23/2001
Portable henna solution- why didn't I discover this sooner!?! - Lauren 19:16:42 5/23/2001
Send me a symbol(s) please... - Ryu 18:59:31 5/23/2001
Kenzi's magic wrapping cotton felt! it WORKS! - Anne Beltestad 17:48:40 5/23/2001
HEY;BUNNY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A big HOORAY FOR CCJ!!!!!! - ERfan 14:20:31 5/23/2001
- Amazing trip - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:34:21 5/23/2001
Anyone have good images of the Celtic tree of life?? - Crystal 06:52:58 5/23/2001
Henna and tea tree oil experiment - Kim 04:54:00 5/23/2001
japanese symbols - Devon 02:56:15 5/23/2001
Nazia black henna chemical burn scar advertised as safe. - Dougeh 02:20:37 5/23/2001
Link to Hand Pattern - Dawn R 01:47:21 5/23/2001
Fresh Moroccan henna in stock....hurry while it lasts! - Kenzi 01:26:46 5/23/2001
Henna Nozzle - Ken 21:33:53 5/22/2001
The disadvantages of being computer illiterate!!! - Lynn S 20:47:53 5/22/2001
swamped - samantha 11:39:34 5/22/2001
I´´m really wondering.(ohh,as it would be something new.........) - Erfan(who is wondered) 01:00:51 5/22/2001
Sally Henson - Sarah Asrar 00:08:50 5/22/2001
celtic crosses - DOM 23:13:38 5/21/2001
conditioning henna - Rymke 22:16:15 5/21/2001
Afghani bridal henna questions - Mary Beth 18:49:55 5/21/2001
MyST has her first summer fest....a diary....... - MyST 16:35:41 5/21/2001
tatoo - kaan 13:32:42 5/21/2001
- Re: tatoo - Info Goddess 13:35:52 5/23/2001
I love cristi in japanese form or symbols - Mike Stonebraker 13:19:34 5/21/2001
Pregnant Belly gig - Angel Gypsy 13:08:43 5/21/2001
how to make nail polish? - Selicia 05:34:25 5/21/2001
Speaking of Black henna..... - Kim 05:03:31 5/21/2001
Hi everyrone, I wanted to share my work with you, Thanks to Natasha.. I have been able to create beautiful henna jewelry.... - Michelle Rossfeld 23:31:31 5/20/2001
BLACK HENNA FOR SALE - samantha 20:52:57 5/20/2001
HAIR HENNA PROBLEM!!! HELP ME!!! - Princessa 19:53:29 5/20/2001
has anyone seen this before? - Yvonne 14:47:12 5/20/2001
Pictures I can use? - Yvonne 14:24:15 5/20/2001
paste tests - Willowhawk 06:15:50 5/20/2001
What's in the Mud? - Kitchi 03:43:43 5/20/2001
looking for certain designs..... - cosi 01:56:36 5/20/2001
Mehndi in Magazines - Dawn R 00:58:46 5/20/2001
TO JEWEL:-)))))) - Erfan 22:02:33 5/19/2001
Tattoo - Jane 19:38:09 5/19/2001
How henna is applied(on bellies) in Iran - Erfan 16:40:22 5/19/2001
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Jeff White 15:35:13 5/19/2001
Speaking of Pregnant Bellies! - Angel Gypsy 13:30:16 5/19/2001
Pic from the belly collaboration - Willowhawk 10:52:20 5/19/2001
Exotichenna website-michelle - mark 07:32:31 5/19/2001
What do I keep doing wrong here? - Talia 22:29:05 5/18/2001
make your own tansfer - Paul 20:56:53 5/18/2001
Gardenia water instead of rosewater? - Denise 18:44:25 5/18/2001
Henna in SPAIN - elisa 17:03:58 5/18/2001
Accept Credit Cards? - Kree @ Gilded Lilies 14:29:36 5/18/2001
Dalai Lama - Kree at Gilded Lilies 14:27:37 5/18/2001
foot adornement - Yvonne 02:33:27 5/18/2001
MY DAUGHTERS HENNAED THEIR HAIR - AND IT'S GREAT - Anne Manning 02:19:33 5/18/2001
Fingertip henna - Shabree 22:48:22 5/17/2001
black henna mix - Cha 19:28:19 5/17/2001
Black Henna Warning Site - Joe B 15:46:50 5/17/2001
Attention all you LYNS - samantha 15:44:20 5/17/2001
Sanskrit - Laura 14:39:17 5/17/2001
just a little something interesting on henna history - samantha 12:04:21 5/17/2001
Need New Design for Your Site? Need New Site's Designing? Need Logo, Banner or Any Other Graphics? - Peter Quer 08:33:10 5/17/2001
names in chinese symbols - troy mckinnon 08:07:32 5/17/2001
Free Hennatattoo.com branded email address's - Matthew 05:03:33 5/17/2001
Mehndi Sites - Yvonne 00:43:22 5/17/2001
Henna in houston texas - Leslie 00:07:42 5/17/2001
suger in the henna mix and things to do with plastic bags when you're bored - Anne in CT 22:26:09 5/16/2001
No luck with the tea tree oil. What am I doing wrong? - Lynn 15:44:10 5/16/2001
comparison - samantha 11:31:01 5/16/2001
why? - samantha 10:46:26 5/16/2001
I recently had a black henna tatoo-no reaction, but could it still be dangerous? - Stephanie 03:03:56 5/16/2001
Japanese Symbols - Daniel Lingwood 00:05:18 5/16/2001
Rouen, Day 2 - Talia 21:03:54 5/15/2001
Faeries! I need faeries! - mehndi mama 20:48:10 5/15/2001
Henna plus beads take one - Matthew 18:09:22 5/15/2001
navneet books - Mehndiman 18:02:24 5/15/2001
Heat and pore opening - a thought - samantha 16:05:12 5/15/2001
I MAY NEED HELP...MY DAUGHTERS JUST HENNAED THEIR HAIR ... - Anne Manning 10:01:21 5/15/2001
Looking for Angel in Japanese!¡!¡! - AngelFace 07:18:20 5/15/2001
Stencils... - komangetmy 03:22:56 5/15/2001
Updating website! (building, actually...) - Nick 01:48:52 5/15/2001
Wrapping... - komangetmy 01:09:50 5/15/2001
How do you put it on - Martha 00:38:55 5/15/2001
INFO INFO INFO Please .... - Anne Manning 00:29:12 5/15/2001
henna removal on palms and fine lines - Talia 19:25:40 5/14/2001
ear wraps?? - Yvonne 18:39:11 5/14/2001
Tatoo - Mark 18:22:10 5/14/2001
- Re: Tatoo - info goddess 18:51:53 5/14/2001
Michelle, I'm back from Europe... - ~*Kalila*~ 17:12:08 5/14/2001
party?? / thanks CCJ - veggiesaurus 16:53:53 5/14/2001
henna site - samantha 11:00:27 5/14/2001
A reminder about Info Goddess and anonimity - Jeremy Rowntree - Site Owner 11:00:22 5/14/2001
cats,fish,scorpions etc - Mark 07:56:27 5/14/2001
Looking for moral support. - Lisa O. 03:30:53 5/14/2001
Any festivals in the St Louis area? - jen 03:30:46 5/14/2001
Oxford - what a buzz - samantha 23:41:18 5/13/2001
samantha@easeonwest.co.uk - Oxford - what a buzz 23:40:18 5/13/2001
sisterly tattoos - Rebecca 20:36:50 5/13/2001
sisterly tattoos - Rebecca 20:36:47 5/13/2001
My first festival! - Yvonne 19:00:43 5/13/2001
Hey Talia! Here are some more Indian designs. - Dawn R 18:59:45 5/13/2001
Hey Talia! Here are some more Indian designs. - Dawn R 18:59:18 5/13/2001
Henna basic carry box... - Denise 17:56:33 5/13/2001
An ezine article on me ;) - MyST 15:49:37 5/13/2001
To Erfan - Shabree 22:27:01 5/12/2001
Link to Navaid's Web site???? - Lynn 19:50:55 5/12/2001
Death From an Allergic Reaction: More Damage Control For Henna Artists,Unfortunately - Lynn 17:53:41 5/12/2001
Death From an More Damage Control For Henna Artists,Unfortunately - Lynn 17:35:22 5/12/2001
Liabiltity insurance... - Denise 12:48:53 5/12/2001
I´m sorry and I´m wondering..... - Erfan 09:50:08 5/12/2001
Symbols - Caroline 06:48:49 5/12/2001
Workshops - Marie 06:42:57 5/12/2001
Egyptian Henna (brand) - goldigold 23:24:12 5/11/2001
Symbols - Jennifer 18:46:41 5/11/2001
Color Chart for Henna - Dawn R 18:22:07 5/11/2001
Castle Art Henna gave me the best results ever!!! - Tracy 18:17:27 5/11/2001
Brite henna powder - Shabree 12:57:34 5/11/2001
samantha@eastonwest.co.uk - a question of ownership 09:34:36 5/11/2001
Namaste - Matthew 04:42:55 5/11/2001
I need info on egyption alphabet and something that explains it - sean 01:49:49 5/11/2001
Shiram Henna Paste - vainvixen 00:00:29 5/11/2001
Shiram Henna Paste - vainvixen 23:59:05 5/10/2001
Brand name of the makeup fixative - Kenzi 22:54:35 5/10/2001
HAVE FUN IN OXFORD! - mark 21:32:43 5/10/2001
American Indian Temp Tattoo/Henna Artist in Houston - Dara 19:36:08 5/10/2001
Chinese Lettering - Byron 19:27:13 5/10/2001
Henna Lettering - Shamin 17:33:42 5/10/2001
FDA statment: PPD in henna is illegal; pure henna still in a grey area(?) - Catherine Cartwright JOnes 16:09:30 5/10/2001
re:PLEASE HELP ME!!!! - Stephanie 14:20:14 5/10/2001
Any British henna artist? - Talia 23:33:27 5/9/2001
paint thinner--did work! - Talia 21:41:35 5/9/2001
makeup fixatives - Yvonne 19:53:16 5/9/2001
makeup fixatives - Yvonne 19:52:32 5/9/2001
Henna stains and ink/needle tattoo's - Willowhawk 17:37:48 5/9/2001
Please help - Linsee Hagen 15:44:24 5/9/2001
Dragons Blood resin - Shaykhara 05:12:15 5/9/2001
Essential Oils ..........Cheaper isnt always better....... - Michelle Rossfeld 00:22:06 5/9/2001
Henna Artist available in South Dakota - Afaf Dawoud 23:24:35 5/8/2001
PPD - Moshe 21:20:13 5/8/2001
- Re: PPD - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:50:20 5/9/2001
Kenzi's sifting method.. - jessica 18:11:31 5/8/2001
henna - nancy 07:26:39 5/8/2001
Canopy for events - Diane 05:41:15 5/8/2001
Bottle Snob ;) - MyST 04:00:10 5/8/2001
a few questions about henna - jennifer 03:56:13 5/8/2001
Buscando (looking for ) artistas de la Henna en Colombia... - komangetmy 03:49:45 5/8/2001
CCJ's New Patterns (The E-Book) - Dawn R 03:49:10 5/8/2001
question - Kristin Geesling 03:31:42 5/8/2001
- Re: question - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:27:57 5/8/2001
3M micropore tape? - Denise 02:13:48 5/8/2001
a few questions - kristin 02:01:51 5/8/2001
Paint thinner in henna - Talia 01:39:33 5/8/2001
Color Rant... - Talia 01:36:27 5/8/2001
Is there a license required to do Henna? - Beth 23:38:04 5/7/2001
Windy solutions - Kenzi 15:45:49 5/7/2001
Tribal Symbols Translation - John A. 13:27:53 5/7/2001
e-book of henna patterns - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:44:30 5/7/2001
Is it good enough... - Kim 08:01:45 5/7/2001
Sifting Success!!!! - mark 07:53:56 5/7/2001
henna paste removal - veggiesaurus 03:09:40 5/7/2001
How to say thanks.....??? - Diana 14:38:46 5/6/2001
How much tea tree oil do you need? - Talia 08:12:52 5/6/2001
Henna Skin Tan - Lisa Patellis 05:12:39 5/6/2001
asian women status - ray 03:18:36 5/6/2001
Birthday henna? - Talia 03:18:32 5/6/2001
chinese word for FRIENDS - MICHELLE 22:24:18 5/5/2001
henna - mak 18:11:31 5/5/2001
painting simple designs - kitty 17:15:13 5/5/2001
Tea Tree Oil at WalMart...a report back from an earlier post - Rachael Oliveira 17:15:01 5/5/2001
henna - hennascience 05:29:51 5/5/2001
Artist's design books - Denise 00:41:05 5/5/2001
Looking for a Henna artist in Houston, Texas - Char 21:31:16 5/4/2001
Henna in highschool - jessica 19:28:31 5/4/2001
Where can I buy tracing paraphernalia? - TigerLily 11:22:06 5/4/2001
HENNA - hennascience 08:58:56 5/4/2001
- Re: HENNA - UMESH ARORA 19:22:41 5/4/2001
- Re: HENNA - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:11:03 5/4/2001
- Re: HENNA - hennascience 18:42:35 5/4/2001
- Re: HENNA - samantha 09:43:32 5/4/2001
- Re: HENNA - hennascience 19:06:13 5/4/2001
black henna.......ugh - anna mooney 04:23:46 5/4/2001
Lemon-sugar/NewSkin alternative - Kenzi 00:49:57 5/4/2001
thought this was interesting - MyST 22:56:52 5/3/2001
dying eyelashes with henna - Greta 22:21:54 5/3/2001
Old Henna Paste Reaction? - Angie 21:43:11 5/3/2001
Coffee Grinders - Shabree 21:10:41 5/3/2001
Henna-dyed Hair - MARIA JOSE GONZALEZ 20:03:11 5/3/2001
Link your site at henna-boy.co.uk - mark 19:11:59 5/3/2001
symbol - Rebecca Flanagan 18:54:31 5/3/2001
How do I use the hectograph pencils? - Tracy 16:52:37 5/3/2001
Copper - mark 15:58:26 5/3/2001
- Re: Copper - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:45:59 5/3/2001
- Re: Copper - mark 17:15:14 5/3/2001
- Re: Copper - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:34:14 5/3/2001
- Re: Copper - samantha 16:41:07 5/3/2001
NEW UK HENNA SITE - WHAT U THINK????? - Archie Archer 11:07:10 5/3/2001
Parental consent question - Akuma 03:16:12 5/3/2001
Neat Experience - Me'ira 02:35:39 5/3/2001
Bridal Shower henna party - Candra 02:27:19 5/3/2001
Todays Henna riddle.. - Denise 00:55:50 5/3/2001
Living the Life - Rachael 23:50:19 5/2/2001
tattoo - susan 23:32:50 5/2/2001
Mehendi...a passing fad!!!! - Willowhawk 23:11:59 5/2/2001
Troubleshooting page - Lauren 22:54:26 5/2/2001
looking for henna artist - jazibe 22:15:34 5/2/2001
Navaid Henna Hair Dye - Mary Axworthy 21:26:46 5/2/2001
Looking For Designs - Lisa 18:24:28 5/2/2001
henna hair dye - Brianna 17:05:13 5/2/2001
My first client! - Monica Tittle 16:35:49 5/2/2001
New henna website - please see new info - Archie Archer 13:50:11 5/2/2001
www.hennaexport.com - UMESH ARORA 10:03:50 5/2/2001
insurance - uk - samantha 09:38:04 5/2/2001
For Dawn R. - Mark 09:27:07 5/2/2001
For Mark Foster - Abid & Co 06:54:51 5/2/2001
For Mark Foster - Abid & Co 06:54:41 5/2/2001
go forth and henna one another!! - Darlahood 05:59:51 5/2/2001
can't find it - Sherise 04:29:01 5/2/2001
chinese symbols ? - Jesse 03:15:20 5/2/2001
Henna Video! - Body Art Supply.com 23:18:35 5/1/2001
How to avoid clogs...in pictures - Kenzi 23:04:59 5/1/2001
Does anyone have samples of....Radico or Abids henna powder - Michelle Rossfeld 16:05:18 5/1/2001
Need more PPD pix for your booth? - Catherien Cartwright Jones 15:45:02 5/1/2001
UK Meet 12-13 May - mark 14:40:26 5/1/2001
Thank You for the warnings, - Calvin Brodus 11:57:03 5/1/2001
Looking for professional artist to act as my mentor... - Mim 08:07:08 5/1/2001
- Carrie? - Kree at Gilded Lilies 23:20:28 5/1/2001
Blue Lotus Henna Spammers - Kree at Gilded Lilies 07:20:07 5/1/2001
Help....Can anyone tell me how much essential oil they put in their paste? - Mcihelle Rossfeld 01:45:22 5/1/2001
henna powder - Madelyn Pryor 01:19:57 5/1/2001
so sorry if I offended anyone with the ? about M D H henna, I'm just using it for hair color - jamkat 01:06:56 5/1/2001
Help! My Henna is weak and it won't get dark! - Madelyn Pryor 00:55:06 5/1/2001
Loooots of questions.... - Komangetmy 00:02:16 5/1/2001